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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Modified Bow is an Item within fanon Prodigy.


A modified bow with a clear crystal embedded into the handle. It takes on the color of the user's respective element.

In-Game Description[]

"Made for a friend. A note came with the bow, reading: So you don't spend annoyingly long amounts of time making elemental arrows."

Obtainment Methods[]

Obtain from Battle Chests (Skywatch or Shiverchill).


8 Spell Power Bonus.

Elemental Resonance: Upon use, the arrows will be imbued with the element of its user, materializing out of pure elemental energy upon use. The strength of the elemental effect can be increased by normal elemental infusion.


  • It was used by an Ice Wizard before falling into the hands of its current owner.
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Skywatch Overhaul Navigation
Bows: Modified Crossbow  •  Modified Bow  •  Automatic Crossbow
Catalysts: None
Claymores: None
Polearms: None
Staffs: None
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser
Wands: Bricker  •  Stormrose Wand
Trees: Chokecherry Tree  •  Rainwood Tree  •  Plum Tree  •  Crabapple Tree  •  Frost Pine  •  Pear Tree
Herbs: tba
Other: Stormrose
Harvestable: Rain Berries  •  Plums  •  Crabapples  •  Pears  •  Carrots  •  Turnips  •  Beets  •  Radishes  •  Peas  •  Broccoli  •  Cauliflower  •  Parsnips
Cookable: Pitted Chokecherries  •  Candied Pears  •  Carrot Cake
NPCs: Storm Dreamchaser  •  Wattage
Devices: Timekeeper  •  INCD  •  Glass Tablet
Furniture: Glass Tablet
Other: Toolbox  •  Mithril Wire  •  Titanic Metal  •  Chokecherries  •  Cor Tempest

[v · t · e · ?]
Heart Bonus Equipment
Hats: Bunny Suit Hood  •  Electrician's Hardhat  •  Flamecrest  •  Head Sphere
Outfits: Bubble Wrap Garb  •  Bunny Suit Gear  •  Dragon Tuxedo  •  Drake Scale Armor  •  Janitor Costume  •  Shadow Robes
Boots: Bunny Suit Socks  •  Chicken Boots  •  Lit Kicks  •  Steel-Toed Boots  •  Water Golashes
Damage Bonus Equipment
Bows: Celestial Bow  •  Modified Bow  •  Modified Crossbow
Catalysts: Lunar Pearl  •  Solar Orb  •  Tengu Fan  •  Sand Storm
Claymores: Exorcist's Greatsword  •  Star's Blade
Polearms: Fathom's Pride  •  Resonant Aether
Staffs: Virgo Staff
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser  •  Sword of the Exorcist  •  Sword of Fire  •  Sword of Storm  •  Sword of Water
Wands: Aquarose Wand  •  Bricker  •  Chicken Sword  •  Earthen Wand  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Ophiuchus Star Wand  •  Snowrose Wand  •  Stained Glass Rod  •  Stormrose Wand
Equipment With Other Bonuses
Relics: Ancient Shadow Relic  •  Astral Relic  •  Astral Rune  •  Basic Astral Relic  •  Earth Rune  •  Fire Rune  •  Ice Rune  •  Powerful Astral Relic  •  Storm Rune  •  Strong Astral Relic  •  Void Relic (disk)  •  Void Relic (ring)  •  Water Rune
Tools: Hammer and Chisel  •  Ice Pick  •  Sifting Shovel  •  Steel Tools
Runes: None.
Mounts: Bee Cloud
Miscellaneous Equipment: Armor  •  Level Ringlet