“ | Let it shine! May the world be bright- for eternity! | ” |
— A line of June's speech, Darkness will not end the world.
She has skin tone 2 with yellow hair and yellow eyes.
June is sweet as a sunflower, but stings like a hornet if she does not like you! Literally about the stinging like a hornet part, she's part bee! If you make good friends with her, she will be like a caring, and loving sister to you!
Bee Outfit: For honoring the bees, she wears it.
Swarm of Bees: She wears it for honoring the bees.
Yellow Sneakers: Nothing special, just some sneakers she painted yellow.
Stung!: Due to the fact that she is part bee, her tail can harden and be used as a stinger.
Swarming: She can summon a swarm of bees to help her.
Astral Magic
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
Shadow Magic
Ice: She can easily break ice with her stinger. The bee outfit also provides some warmth.
Water: She can fly above it.
Fire Magic: She can't stop fire.
Plants: Due to being part bee, she sometimes has the impulse to fly to plants.
Creela: Personal pet.
Dreamlet: Rescued at level 52.
- She loves stars, and wants to know more about them.