Episode Prologue: The Beginning[]
Sadie Fletcher was sitting in class, looking at the cutest boy in her class, Brian Ross. Just then, the teacher walked into the room, with a teenager following her.
"Class, this is our new student, Kobe Kemono." she said.
Kobe had some messy hair, which actually somehow looked sort of spiky, somehow. On top of that was a red bandana, which was in perfect condition. He had a weird ice cream looking creature on his shoulder. It wasn't like any monster the class had ever seen.
The rest of his clothing remained unknown, as he was wearing the school uniform.
He took a random empty seat, which was behind Sadie. That sort of freaked her out for some reason.
After the teacher gave a lecture on the proper way to hold a sword, the bell rang, and everyone left the classroom.
Sadie was putting stuff in her locker, when she turned around, and saw her arch enemy, the bratty Tina Rogers, pushing Kobe around.
"Come on, too scared to fight a girl?" she asked.
Kobe stayed silent.
"Come on, fight back!"
"Outta my face, jerk!" replied Kobe, as he punched Tina in the face.
She fell to the ground, clutching her face in pain.
"You ruined my makeup!" she screeched.
She was about to commit attempted murder, when the teacher showed up, and so everyone fled the scene.
That was just one of the stupid stories that took place in Olivian Town's Battle Academy. Maybe I'll tell you another time.
3 weeks later, everyone was sitting in class, when the teacher decided to share an announcement.
"Okay, class. Today is the day where you'll start your Explorer's Exam." she said.
Everyone either cheered, or groaned.
"Now, for the convenience of Kobe, who's most likely never heard of this before, the Explorer's Exam is when you venture out into the world for a maximum of 2 years, and apply all that you've learned in the real world." said the teacher.
And so, after class ended, everyone was buzzing about what they would do, who they would go with, all that jazz.
Sadie decided to go by herself. She had no friends, after all.
And so, at the end of the school day, she packed her bags, and left town, sword in hand.
Little did she know what would happen next.
Episode 1: Leave Me Be[]
Sadie had been walking for a day at this point. Nothing interesting was happening. She hadn't made her way to any villages, she hadn't met any people, and she just wanted something interesting to happen.
Just then, a weird rock monster walked up to her, grunting, as he prepared to fight her.
"Finally!" she said, as she pulled out her sword. She swung it at the rock monster, as he fell backwards. He got back up, and rolled himself at Sadie.
She blocked with her sword, before counter attacking by striking at his center. The rock monster fell, before he crumbles... and broke apart, dropping some cash.
Sadie pocketed the cash, as she continued on, ecstatic.
An hour later, she reached a town. However, it was the dead of night, and almost everyone was asleep.
Sadie walked through town, holding her sword closely to her.
Just then, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, and found a thug.
"Gimme your cash!" he said, as he pulled out a knife.
"Give me your knife!" said Sadie, holding her sword close to his neck.
The thug was scared, before he smirked. Sadie looked behind her, and saw that she was being cornered by a bunch of thugs.
They all approached her, weapons in hand. Sadie couldn't possibly fight all of them by herself.
Just then, a flash of electricity took down two of the thugs in the back.
The thugs all turned around to see...
Kobe and Cloud Neek.
Kobe had a different appearance outside of school. He wore a red sleeveless jacket, underneath was a shredded black shirt. He also wore tattered jeans. On his arms were multiple bandages, a few peeling off to reveal lines of red.
He held two daggers in his hands, one of them stained with blood.
And Cloud Neek was Cloud Neek.
"Shouldn't you boys be in bed?" asked Kobe, smirking.
"What makes you think we should be afraid of you?" asked a thug.
"Maybe you shouldn't be afraid of me, but you should be afraid of him."
Kobe pointed to Cloud Neek, who was sitting on his shoulder.
The thugs busted out laughing. That made Cloud Neek mad.
He flew off of his trainer's shoulder, and zapped a thug, frying him.
The thugs weren't scared, though.
"Ha! Louie's the weakest one in the bunch!"
The thugs all rushed at Cloud Neek, but as soon as one of them got within an inch of him, all of them were blown backwards by a surge of electricity.
Cloud Neek returned to Kobe's shoulder, as they high fived. The trainer then proceeded to walk past Sadie.
"Wait, aren't you gonna check and see if I'm okay?" she asked.
"Well, you're not unconscious, are you?" asked Kobe.
"Well, no."
"Then you're fine."
As Kobe walked through the city, Sadie kept following him.
"What do you want?" asked Kobe, annoyed at the blonde's persistent pursuit of him.
"Well, I was thinking that since we have the same assignment, we could team up? You know, maybe be friends?" asked Sadie.
"Fat chance."
"Why not?"
"My only friend is Cloud Neek, and even then, I'm not a very good friend to him."
"Come on. You need me!"
"I had to save you from a scenario where you couldn't save yourself. I only need Cloud Neek."
"I'll prove it to you that I should be traveling with you!"
Sadie walked up to a random man.
"Excuse me, sir, but I challenge you to a duel!" she said.
The man turned around, before suddenly pulling out a spell book, and summoning around 20 demons, as he glared at Sadie.
Kobe and Cloud Neek grinned evilly as Kobe gripped his daggers.
"Now this is our kind of party!" said Kobe. He was about to leap at the man, but Sadie ran past him, pulling him by the collar.
"Hey, what're ya doing?!" asked Kobe.
"We're leaving, there's no way we're fighting that guy!" replied Sadie.
"What happened to 'Ms. Tough Guy'?"
