“ | This is an arrow. It's all I need. | ” |
— Melanie Illusionshadow
Melanie Illusionshadow is a character who appears in Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble.
She's a voidwalker with almond-colored skin and black hair. She has dark brown eyes and wears a black and dark violet version of the Phantom Cloak, as well as black-colored Ninja Covers. Her weapon of choice is a black Saggitarius Star Wand with violet arrows.
Voidwalker's Phantom: Phantom Cloak infused with Void Essence. Blends in with the darkness.
Void's Stealth: Void Essence-infused ninja covers. Provides silence when moving around.
Void's Bow: Sagittarius Star Wand infused with Void Essence.
Void Magic Voidwalking
Stealth and Speed: She's very capable in moving soundlessly through any terrain as well as being light on her feet.
Archery: She has astounding accuracy and very rarely misses her target. When she does, consider it a warning. She won't miss you twice.
Close Combat: She's not very skilled in close combat and prefers to avoid it.