Mike is a character who will appear in the Prodigy English RP.
Mike has black hair being covered by a white headband. He wears a yellow T-shirt, black pants, and black sneakers. On his wrists are studded leather wristbands.
Mike is very enthusiastic about fighting and Martial Arts in general. He can be pretty naive sometimes, not knowing much about the world and turning to his coworker for advice.
Mike also has a bit of a hotheaded streak, tending to make impulsive decisions based off of said hotheadedness.
Weapons and Gear[]
Bandana: Just a simple bandana. It soaks up sweat and looks cool.
Brick: A random brick. It's useful for throwing at people, and jabbing people in the shin when they pin you to the ground with their foot.
- Martial Arts: Mikey was taught this by his mom. He's not sure what it's called, but it's apparently a mix of different martial arts.
- Striking Strength: Mike is strong enough to crack bricks. Cracking bricks do hurt his fists, though, so he tends to not do that.
- Combat Ability: Mike is skilled enough to go up against people a few years older than him.
- Impulsiveness: Mike’s hotheaded problem can lead him to make stupid decisions.
- Mike refers to his mother as “Mommy”. This totally does not reflect how Xansatsuken refers to his parents despite being a teenager, what do you mean?
- Mike is based off of many martial arts related characters, but mainly K.O. from O.K. K.O, Let's Be Heroes.
- Mikey has a tendency to punch things like trash cans and oil drums because he thinks he'll get cash from it