"He's got demons, Kobe!"
Eventually, Sadie stopped running, and started panting.
"Look, it's been cool, but I gotta bounce." said Kobe. "Places to go, people to beat up."
But still, Sadie kept following the trainer.
"Piss off!" said Kobe.
"No way!" replied Sadie.
And so, for Kobe, the rest of the night was spent trying to shake our hero off.
Episode 2: F**k The Junior Police[]
Sadie was walking to the next town, with Kobe on a leash so that he wouldn't run away again.
"This is dehumanizing." snarked Kobe.
"Oh, Kobe, always the snarker." replied Sadie.
They had made it to a town called Howtzer. However, they were out of money. They walked into the town, Sadie holding Kobe on a leash.
"Eesh, I wonder why we're out of money?" asked Sadie.
"Maybe it's because you spent all the money on the leash!" said Kobe. "Now let me go, I'm losing air!"
"No way, what if you escape again?"
Kobe got out his daggers, and tried to cut the rope off. It was taking a long time, though.
Anyways, Sadie was walking through town, stringing Kobe along, when she head the sound of fighting. She walked into an alleyway, and saw a bunch of people surrounding two men, who were fighting.
Eventually, one of the men punched out the other man. The crowd cheered, as a man in a nice suit gave him a fat bag of gold.
"Whoa, Kobe, did you see that?" asked Sadie.
Kobe's face was turning blue as he desperately tried to cut off the leash. Sadie finally let him go, as he started breathing in and out.
"I'm gonna thrash you the next time you pull that." he said coldly, holding his dagger close to Sadie threateningly.
Sadie stuck her tongue out at him in response.
Just then, everyone heard a voice.
"FREEZE, CRIMINAL SCUM!" she yelled.
Behind Kobe and Sadie was a red haired teenage girl in a leather jacket and ripped jeans. She had a pair of shades and a laser blaster.
"Don't you know that fight clubs are illegal?"
The girl walked towards the crowd, but she handcuffed Kobe and Sadie instead of anyone else. Then, she pulled out a walkie talkie, and called for backup.
"Hey, why're you arresting us?" asked Sadie.
"We didn't do sh*t!" said Kobe.
"I saw you, you were a part of that crowd!" replied the girl.
"We were literally 12 feet away!"
Just for that remark, the girl punched Kobe in the face. Then, a bunch of police officers on 4 legged monsters arrived, and arrested everyone there.
"Good work, Bronson." said an officer. "If you weren't underage, you'd be a real officer."
"Thanks." replied the girl.
About half an hour later, everyone was in jail. Most of the people involved had to share a cell, but Kobe and Sadie got their own since it wasn't legal for them to be with them.
"Great. A week in and we're already in jail." snarked Kobe.
"Don't worry, all we need is a spoon, and we'll be out of here!" said Sadie.
"You're stupid."
"Hey, shut up in there!" yelled the junior officer.
Just then, the chief of police stormed in.
"May!" he yelled.
"Hey wait, I thought her name was Bronson." muttered Kobe.
"What is it, sir?" replied May.
"There's a bunch of robbers at some restaurant, and everyone else is out on other cases! I need you to go out and stop them!"
"You can count on me!"
As the police chief left the room, May sighed.
"We can help you out with that case!" said Sadie.
"Shut up, scumbag." replied May.
"Oh, come on, we're seasoned warriors!"
"No we're not!" replied Kobe.
Sadie backhanded him in the face.
"Alright, look, I don't wanna get help, but I'll probably die if I take on this whole thing by myself. If you guys help me out and don't screw up, I'll let you go free." said May, as she opened their cell door.
All the other prisoners started trying to offer help, but May exited the police station with the two prisoners, and turned off the lights.
When they got to the restaurant, there was a man in a ski mask trying to hold up the place. He had a cold metal laser gun in his hand, with piping hot laser energy waiting to be released upon the diners.
"Gimme all the money in the register, before I shoot this whole place up!"
"Stop right there, punk!" yelled May, as she got out her own laser gun.
"Oh, is the junior police going to stop me?"
"Damn straight!"
"Really? Well then..."
The robber snapped his fingers, and a whole bunch of thugs came out of nowhere.
They came from outside windows, under tables, the bathrooms, even from behind the cashier.
"How are you gonna arrest us now, huh?" asked the lead thug.
"How about you shut your mouth before I slice it off?" said Kobe, clutching his daggers.
And with that, Kobe and Cloud Neek charged forwards, Sadie following behind.
"Hey, this was supposed to be my save!" complained May.
Kobe charged at a thug, only to get punched in the face. Cloud Neek leapt off his shoulder and zapped the thug, and he fell down.
Sadie was cornered, so she sliced a thug's head off, causing the other one to run away screaming.
May snuck up behind a thug, and pistol whipped him, before fatally shooting two others.
"Whoa, whoa, when did we start killing people?!" asked Kobe.
May shot him in the face for that one.
Over the next few minutes, the gang kept whittling down the number of thugs, either by knocking them out, killing them, or by scaring them away.
Right when Kobe was busy bashing a mook in the head with a barstool, the head thug started laughing maniacally.
"What now?" asked May.
"This place is going to explode in one minute! Better gimme the money now!" replied the lead thug.
"Wait, what?!" yelped Kobe.
The thug kept laughing, and laughing, which was pissing Sadie off.
"Kobe, shut this looney up!" she commanded.
Kobe punched the thug right in the face, knocking him out cold.
Everyone started running around like crazy trying to find the bomb.
