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This guide helps wizards make roleplays. It is by no means a policy page.
- Roleplay - A multi-contributor story where wizards collaborate to make an unscripted fiction. Abbreviated RP.
- Pre-roleplay discussion - The use of a Discussion thread, categorized as a roleplay thread, to prepare a roleplay before its page is made. They are not necessary for roleplays that are held within discussions. Participants may use this to communicate with other participants while out-of-character (OOC) or they may use the comment section of the actual page to discuss developments to the story.
- Asks - Roleplays where people portraying "anonymous users," other characters, or themselves ask characters about specific parts of their life or experiences.
- Walk-in - A roleplay where anyone can submit their portrayed characters in the appropriate pre-roleplay discussion and enter with approval.
- Ping - The use of mentioning to invite users to a roleplay.
- Open roleplay - A roleplay that allows new users to enter with the permission of the roleplay owner(s) or the current participants.
- Closed roleplay - A roleplay that no longer accepts new participants. The roleplay can be opened again at any time by the roleplay owner(s) or by a majority or unanimous vote by current participants.
- Closure - The end of a roleplay, usually taking place when users no longer add to the roleplay for 30 days or more or when all of the users make a unanimous vote to end the roleplay.
Starting and Ending a Roleplay[]
Knowing how to start and how to end a roleplay are crucial in making the roleplay work. To begin one, it is best to know the type of roleplay that is being used.
- Asks can be hosted in both discussions or on a normal page, both lacking the need for pre-roleplay discussion. They are simple and do not require much work to begin or end, as it is only up to the owner to do so.
- Joke/comic roleplays are light, but the user must have knowledge of what others find comical to be effective. It is usually best to host joke/comic roleplays on an actual page and have a closed pre-roleplay discussion with participants pinged first. They should be closed only if everyone that participates wishes to close them or if nobody contributes in over a month.
- Intense/serious roleplays must be started by a user who is well-read on the canon plot of Prodigy Math. It is best to host these roleplays on actual pages with separate pre-roleplay discussion. Active participants in other roleplays should be the only people that are pinged (invited via mention) unless these people express on their profiles that they do not want to be mentioned. These roleplays should be closed under the same circumstances that joke roleplays should be closed.
- If the roleplay is of another type or genre, do what is most appropriate or do what other successful roleplay beginners have done if the roleplays are similar and miscellaneous in type.
Here are some other rules of thumb:
- The closure of joke/comic and intense/serious roleplays should be decided within the pre-roleplay discussion to avoid later argument(s).
- Closed roleplays can have owners, but these owners may make the choice to have collective votes on closure.
In-Roleplay Etiquette[]
There are some basic roleplay rules (not official policies) that are followed not only here but also on other roleplay sites.
- Follow the rules established in the pre-roleplay discussion or top post on the thread, if any exist.
- Do not control other peoples' characters.
- Do not damage or "harm" other peoples' characters in-roleplay unless the situation allows that. However, "god modding," or remaining immune to all forms of damage, is also unacceptable and players should have their characters physically fallible.
- Avoid using harsh language in-character unless the character is predisposed to doing so and everyone appears fine with cursing in the pre-roleplay discussion, if any is available.
- In the pre-roleplay discussion, be clear on where the roleplay is to take place. Players that do not wish to have to extend their reaches out of a single in-roleplay area should not have to bend to the wishes of other players. Roleplaying characters should be relatively close, in in-roleplay proximity, together.
There are some roleplay rules (not official policies) that are specific to Prodigy Math game.
- Do not portray the Ancient or any deity-esque characters unless it is an Ask. The overpowered nature of these characters often ruins the fun of the roleplay.
- Do not use magic or combat spells unless permitted in the pre-roleplay discussion.
Forum Roleplay. "Good Roleplay Etiquette" 2021.
- The above source was used to provide some basic rules of in-game roleplay.