Chapter 1[]
Deep in the volcano of Bonfire Spire, within the fiery depths of the pit, was a camp of knights bound by chivalry and honor. They called themselves the Red Knights. The Red Knights were known far and wide as some of the most heroic knights to ever step foot on the Earth. They consisted of twelve members; twelve people who had committed themselves to the honor of the Red Knights.
Of particular note is the group's most recent member (though that could be a bit of a stretch, as he had been in the group for all of his 18 years), Theo Flamedragon, who devoted his entire life to assisting the other Red Knights the best he could as a squire. Theo was avid in studying Fire magic like most of the other Red Knights, but was also a dedicated fighter as well, displaying several feats of battle prowess and could effectively fight with even a heavy lance.
This tale begins to unfold...
Chapter 2[]
Theo Flamedragon never thought to be an outstanding wizard or fighter. It's what the other Red Knights told him, but he never thought to achieve this, only to become relegated to a supporting role. He never thought a day would come that would assist him, but he remained hopeful...
Theo was in the middle of studying more about the monsters of the world in his room (he was intrigued by the Embershed for its great power and intelligence) when he heard a loud knock.
"Come in!" yelled Theo. The door opened, and the leader, Anthony Mythsword, entered the room.
"Theo," said Anthony as he sat down on one of Theo's soft red chairs that was near the door.
"Yes?" replied Theo. He put down his book and faced Anthony.
"I'm here to inform you of something. Something you'll find very important to you."
"What could it possibly be that would be so important, sir?" asked Theo, listening intently.
Anthony leaned in closer to Theo and said "Since your birthday was a few weeks ago, we have decided that you are of age to go on missions with the other Red Knights."
Theo looked blank-faced as he processed what Anthony had said, then suddenly burst into a smile. Theo then asked, reaffirming, "I'm able to go on missions?"
"Yes, Theo," Anthony said while slightly grinning. "Yes, you are." Anthony was not particularly known for his smiles, so even seeing him grin, even slightly, meant that he was serious about the affirmation. "We will get your confirmation from the queen very soon." Anthony then got up from the chair and left the room.
As far as Theo had known, all of the mission approvals had been confirmed. As expected, Theo was ecstatic. He quickly got up and quickly ran to the main room, where the other Red Knights were. In the room was Seth Dreamblade, Theo's closest friend, who was not much older than him, Albert Silvertalon, who was uneasy about Theo's presence in the group, and Ayla Nearhunter, who was usually very quiet when around other people, but was an extremely experienced Knight.
"Hey! Everyone!" Theo called excitedly as he rushed into the room. "I'm going to be able to go on missions soon!"
"Well that's great!" replied Seth. "You'll be able to show off your true skills and assist us."
Ayla merely nodded her head in approval.
"Ha," said Albert. Albert had always been a bit antagonistic towards Theo, but was still a Knight, bound by a certain honor. "Who's to say he won't screw up and kill all of us?"
Seth quickly retaliated, "I have trust in him."
"I have trust in the Red Knights," said Albert. "But not the newbie." Albert walked out of the room, saying tauntingly "Don't come crying back to me when it turns out I'm right."
Right after Albert left, Theo said to Seth "I don't really mind him anyway. Besides, the excitement I have for this mission outweighs whatever Albert's talking about."
Seth sighed and said "Well, that's good. Albert can be a bit of a hassle sometimes. Don't let him weigh you down."
Some time later, Anthony came back into the room. "Red Knights, gather your weapons," he called. "We have been called to investigate ruins near the volcano. Several anomalies have been appearing."