Eventually, Sadie and May tracked it down to the girl's bathroom. It was in the sink, with water running over it.
May grabbed the bomb, ran out of the bathroom, to Kobe.
"Here, I found it, now stop it!" she said.
"But I don't know how to!" replied Kobe.
"Do it, or I'm gonna tell everyone that you planted the bomb, and get you put on death row!"
Kobe snatched the bomb, and tried to figure it out.
Unfortunately, this is Kobe we're talking about, so of course he had no clue what he was doing. He then decided to rip a random wire out.
"COUNTDOWN SPED UP!" blared the bomb.
"WHAT?!" yelled everyone in the restaurant.
Kobe pulled another wire, and another, but none of them were the right one, even though he had pulled all of them.
"Do you really think that I would design a bomb that easy to disarm?" asked the head thug, weakly. He weakly started laughing.
Kobe, in a fit of rage, ran over to the thug, kicked him in the head, and shoved the bomb inside of his mouth, dragged him outside, and ran back in. Unfortunately, he had realized what he had just done, so he was about to run back outside, when...
The bomb exploded.
An explosion of shaken soda.
Everyone was confused.
The thug spat the "pipe bomb" out of his mouth.
"I thought you would've given me my money before I had to use the bomb." he said.
Kobe facepalmed.
"You're under arrest, you goofy @$$hole." said May, as she handcuffed the thug.
Later that day, the thug was thrown in jail, as May and Sadie were given awards.
Kobe didn't get any, because he was busy sleeping.
"May, you're pretty cool." said Sadie. "Do you think you could join us on our journey?"
"Sorry, but I have to stay here and enjoy my fame perks." said May.
"Now hold on there, May." said the police chief. "After that daring rescue, I think that you've earned a break."
"Really? asked the junior officer. She turned to Sadie. "I guess I will be joining you after all!"
Sadie cheered. Suddenly, she had a realization.
"Where's Kobe?"
Meanwhile, Kobe and Cloud Neek were sleeping in front of the jail cell, before being woken up by the sounds of angry prisoners.
"You two morons got us put in jail!" said one of them. "When we get out, you're gonna pay!"
And so, Cloud Neek zapped all of the prisoners, leaving them in a pile of soot covered bodies, before grabbing one of Kobe's capsules, and popping inside.
"Damn right." said Kobe, as he walked away.
Episode 3: The Love Triangle[]
The trio were walking to a new town.
"Sadie, I don't see why we have to walk 20 miles straight just to find a place to rest." said Kobe. "We could just sleep in the woods."
"Just because you're homeless doesn't mean we have to act like it, too." said May.
"Shut up, @$$hole."
"Make me, dipsh*t!"
"Guys, calm down, we're almost there!" said Sadie.
Just then, they arrived at a town called Million Bay. They were checking out all the sights, when Sadie spotted someone familiar.
"Is that..."
He was a blond haired guy with a black polo and khakis.
"Who's James?" asked Kobe and May.
James spotted Sadie, and ran over to her, and gave her a hug.
"Sadie, I missed you, how have you been?" he asked.
"I've been doing pretty well." said Sadie. She turned to her travel partners. "Guys, this is James. We used to be best friends since we were six, but then he moved away 4 years later."
Kobe held out his hands for James to shake.
"What's up, James?" he said. "My name's Kobe."
James slapped his hand away.
"Ew, a homeless person!" he said. "Go get your money up before you talk to me!"
"He seems like such a nice guy, Sadie." snarked the trainer.
"James has an... odd sense of humor." said Sadie. "Anyways, we should probably be going, we have to go to the next town tomorrow, and we need a place to stay."
"Very well then, but Sadie, would you like to join me for dinner?" asked James.
"Uh, sure."
"Can we join you guys?" asked May.
"F*ck no!" yelled James.
"D*ck." said both the junior officer and the pet trainer. Cloud Neek also squeaked as if he was saying the same thing.
And so, later that day, Sadie met James at a fancy restaurant, as they sat down at a table with a bunch of candles on it and stuff.
When they got their food, James immediately got mad.
"What the hell?!" he yelled.
"Is there a problem, sir?" asked the waiter.
"The dino eggs are touching the steak!"
"That's your problem?" asked Sadie.
"Yes! I want my money back!"
"Sir, you didn't even pay yet."
James flipped his plate into the waiter's face, and the plate was steaming hot, too.
The waiter simply shrugged it off.
"Sir, if you are going to throw food into my face like a baby eating spinach, then I will have to ask you to leave." he said.
"If you don't get me my food correctly, then I'll get you fired!"
"My dad owns half the town! I could buy you!"
"Sir, that was outlawed centuries ago."
After a few minutes of arguing, James was (literally) thrown out of the restaurant. Sadie was allowed to stay, since she didn't do anything wrong, but she just took her food to go.
"James, what the hell?!" asked Sadie.
"He f*cked up my order!" replied James.
"James, I let you insult May and Kobe, but that was crossing the line! You've turned into a spoiled brat!"
"What are you saying?"
"Until you can play nicely, I think I'm gonna leave."
So she left.
Meanwhile, Kobe, May, and Cloud Neek were eating burgers, when May spotted a hooded figure walk into an alley.
"Do you guys see what I see?" she asked.
"A building?" asked Kobe.
"Shut up, dumb@$$. I saw some hooded guy walk into an alley. We gotta make sure he isn't trying to mug someone."
"Chill out, he could be going to church or something."
May pistol whipped the trainer.
"Let's just go!"
