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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Modified Crossbow is an Item within fanon Prodigy.


A modified crossbow with a specialized launcher. A ruby is embedded into it, glowing from traces of fire magic.

In-Game Description[]

"Custom made for a Fire Wizard who preferred using a crossbow."

Obtainment Methods[]

Obtain from Battle Chests (Skywatch or Bonfire).


5 Spell Power Bonus.

Flaming Arrows: If used by a wizard possessing the Fire Element, the arrows will be lit aflame upon being launched.


  • Ironically, it was made by a Storm Wizard, hence being obtained from Skywatch alongside Bonfire Spire.
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Skywatch Overhaul Navigation
Bows: Modified Crossbow  •  Modified Bow  •  Automatic Crossbow
Catalysts: None
Claymores: None
Polearms: None
Staffs: None
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser
Wands: Bricker  •  Stormrose Wand
Trees: Chokecherry Tree  •  Rainwood Tree  •  Plum Tree  •  Crabapple Tree  •  Frost Pine  •  Pear Tree
Herbs: tba
Other: Stormrose
Harvestable: Rain Berries  •  Plums  •  Crabapples  •  Pears  •  Carrots  •  Turnips  •  Beets  •  Radishes  •  Peas  •  Broccoli  •  Cauliflower  •  Parsnips
Cookable: Pitted Chokecherries  •  Candied Pears  •  Carrot Cake
NPCs: Storm Dreamchaser  •  Wattage
Devices: Timekeeper  •  INCD  •  Glass Tablet
Furniture: Glass Tablet
Other: Toolbox  •  Mithril Wire  •  Titanic Metal  •  Chokecherries  •  Cor Tempest

[v · t · e · ?]
Heart Bonus Equipment
Hats: Bunny Suit Hood  •  Electrician's Hardhat  •  Flamecrest  •  Head Sphere
Outfits: Bubble Wrap Garb  •  Bunny Suit Gear  •  Dragon Tuxedo  •  Drake Scale Armor  •  Janitor Costume  •  Shadow Robes
Boots: Bunny Suit Socks  •  Chicken Boots  •  Lit Kicks  •  Steel-Toed Boots  •  Water Golashes
Damage Bonus Equipment
Bows: Celestial Bow  •  Modified Bow  •  Modified Crossbow
Catalysts: Lunar Pearl  •  Solar Orb  •  Tengu Fan  •  Sand Storm
Claymores: Exorcist's Greatsword  •  Star's Blade
Polearms: Fathom's Pride  •  Resonant Aether
Staffs: Virgo Staff
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser  •  Sword of the Exorcist  •  Sword of Fire  •  Sword of Storm  •  Sword of Water
Wands: Aquarose Wand  •  Bricker  •  Chicken Sword  •  Earthen Wand  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Ophiuchus Star Wand  •  Snowrose Wand  •  Stained Glass Rod  •  Stormrose Wand
Equipment With Other Bonuses
Relics: Ancient Shadow Relic  •  Astral Relic  •  Astral Rune  •  Basic Astral Relic  •  Earth Rune  •  Fire Rune  •  Ice Rune  •  Powerful Astral Relic  •  Storm Rune  •  Strong Astral Relic  •  Void Relic (disk)  •  Void Relic (ring)  •  Water Rune
Tools: Hammer and Chisel  •  Ice Pick  •  Sifting Shovel  •  Steel Tools
Runes: None.
Mounts: Bee Cloud
Miscellaneous Equipment: Armor  •  Level Ringlet