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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

The Luma Healers are a secret society of healers. It is unknown when the group was created, but they are beloved to have come from Luma herself. They only exist to heal any wandering travelers. They mainly reside in the woods of Lamplight Town and are one of few who can reach the Epics Subspace. They worship and give blessings to Luma. They are a peaceful people who have a strong sense of community, love, and peace.

The Rays[]

The rays are the different groups of healers inside of the Luma healers society. Each is stationed in different areas and in heal different ways.

The Florafox/Earth Ray[]

The Florafox/Earth ray is the largest and strongest ray, as they use Earth magic and worship Florafox, who is also known for her ability to heal. They do not have any specialty and are gifted in all forms of healing magic. They are situated through the whole region of Firefly Forest and are close with the Forest Tribe. They mainly use many forms of flora and medicines for their healing and are known for their secret and sprawling garden, which is said to bless all who stumble upon it.

The Arctursus/Ice Ray[]

The Arctursus/Ice Ray is the weakest ray. They use Ice magic and worship Arctursus. They specialize in temperature-related injuries such as burns and hypothermia, like the Magmischief/Fire ray. They are situated in Crystal Caverns. They mainly help miners in Crystal Caverns with the help of Aspen Frost. They are acquainted with the Moon and Glacier tribes, but they are not closely linked.

The Big Hex/Storm Ray[]

The Big Hex/Storm ray is a ray that mainly heals with technology as opposed to natural medicines annd methods. They are the only ray that is not secret and they created and work in hospitals. They use Storm magic and technology and worship Big Hex. They are not a hidden group and are situated in factories of Skywatch and hospitals in Lamplight Town. They specialize in surgery like broken bones, tumors, and so on.

The Magmischief/Fire Ray[]

The Magmischief/Fire ray is one of the weaker rays. They use Fire magic and worship Magmischeif. They specialize in temperature-related injuries such as burns or hypothermia, and live with the Slimes of Bonfire Spire. They use medicines and the tropical flora of Bonfire Spire for their healing.

The Diveodile/Water Ray[]

The Diveodile/Water ray is the second-strongest ray. They use Water magic and worship Divodiele. They have no specialty and live with the Merlings and pirates of Shipwreck Shore. They are also close workers with the Creek Tribe. They use water magic for their healing, and help many pirates and wizards who travel between the main island of Prodigia and their little shore.

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Character Groups
Species: Caddisfolk  •  Faen  •  Humans (+Infernal Wizards)  •  Community Version  •  AlyssSolo Version  •  FourSevensRueful Version  •  Jellybean Jade Version
Species Group Pages: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Imps
Faen Groups
Fairy Tribes: Astral Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Crystal Tribe  •  Drake Tribe  •  Echoes of the Ice  •  Forest Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Storm Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Whispers of the Dark
Faerie Tribes:
Other Groups
Families: Presidential Nebluffs  •  Stormchaser Family  •  Starheart Family
Secular Organizations: Bounty Hunters (Disbanded)  •  Firestorm Laboratories  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  NootCorp  •  Shale Distributors  •  The Order  •  The Order of Influence (FSRV)  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters (Disbanded)  •  Voidwalker Sect
Religious Organizations: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Cenorism (Dead)  •  Harmonism  •  Luma Healers  •  Nalism (Dead)  •  Barāquian
Colonies: Bonfire Colony  •  Mech Colony  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga
Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Resurrection Tribe  •  Spirit Tribe (Disbanded)  •  Werewolf Tribe
Other: Astrallum Apostates  •  Bodyguards  •  Caverners  •  Founding Wardens  •  Magical Mercenaries