The three followed the guy into the alleyway, and into a building.
"This is a pretty weird church." said Kobe.
"IT'S NOT A CHURCH!" hissed May.
Just then, the guy they were following took off his hood, revealing himself to be...
"Brian?!" whispered Kobe.
"Some dork who Sadie's crushing on."
Cloud Neek snickered.
"Shut up, that joke wasn't even funny." said May.
Just then, Brian made his way to a guy blocking the door. He showed a badge, which was hidden from the three's view, and the guy let him in.
When Kobe, May, and Cloud Neek showed up, the guy refused to let them in.
"Got any ID?" asked the guard.
May showed her badge, and was let in. Kobe and Cloud Neek tried to follow her, but were blocked.
"Hey, we're with her!" he said.
"No ID, no entry."
"You better let us in, or else..."
"Or else what?"
Kobe pulled out one of his daggers.
"Or else I'm gonna get..."
He grinned sadistically.
The guard was not impressed, and threw the trainer to the ground. Just then, Cloud Neek fished out a fake ID that belonged to someone named 'Tom Ayto', and brought it to the guard.
"Oh, so you did have ID."
He unlatched the velvet rope.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"Shut up..." muttered Kobe as he walked past the guard.
Anyways, the inside of the building was a club.
There were people dancing, people drinking, and all that stuff.
"Hmm. Well, at least we know that he's not involved in any gang operations." said May. "Come on, Kobe, let's go."
She couldn't find the trainer. A few minutes later, she found him talking to a waitress.
"Want a sandwich?" she asked.
"Don't mind if I do." replied Kobe.
Just then, he was pulled away by May.
"Kobe, are you stupid? We need to go!" she said.
"But me and Cloud Neek haven't eaten in days!"
May spotted his shoulder. Cloud Neek wasn't there.
"Where is he?" she asked.
Kobe pointed to a couch, where there were a bunch of girls petting Cloud Neek, who was wearing sunglasses and eating apples.
Just then, they heard a yell.
"What the heck, let me go!" yelled a voice. It sounded like Brian's.
The three ran towards the sound, and sure enough, it was Brian, being hoisted in the air by some drunk guy.
"You bumped into me, so now I'm gonna bump you off!" said the drunk guy.
"Not if I can help it!" said Kobe. He charged towards the guy, and shoulder bashed him. The drunk guy dropped Brian, and snarled at Kobe.
"Now go to rehab, or I'm gonna get violent!" threatened Kobe, pulling out his daggers.
The guy didn't back down, and was about to hit Kobe, when Cloud Neek leapt in, and zapped the guy to a crisp.
The two high fives, as Brian walked over to them.
"You know, I could've dealt with him myself." he said. "Sure." snarked Kobe.
Just then, some of the drunk guy's buddies came over to them, holding wands, laser guns, swords, what have you.
Kobe wasn't fazed.
"Come at me! I'll take you on! I'll take you all on!" he said, before laughing evilly.
But nobody else felt like taking them on, so May grabbed him by the arm as she left with Brian and Cloud Neek.
As soon as they left the club, they ran into Sadie. As soon as she saw Brian, she blushed.
"How was your date, blondie?" snarked Kobe.
"I-it wasn't a date, it was dinner between friends!" retorted Sadie.
"Oh, hey Sadie." said Brian.
Sadie didn't respond, since she was covering her face, trying not to let Brian see her blush.
"We better go. If we stay around, those goons might find us." said May.
And so, they left the alleyway.
Unknown to them, James was stalking them, furious.
"So, she likes Brian more then I, does she?" he asked himself. "We shall see about that!"
The next day, Sadie and Brian were getting some breakfast for the others at a coffee shop. Just then, James barged in with several bodyguards.
"There he is! Take him down!" he yelled.
Brian got out a spear, as he tried to combat the guards. Unfortunately, he was just a teenager with a pointy stick, and they were highly trained guards who could take anyone down at a moment's notice.
So unlucky for Brian, he got pinned to the ground in 2 seconds.
James walked up to Sadie, smirking.
"What will it be? You can date me, or let your boyfriend here die." he asked.
"H-he's not my boyfriend!" yelled Sadie. "And what the f*ck is wrong with you?! Why would you do that to him, just because you think I'm dating him?!"
"It has to be done, Sadie. I don't want anyone getting in the way of our love!"
"You're a psycho!"
James stuck a knife up to her throat.
"You will date me, unless you want to lose more blood than your lover here will!"
Just then, they all heard a voice.
"So that's why it's taking so long for our breakfast to get here!" yelled Kobe.
He was standing next to May, who was cocking her laser pistol.
She immediately started firing, moving closer as the try and get more accurate shots. Most of them hit.
As for Kobe, he ran behind the counter, grabbed a hot pot of coffee, ran to the bodyguards, and splashed them.
"IT BURNS!" they all yelled.
That got James distracted enough so that Sadie could pry him away from her, and Brian was able to wiggle out of the bodyguards grasp, too. He grabbed James by the ascot.
"You threaten her again, and I'll f*cking kill you!" he said.
James immediately started running away, as his bodyguards followed.
Kobe tried to chase after them, but was stopped by May.
Brian walked up to Sadie.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I guess I am." replied Sadie. "I'm just sad because James used to be my best friend."
"Well, it's okay. As long as I'm here, nobody will mess with you."
"Wait, does that mean-"
"Yes, I'm joining your team!"
Sadie was overjoyed.
And so, the team left Million Bay, deciding to adventure together for the rest of the assignment.
