- 3-Course Concoctions
- A Bigger World
- A Day in the Coliseum
- A History of Prodigia
- A History of Prodigia/Blessings from the Sea: 0 AD-112 AD
- A History of Prodigia/Lachrymation by Lamplight: 112 AD-289 AD
- A History of Prodigia/The Temple Builders: ???-2000 BD
- A Hunter's Spear: Drowned
- A Mortal's Log of Aeons & Deities
- A Normal Picnic
- A Prodigy Flame
- A Prodigy’s Journey
- A Prodigy’s Journey/Part 1
- A Roleplaying Guide for Dummies (RP Wiki Edition)
- A Shadow's New Life
- A Shattered Heart of Glass
- A Study in Philosophy
- A Wizard's Guide to the Arena
- Aaron Shadowshard
- Abilities
- Abilities/FourSevensRueful Version
- Abner Herolight
- Abyssmole
- Academy's Past
- Academy Assignment
- Academy Atrocities
- Academy Special Shop
- Academy Sub-Basement
- Ace Fireheart
- Achievements
- Achievements/FourSevensRueful Version
- Acid Star
- Ada
- Ada Snowheart
- Adamma Abubakar
- Additional Anti-Cheat Measures
- Adherents of the Church of Astrallum
- Adoption
- Adoption/FourSevensRueful Version
- Adrienne Ironshard
- Adventures of Ansat and Ben
- Adventures of Charlie
- Aeron Dreamchaser
- Aether
- Agni Firewalker
- Aiden Firewalker
- Air Tribe
- Airwalkers: The True Story of the Smartest Kid in the Academy
- Alan Everfrost
- Alex Dreamhelper
- Alex Stormshadow
- Alexa Shardwisp
- Alge
- Alternative Evolution Methods
- Alternative Evolution Methods/FourSevensRueful Version
- Alvin Stormward
- Always Me: Book 1
- Alyss Flameheart
- Alyssa Riverdreamer
- Amari Chapman
- Amathine Flamegiver
- Amber's Wrath
- Amber Dragonhunter
- Amber Falling Star
- Amberthyst Element
- Amelia Applelover
- Amethyst Skies
- Amira
- Ampereshed
- Ampliflower
- Amy Lokuramech
- Amy and Crystal
- Anastasia Divinedreamer
- Ancient Glacier Tribe Tree
- Ancient Nexus
- Ancient Shadow Relic
- Ancient Tentacle
- Andrew Wingfeather
- Angel Element
- Angel Heartsister
- Angelica Softheart
- Angelo Forgemetal
- Anibut
- Annabella Oceancaller
- Annabelle Dustthinker
- Annoying Jack in the Ice Tower
- Ansat's Aracute
- Ansat Lightningheart
- Ansat Lightningheart/AAB
- Ansat and Ben: Beginnings
- Ansat to the Max
- Anvil
- April Lightningsinger
- Aqua Quake
- Aquanine
- Aquapot
- Aquarose Wand
- Aquatic Mithril
- Arcane Element
- Ari Flamesong
- Aria
- Aria Crimson-Melody
- Aria Steelwind
- Aria Stormchaser
- Ariana Lightmaster
- Armor
- Artem Moonlover
- Ash Redclaw
- Ashelt
- Ashley Dragoncaster
- Ashley Starheart
- Ashlyn Darkdragon
- Ashlyn Darkdragon/Quotes
- Ashy
- Astleylanche
- Astral Relic
- Astral Rune
- Astral Star Book
- Astral Tower
- Astral Tower/BFBFANBOYNOWx1000 Version
- Astral Tower/FourSevensRueful Version
- Astral Tower/XxRosexDawnxX Version
- Astral Tribe
- Astral Warden
- Astral vs Shadow
- Astrallum Apostates
- Astro-Shado
- Astrshed
- Atalanta Solarmoon
- Attributes and Affinities
- Aura
- Auray
- Aurgelmir
- Auromi
- Aurora Herolight
- Aurowl
- Austen Starheart
- Automatic Crossbow
- Avane
- Avery Goldentalon
- Axel
- Axel Clearblade
- Axel Starheart
- Ayanna
- Ayla Fableshade
- Azure
- B1ACKH013
- Bag of Hematite
- Bag of Wind
- Balance and Imbalance
- Baltbark
- Bambi
- Banana Scovile
- Banana Sundae Blastrout
- Barbecue Grill
- Barknight
- Barāquian
- Basic Astral Relic
- Basil
- Basilisk Disease
- Battle Accelerator
- Battle Terminate
