Kendra the W1Z-42D is a OC(Original Character)in Prodigy.
Current name:Kendra the W1Z-42D
Real Name:Kendra Lingle Jingle
Aliases:Kendra the Christmas Lady(by Santiago Summershorts),Jingle Kendra,Kendra of the Christmases(by Timekeeper Tickey),Ms.Christmas Lady,Ms.Christmas,The Opposite of Santiago Summershorts
Relatives:Mary Jingle,Bella Jingle
Affiliation:Christmas planner and arranger
Occupation:Christmas planner and arranger
Date of Birth:December 25th,2004
Death:October 31st,2018
Fate:Kendra was making the Christmas Tree when darkness went all over the room.Only a flash of light survived the room.Everyone went to the flash of light,but they didn't see this:that was the eye of the Puppet Master's morphing pet:Flash.Flash immediately leapt to eat everyone.Other people hid,but Kendra tried to calm it down.Flash pretended to calm down-but when Kendra got too close-CHOMP!Flash ate poor Kendra.Kendra used a lot of spells to get her out,but too late-Flash got more powerful when his bones soaked up the spells from Kendra.
Zodiac:Capricorn the Sea Goat
Location of death:Academy
Locations:Academy,Lamplight Town(Winterfest),Shiverchill Mountains,Frozen Lake(once placed in Shiverchill Mountains,made by Kendra,now gone),Frozen Realm
Time found:Winter
Strengths:Cleaning up,redecorating,painting,spray painting,Storm element pets,snowball fights,helping people,helping Shiverchill Mountains
Weaknesses:Fire element pets,Bonfire Spire,Summer
Allies/Friends:Faith Icethinker,Isabella Icecraver,Mysteral,Icemini,Fiona Icestaff