Episode 4: Dragon Power[]
The group was traveling through the forest, trying to make it to the next town.
"Maybe we should settle down?" asked Kobe. "It's getting pretty late, and Cloud Neek's already fallen asleep."
He pointed to the sleeping Neek on his shoulder.
"Who cares about your stupid ice cream cone, we should keep going." said May.
"He's not stupid!"
"He is, and so are you."
"Both of you shut up." said Sadie.
And so, Kobe shut up. May, however, didn't.
"You're just some violent sociopath with no social skills, and yet you pretend to care about other people, like your Cloud Neek?! The truth is that you're just a joke! A dumb@$$! A failure!"
That really set Kobe off.
"And you're f*cking dead!" he yelled, as he got out his daggers, and spun them rapidly.
Then, he charged at the junior officer, and shoulder bashed her. May rolled backwards, before getting out her laser gun and shooting him. The lasers all missed, as Kobe was actually running faster than usual.
He knocked May to the ground, before mounting her, and repeatedly punching her face. Brian tried to pry him off of her, but he just elbowed him in the face, and went back to punching May.
Cloud Neek woke up, saw what was happening, and zapped Kobe, which finally knocked him down.
"Kobe, what the f*ck?!" screamed Sadie.
"She deserved it!" yelled the trainer.
"Well, she was right, you are a failure!" said Brian, clutching his bloody nose.
Kobe just got angrier, and angrier, but he didn't do anything. He just screamed into the sky.
"Kobe, you suck. Get out of here until you learn to behave." said Sadie.
"F*ck you guys, I don't need you!" said Kobe, as he walked away with Cloud Neek reluctantly following him.
Even though it was getting dark, Kobe kept walking for an hour, and didn't get tired. The only thing keeping him awake was his anger.
Eventually, he made it to a village.
"Hah, see, Cloud Neek. We didn't need those guys, we got here all by ourselves." he said.
Cloud Neek was pretty mad at Kobe at this point, and zapped him.
"What's the big idea?"
Cloud Neek squeaked angrily.
"I shouldn't have been such a jerk to those guys?"
The Neek nodded.
"They were jerks first. They called me a failure. How would you like it if I stuck you in Lady Steph's stables again?"
Cloud Neek squeaked again.
"At least you wouldn't have violently lashed out at the mere mention of it?"
He nodded.
"Whatever, dude."
He passed by a cart selling ramen, when he saw that it was getting robbed by some thugs.
"Finally, the perfect way to blow off steam!" he said, sadistically. He grabbed his daggers, and charged at the thugs. He went wild, throwing punches at one of them, but even though they knocked him out, there were still, like, 30 more that were hiding in bushes.
"Cloud Neek, zap them!" commanded Kobe.
Cloud Neek didn't do anything. Instead, he went into Kobe's backpack, grabbed an apple, and sat down at a seat on the ramen cart.
"You've gotta be kidding me..."
Kobe grabbed a barstool, and charged at the thugs. He was able to get in a few hits, but it was still 30 grown men against one delusional teenager.
Needless to say, it wasn't pretty.
Just then, an old man who was sitting at the cart put down his bowl, and leapt into action. He took down one of them with a swift kick. He took down another with a back fist to the face. Then another with a blast of energy.
The old man took down all of the grown men, before he spotted Kobe, who was bloody, bruised, battered, and unconscious. The old man picked him up, and looked at Cloud Neek.
"Is he yours?" he asked.
The Neek nodded, before sighing, and squeaking.
"Come with me."
Cloud Neek got on the old man's shoulder as he walked away.
An hour later, Kobe woke up on the floor of what was presumably the old dude's couch.
"Huh. I didn't know that Hell looked like the inside of a house from an anime." said Kobe.
"This isn't Hell." said the old man, from behind Kobe. The trainer immediately jumped up, and grabbed his daggers.
"Who the hell are you?!" he asked.
"I am Master Shoyu. I rescued you from those crooks." said the old man.
"Why'd you do that?"
"What do you mean?"
"You could've just let me die."
"Why would I do that, young one?"
"I'm a-"
"War criminal. I know. Your Cloud Neek told me."
"Cloud Neek's here, too?! Where is he?!"
Master Shoyu pointed to the kitchen, where Cloud Neek was eating tons of apples. Kobe ran over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Oh, buddy, I'm so sorry for being mean to you and brushing you off and I'm just so glad you're okay and-"
Cloud Neek zapped the trainer to calm him down.
Master Shoyu sighed.
"Now that you are okay, you may leave, if you wish, but I suggest that you stay." he said.
"Why?" replied the trainer, still cradling his pet.
"I have something to show you."
He showed Kobe and Cloud Neek to his backyard, where there was a huge green diamond, which was floating in place.
"Behold, the Dragon Emerald!" he said.
"That's a diamond." replied Kobe.
"No, diamond."
"Whatever. The point is, it's an ancient artifact that I have sworn to protect ever since I was your age."
"I need you to help me keep watch over it. There are many powerful villains who want to nab it."
"Why? It's just a dumb diamond."
Just then, Master Shoyu whispered a chant, before the diamond emerald started glowing, as a huge green eastern type dragon appeared out of the top of the gem.
"Who dares summons me?" he asked in a booming voice.
"Hello, Jim." said Master Shoyu.
"Oh, hey, Miso." said the dragon.
"Wait, your name is Miso Shoyu?" asked Kobe.
"Yes. My parents were ramen enthusiasts." replied the old master. "Now, Kobe, this is the Dragon Emperor. Say hello."
