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In fanon versions and fangames for Prodigy, there are different types of paid and earned memberships that unlock additional game content.
List of Memberships in Fanon Prodigy[]
- Trial Membership
- Membership
- Regular Membership
- Free Legacy Membership
- Legacy Membership
- Level-Up Membership
- Ultimate Membership
- Mega Membership
- Rickroll Membership
Trial Membership[]
A trial membership is a free Membership that only lasts 10 days. It is 100% free.
A Membership is free, but you must earn it by paying with gold coins that are in the game. It is the same amount of gold coins as it is in real money for a Legacy Membership.
Regular Membership[]
A Regular Membership is a paid-for, normal membership that gives you most details of the Level-Up membership, but less expensive.
Free Legacy Membership[]
A Free Legacy Membership is not 100% free, as you have to pay for it gold coins from the game. It is a little less gold coins than in real money; a real Legacy Membership. It gives you exclusive access to old items that have been removed from the game by spinning a prize wheel every month.
Legacy Membership[]
A Legacy Membership is not free, and it costs more real money than the Free Legacy Membership does coins. It gives you LOTS of exclusive a
Level-Up Membership[]
A Level-Up Membership gives you 10,000 battle stars per battle to level you up really fast. It is not free.
Ultimate Membership[]
An Ultimate Membership is not free, and gives you access to 1 exclusive item every month.
Mega Membership[]
A Mega Membership is not free; as it gives you 2 exclusive items every month.
Rickroll Membership[]
A Rickroll Membership is free, and you can earn it by unlocking every single Rickroll item in the game, which is really hard. It gives you 10 exclusive Rickroll items every month.