Worlds have merged, and a young wizard named Kevin Dragonhunter gains the power to turn into a chameleon at will, and a pink orb joins him. Miles Tails Prower crashes his biplane and lands at the Academy with Sonic.
Chapter 1: The Worlds Merging[]
Gale: Huh? Portals?
Florian: I see none.
Florian: My office in the Earth Tower.
Gale: Oh.
Noot: What's happening, Gale?
Gale: Oh, uh, Noot, something just came out of a portal. Wha-
???: Poyo!
Gale: Don't hurt me! I'm innocent!
???: *speaks English, suddenly* My name is Kirby.
Gale. Hey Kirby. Tell me about yourself.
Kirby: I am a young orb from Dream Land, and I can inhale things to steal their power.
Gale: That inhaling power sounds cool! We can use it to save the island!
Kirby: Wait, ISLAND? You're telling me I'm on an island? Is this the Prodigy Island?
Gale: Yes.
Kevin: I'm here!
Kirby: Hi!
Kevin: Oh, and, uh.....Puffy?
Kirby: It's KIRBY, not PUFFY!
Kevin: Oh. Your name is Kirby. My name is Kevin. There's another island called Harmony Island. Come with me!
Chapter 2: Kirby on Harmony Island[]
Kirby: A... crystal?
Kevin: Yep. Touch it!
Kirby: Okay. What's gonna hap- *flash*
Kevin: I'm going in!
Kirby: Where am I?
Prince E Spell: Hello young orb!
Prince E Spell: Oh. Hello Kirby. Begin your training.
Kevin: *humming* Wait, WHERE DID KIRBY GO?!
Kirby: I just finished training!
Kevin: Okay.
Chapter 3: A Terrifying Battle[]
Kevin: What's that?
Kirby: Poyo!
Kevin: Poyo, eh?
Kirby: No, I say poyo when I'm scared.
Kevin: Oh.
Zero: Kirby.
Kirby: *inhales microphone and starts screaming at Zero*
Zero: Goodbye, you harmful o-AAAAAAAAA NO DON'T VACUUM ME UP AAAAAA
Kirby: *spits out Zero*
Kevin: Good one, Kirby!
Chapter 4: The Worlds Merge[]
Kirby: Huh?
Kevin: Let's go to the Academy!
Kirby: *pulls out Warp Star* HOP ON!
Gale: HUH? The portals are gone!
Noot: ...and me, you, Mira Shade, and the Puppet Master have siblings now. From ANOTHER WORLD.
Mira Shade: ...adding on to that, the-
Kevin and Kirby: WAHOO!
Gale: Uh........ Kirby's here.
Noot: ...adding on to that, Kevin is too.
Mira Shade: As I was saying, the siblings me, Noot, Gale, and the Puppet Master are all genderbends.
Kirby: What's a genderbend?
Noot: A genderbend is something with an opposite gender.
Kirby: So, a genderbend of me would be a girl.
Noot: Yes.
Ada: *heads downstairs* Hey guys!
Noot: Where's Gale? Is he in White Void?
Chapter 5: Sonic's Crash Landing[]
Sonic: Hey Tails, you gonna land n- AAAH! We crashed!
Gale: Welcome t-
Sonic and Tails: OH NO! AN EVIL ROBOT!
Sonic: I'll destroy it. You watch.
Gale: I-I'm not an evil robot! I'm an innocent fairy named Gale!
Sonic: Okay, Gale. My name's Sonic the Hedgehog. That 8-year-old fox with 2 tails is named Tails.
Tails: Hello!
Kevin: Sonic and Tails? It's them?
Sonic: Yes.
Tails: Hello Kevin.
Chapter 6: & Knuckles[]
Knuckles: *gliding and hits Academy platform island thing from the side*
Kevin: Woah! What was that?
Knuckles: *climbs up*
Kevin: Knuckles? Come in and learn some spells!
Knuckles: *laughs* Spells? You're saying I'm at a school of MAGIC?
Kevin: Yep.
Shadow: Is Eggman on this island?
Tails: Looks like Shadow's at the door. I'll let him in.
Shadow: Hey Tails. Is Eggman here?
Tails: Oh hey, Shadow! Eggman's still planning revenge.
Eggman: Well, well, well, if it isn't Tails and Shadow!
Kevin: *casts Ray of The Ancient on the Egg Mobile* Take that!
Eggman: Oh no! *jumps out of Egg Mobile* I'm gonna steal those gems in this castle!
Gale: Stop it! You are Sonic's worst enemy!
Eggman: How do you know?
Gale: I asked Sonic!
Chapter 7: Chaos Emeralds[]
Kevin: Found these! *holds up the 7 Chaos Emeralds*
Sonic: It's time for Eggman's end!
Kevin: *turns super* Take this, Eggman!
Kevin: *collides with Eggman*
Eggman: I hate that wizard!
Sonic: Oh, you hate Kevin? Take this!
Chapter 8: Ending[]
Sonic: This island was saved by me!
All (including absent characters): YAY!
Infinite: No... I can not be defeated. If only I could revenge that awful human....