"Hey, Jim."
The Dragon Emperor's eyes glowed red, as he blasted lasers from his eyes, targeting the trainer, as he fried him.
"Only Master Shoyu gets to call me Jim. You must call me the Dragon Emperor."
"I'm not gonna help you watch this guy!" said Kobe. "He tried to kill me for calling him Jim!"
"If you two stay, I will teach you two one of the most violent martial arts styles to ever exist in Mystylia."
Kobe and Cloud Neek's eyes lit up.
And so, Kobe and Cloud Neek sat down and stared at the Dragon Emperor.
And so, over the course of a week, Kobe (and also Cloud Neek to an extent but mainly Kobe) learned a little bit about Master Shoyu's style, as they watched over this magical artifact.
But where was the rest of the gang?
Well, one day, the now trio were walking through a town, when they spotted a green glow from somewhere.
"What's that?" asked Sadie.
"I think it might be the glow of an artifact." said Brian. "Let's get closer and find out what it is."
They walked close to Master Shoyu's backyard.
"Aha! This is the Dragon Emerald! It's said to house a powerful dragon inside of the gem that can grant wishes, give powers, basically anything!" said Brian.
"Let's steal it!" said May.
And so, they hopped over the fence. They were figuring out a way to steal the gem, when...
"No, NO!" yelled a familiar voice. "You're not taking this from me, too!"
It was Kobe. He didn't look much different, except for the fact that he seemed less angrier.
"Kobe, move over, we're taking this gem whether you like it or not!" said May, pulling out her laser gun.
"Like hell you are!" said the trainer, as he pulled out his daggers, and spun them around really fast.
Just then, May charged at him, before shooting at Kobe. Kobe kept aim dodging, before sending out Cloud Neek.
Just then, Sadie leapt in, and started swinging her sword at the little dude.
"Cloud Neek, catch!" yelled Kobe, as he threw his buddy what looked like a Chinese war sword.
Somehow, the floating ice cream cone creature caught it.
"Wait, how did he catch it?" asked Brian. "He doesn't even have thumbs!"
He was zapped by the Neek. Just then, Cloud Neek started swinging his sword at Sadie, and missing every swing. However, Sadie kept walking backwards, and tripped over a rake.
Just then, as May was about to fire some more laser blasts at Kobe, she was hit by a blast of water coming from a hose that he was holding. She flew backwards, and into the fence.
Just then, Brian took out his spear, and swung it at Kobe. He ducked, before kicking him in the shin, causing Brian to clutch his shin and hop up and down on his free foot. Then, Kobe pushed him over.
"Dragon Emperor, that was pathetic." he said, facepalming.
"Hey, shut up!" yelled Sadie.
"Hey, at least I'm not the one who was defeated by tripping over a rake."
Just then, Master Shoyu walked outside.
"Can you keep it down, I'm trying to watch my stories!" he said.
"Oh, hey, sensei." said Kobe, nonchalantly. "I just kicked these guys' @$$es."
He was smacked upside the head.
"How many times have I told you not to swear?" asked Master Shoyu.
"Sorry, sensei." said Kobe.
"As for you three, explain yourselves."
"We were just trying to get Kobe back." lied May.
Kobe paused.
"I mean, uh, bogus."
"Yeah, we really miss you, Kobe!" lied Brian.
"Please come back!" said Sadie. "Cloud Neek, too!"
Kobe wasn't sure on what to do. On one hand, he was probably being played. On the other hand, if they really did miss him, wouldn't it be a jerk move to not go back, especially if the reason he left was his fault?
"Oh, alright." said Kobe, as Cloud Neek climbed up into his shoulder. He turned to Master Shoyu.
"I hope you understand, sensei." he said.
"Yeah, I guess I do." replied the old master. And so, he bowed to Kobe, who bowed in return.
And then, the team left, mostly reformed.
Just then, the Dragon Emperor appeared out of his emerald.
"You didn't really buy that crappy excuse, did you?" he asked.
"Not for a second, but Kobe needs to learn the importance of not being a total f*cking idiot." replied Master Shoyu, folding his arms.
The Dragon Emperor laughed. "Let's order some pizza, I'm starving."
And that ended that little detour.
But we all know that Kobe didn't learn anything, right?
Episode 5: Portana[]
The group was riding in a horse drawn cart, all of them doing different things. Sadie was polishing her sword, Brian was reading a book on multidimensional equations, May was watching videos on her phone, and Kobe was sleeping, with Cloud Neek on his stomach, eating an apple.
"Gee, Sadie, it was really smart getting this guy to take us to the next town." said May.
"All I had to do was threaten him." said Sadie.
"You're so awesome, Sadie." said Brian.
Sadie blushed.
"Gee, thanks..."
Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, a purple haired woman in a gray military uniform was sitting on a throne in front of dozens upon dozens of people.
"Finally, we shall take over the world of Mystylia, and strength our army!" she said, before cackling.
"You've said that 20 times already." said someone in the audience.
"I know, I'm just really excited!"
Just then, a scientist type guy ran up to the throne.
"My liege, the portal is ready!" he said.
The woman stood up.
"Rejoice, for we are one step closer to taking over the world!" she said. She then did a salute, which everyone else followed.
"All hail Portana!" they screamed.
A few minutes later, back in Mystylia, the cart holding the group had traveled into a new town, when the driver suddenly stopped his horse.
"Hey, what happened?" asked Brian.
"See for yourself!" said the driver.
He pointed towards the town, where all of the townspeople were surrounding... something.