- Battle ross
- Battlebot
- Beck
- Bedbug
- Bee Box
- Bee Bread
- Bee Cloud
- Behades
- Bella Bronzetorch
- Bellows
- Benjamin Firestorm
- Benjamin Firestorm/AAB
- Benjamyn Bluethinker
- Bennett Fablegiver
- Bethany Shadowjewel
- Billyfoot Squirrel (Furniture)
- Birch Sap
- Birch Syrup
- Birch Tribe
- Bitbotfest
- Bitnese Guide
- Bittersweet
- Black Ice Rukus
- Blank
- Blaze
- Blaze & Glaze
- Blaze Firewalker
- Blazetooth
- Blazing Broadsword
- Blinding Blitz
- Blitzhared
- Blood Moon Bitbot
- Bloomivern
- Blueburn Volcanine
- Blueflame Theory
- Boba Robes
- Bobbil Der
- Body Types
- Bodyguards
- Bolt-Strike Magnome
- Bonfire Colony
- Bookshelf
- Bottle of Arsenic
- Bottle of Sunlight
- Bouncy Bot
- Bounty Hunters
- Braxton
- Breeding
- Breeding/FourSevensRueful Version
- Breeding/Mxnty Vibez Version
- Breeze Windshard
- Bricker
- Bright Aegis
- Bright Neek
- Broken Beyond Repair
- Brooke Riverrunner 1: The Elemental Clash
- Brooke Thundershade
- Brooklyn Goldencrafter
- Brumbolt
- Bubble Coral
- Bubble Set
- Buddy Ideas
- Bunny Suit Set
- Burn Those Silhouettes to Dust
- Burner Firetail
- Burning Spectrum
- Buttercup Glimmersteel
- Butterflies' Song
- Caddisfolk
- Caitlin Stormdancer
- Caltrop
- Cameron Firevoice
- Can Grenade
- Candelynx
- Candied Hazelnuts
- Caniwarp
- Caniwarp/Breeds
- Capgras Syndrome
- Cappingtron
- Captain Scribbles
- Carcus the Terrible Exposed?
- Carter Stormchaser
- Cassandra Moonshadow
- Catnip
- Catnip Tea
- Cave Burnewt
- Cavern Stingenewt
- Caverna
- Caverners
- Caverns List
- Ceasefire
- Ceasefire: Extras
- Celesky
- Celeste
- Celeste Cloudglider: the Tale of a Wizard
- Celeste Fallsister
- Celesteate and the Existence Eraser
- Celestia's Cry
- Celestial's Scale
- Celestial Bow
- Celestial Element
- Celestial Fruit
- Celestial Fruit Juice
- Celestial Fruit Pie
- Celestial Pine
- Celestial Pine Branches
- Celestial Wrath
- Celestina Stormblade
- Cenorism
- Cereza Cherryprism
- Cero Stormward
- Challenger PvP Etiquette - A Study Guide
- Chamomile
- Chamomile Tea
- Chapters
- Charlie Snapdragon
- Chase Flamemaster
- Chasmid
- Cheryl Vinetrapper
- Chestnut Flour
- Chestnut Pancakes
- Chestnut Pudding
- Chestnut Tree
- Chestnuts
- Chet Sterling
- Chicken Boots
- Chicken Sword
- Chili Dog
- Chill Crystal
- Chillchilla
- Chipped Emerald
- Chloe Kyaku
- Chloro Onyx
- Choryrth
- Chris Snapdragon
- Christina Mayflower
- Christmas Tree buddy
- Christmastime Ultimate Member Box
- Christnel
- Cibyl Windshadow
- Cinnamon Tree
- Citizens of Prodigy English Theories
- Clashing Swords
- Clawcrusher
- Clawed Rock
- Click the Bait
- Cloud Thundercaster
- Cloudmath
- Clover
- Coalwalker Celeste
- Coastfoal
- Cobnut
- Coco Neek
- Cocoa Pod
- Cold Shadows
- Cole Firewalker
- Cole Quakefollower
- Collaboration Mode
- Columbia Icefreeze
- Combo Elements
- Combo Elements/Englishblackberryfox Version
- Combo Elements/FourSevensRueful Version
- Combo Elements/Friendly Chameleon Alternate Version
- Combo Elements/NurSpellcast Version
- Common Bristletail
- Confounding Speech
- Connor
- Connor Dustthinker
- Connor Wishstone
- Consumables
- Convergent Pets
- Coral
- Coral & Combust
- Corruption
- Cosmic Burnewt
- Cosmic Void
- Cranberries
- Cranberry Jam
- Crater's Cradle
- Creek Tribe
- Crumpled Feather
- Crystal
- Crystal Caverns/Prodigy English