Everyone (except for Kobe and Cloud Neek) piled out of the back of the cart, and went to investigate.
The people were all surrounded Portana, as she was talking about her world domination quest.
"...and the portal has closed, and I need an army to help me take over this miserable dimension, and I have chosen your town to aid me!" yelled Portana.
"Uh, gee, I don't really like the idea of taking over the world." said a random bystander.
"Yeah, my mom said that only evil people take over the world, and she also raised me to not be evil." said another.
"If I take over the world, my dad's gonna kill me." said yet another.
"Are you done yet?" asked Portana.
Everyone nodded.
Portana floated up into the air, and some glowing purple orbs started charging in her hands.
That's when the group jumped in.
"Not so fast, villain!" said Sadie.
She charged at Portana, and tried to swing her sword at her, but she was too high up. After watching Sadie fail, May ran in, and shot at Portana, but she kept dodging, before firing at May, knocking her down.
Brian, being kind of smart, decided to stay back, and wait for Portana to come to him.
And she did. She flew at him, as he dodged, and stabbed her in the back with his spear.
"See? Problem sol-"
He felt a sharp pain in his back, almost as if he was scratched really hard.
"BRIAN!" yelled Sadie, as she rushed to his aid. Then, she looked up to see who did this to him.
It was a blonde haired teenage girl in a green cloak, who was holding a bloody claw (think Vega from Street Fighter).
"What did you do to him?!"
"I helped Portana defeat you fools!" said the girl.
"You'll pay for this!"
Sadie swung her sword at the girl, but she smirked, and blocked it with her claw. Their blades kept clashing, until the girl disarmed Sadie. Then, her eyes glowed white. She then proceeded to kick her in the gut, causing her to double over in pain. The girl then picked Sadie up by the back of her shirt, and held her claw against her neck.
"I'm gonna enjoy this..." the girl said, grinning like a maniac.
Just then, she felt a jab in her thigh.
It was Brian, and he had stabbed her with his spearhead.
The girl let go, and Sadie grabbed Brian's hand, and they ran away with May. The girl had started chasing them, but eventually, they had gotten to the cart.
The girl growled, when suddenly, Portana had walked up to her, seemingly all better.
"You have shown great potential by trying to kill those worthless worms. What's your name?"
"Tetra." replied the girl.
"Well, Tetra, if you join me, I will give you the power to kill anyone you want!"
"But first, I need you to do one thing for me..."
Meanwhile, the three heroes had gotten to the cart.
"Floor it, go go go go go!" yelled May.
The cart driver whipped his reigns, and his horse started running really fast.
A few minutes in, however, Tetra had dropped from a portal in the sky, and landed in the cart.
"TIME TO DIE!" she yelled, brandishing her claw.
Everyone started screaming, as Tetra kept trying to swing her claw at the three.
And then, Kobe woke up.
And boy, was he pissed.
"Which one of you f*ckers woke me up?" he asked, calmly, but with a hint of anger.
Sadie, May, and Brian pointed to Tetra.
"What are you going to do about it?" asked Tetra, smirking. "You don't even look like you can handle someone like me!"
Kobe stayed silent. He got up, and punched Tetra in the face. Before he could do anything else, Tetra kicked him in his side. In retaliation, Kobe elbowed her in the face, so Tetra proceeded to slash him in the left arm. That caused Kobe to clutch said arm, as Tetra grabbed the collar of his shirt.
"Ready to admit defeat?" asked Tetra.
"GET OUTTA MY FACE!" yelled Kobe, his tone becoming harsher. And with that, he headbutted the girl in the face, causing her to fall backwards, and out of the cart.
Everyone started cheering, and Kobe yawned.
"Shut up, I'm gonna try and go back to sleep." said the trainer. And with that, he laid back down next to Cloud Neek, and grabbed his dagger as if it was a teddy bear or something.
Tetra laid in the dirt, her nose bleeding.
"Who the hell was that brat?" she asked, her question muffled by the now red dirt.
And so, she stayed there, as Portana watched from in the sky.
"Maybe you aren't meant to help me, after all..." she said. And with that, she flew away.
Episode 6: Kingdom of Terror[]
One sunny day, Sadie, May, Kobe, and Brian were walking through the woods.
"Hey, Kobe, what's with those cuts on your arms, anyways?" asked May.
"Uh... it's personal." replied Kobe, putting his head down.
"Just tell us."
"No way."
"I mean it, SHUT UP!"
Kobe was about to raise his fist, when he head a scream. It seems like everyone else heard it, too, as they stopped walking, and started looking around.
They all turned to see three thugs who were cornering a woman.
"Someone, help me!" she yelled.
The thugs were clad in all black, holding knives, and swords, and wands.
"Dammit, shut up and tell us where your dad lives!" said one of them.
Just then, he was suddenly zapped with a beam of electricity.
It was from Cloud Neek.
"Nice job." said Kobe, as he tossed him an apple.
Just then, May fired her laser gun at another thug, firing multiple blasts into him, as he fell over, twitching.
Just then, Sadie cornered the last thug, sword in hand. He backed up, until he bumped into Brian, who was holding his spear. Then, Brian stabbed the thug in the stomach, as Sadie beheaded him.
"A little much, don't you think?" asked Kobe.
"Shut up, you didn't do anything!" said Brian.
"I'm trying to watch my temper!"
"You never do anything good, you failure!"
Kobe ran at Brian, but was zapped by Cloud Neek, and fell down, twitching. Cloud Neek started giggling, as everyone else walked over to the girl to see if she was okay.
"Are you okay?" asked Brian.
"I am now!" said the girl, who was blushing. She started giggling, and that pissed Sadie off.
"Whatever, let's just go now." she said, turning to leave.
"Wait, I'll lead you to my father's kingdom, he'll give you a grand reward."
Everyone perked up.
"Reward?" they all asked.
And so, the girl led them all to a huge castle gate, which had a buzzer next to it.
"Hey, Walt, it's Tiffany!" said the girl.
"Tiffany?" asked Brian. "That's a nice name."
Tiffany giggled, as Sadie snarled.
And so, later on, everyone was in the throne room of Tiffany's dad, who was a king. He was smiling, while sitting in his throne.
"You four-"
Kobe coughed.
"I mean, you five, have saved my daughter, and so I, King Duke, will give you all these medals."
And so, everyone got a medal, even Cloud Neek, even though he couldn't wear it properly and had to have Kobe hold his.
"And now, to hold a royal celebration in honor of these brave heroes!" said King Duke. "A royal block party!"
And so, everyone cheered.
Later that night, the party was going full swing. People were dancing, drinking, and partying.
Tiffany was dancing with Brian, which made Sadie's blood boil. And so, she walked over to Kobe, who was over at the snack table with Cloud Neek.
"Hey, Kobe, I need you to do me a favor." she said.
"No way, I was about to see what the big deal was about beer. My uncle Ben's always drinking this stuff." replied the trainer.
"If you help me, I'll treat you slightly nicer."
"Look, what do you even want me to do?"
Sadie pointed to Tiffany.
"I want you to get rid of her."
"One sec."
Kobe took a sip from a can of beer, winced in disgust, and did a major spit take in Sadie's face.
"Are you crazy?! We just saved her life and now you want me to kill her in King Duke's own kingdom after we just got rewarded?!" he said.
"She's getting too close to Brian."
"Sadie, you're a sociopath."
"You know, it's people like you that make me think that I'm not as bad of a person as I was when I was 12."
"Just do it!"
She held her sword up to Kobe's neck.
"Make me!"
Kobe took out his daggers.
Right before any fighting could happen, there was a bloodcurdling scream. Everyone turned to see...
She marched right up to Kobe, holding her claw very close to his throat.
"You." she said, her voice in a low growl.
"Yeah, what about it?" replied Kobe, giving off a cocky smirk.
"You cost me my good standing with Portana!"
"I miss the part where that's my problem."
"I'm gonna kill you!" she said.
"Be my guest."
Tetra was about to press her claw deeper into Kobe's throat, when she noticed Tiffany, and got a better idea.
"Killing Princess Tiffany in front of everyone would surely cement my status enough for Portana to take me back! I'll kill her first!"
And so, Kobe was kicked to the ground as Tetra ran after Tiffany. Brian tried to stop her, but was slashed in the chest.
Sadie immediately ran to check up on Brian.
"Are you okay?!" she asked, frantically.
"I'm fine, but... save Tiffany!" said Brian.
"I'm sorry, but I can't..."
"Oh, you will," said Kobe, who was standing right behind her. "You're gonna do it or I'm gonna show King Duke this footage of you trying to get me to kill Tiffany."
He gestured to his shoulder, where Cloud Neek was holding his phone, which has a video of the whole thing.
Sadie groaned. "Fine, I'll go save Tiffany."
And so, she trudged off while Kobe and May chased after Tetra.
Speaking of Tetra, a few minutes after she left, she was busy dragging Tiffany into a forest.
"Don't scream, or I'll slit your throat and drink your blood!" yelled Tetra, waving her claw close to the princess's face.
Just then, there was a squeak coming from a bush.
Then, a voice.
"If you had to go, why didn't you do so at the party?"
Another squeak.
"Fine, just make it quick, we need to save Tiffany."
"Both of you idiots shut up, you're gonna give us away!" said another voice.
Tetra walked over to the bush, slashed it to pieces, and saw Kobe, Cloud Neek, and May.
"What, you've never seen two teens and a monster in a bush before?" snarked Kobe.
Tetra held her claw high above her head, ready to strike, but just then, Cloud Neek zapped her, giving everyone else room to run away.
May ran to Tiffany, while Kobe began to fight, pulling out his daggers.
"You ready to die?" asked Tetra.
"Not before I kick your @$$ first." replied Kobe.
"Oh yeah, you little coward?"
"Yeah, you future asylum patient!"
"You wanna go, you future suicide victim?!"
"Yeah, you future school shooter!"
At this point, they've gotten so close that their faces were inches apart. They were both snarling.
"Let's rock!" yelled Kobe. And with that, he headbutted Tetra in the face. The second she fell to the ground, she rolled over, and got back up, before swinging her claw at Kobe multiple times over.
Kobe kept weaving in and out of her range, until she eventually slashed his face.
"D'aw, you little-"
He was cut off by Tetra kicking him in the groin, and as he doubled over, she walked up to him, and grabbed his bandana, ripping it off of his head, revealing some dried blood.
"Aw, did someone hurt his head?" asked Tetra, sadistically. "I bet you just love pain, I can see it on your arms!"
"Don't... take... my bandana... you B*TCH!"
Kobe got up, and did a spinning back kick to Tetra's face, knocking her to the ground. As soon as she landed, she dropped Kobe's bandana, which the trainer swiftly picked up, and put back on.
"Damn right."
But just then, the second he turned around, Tetra pounced on him, clawing his back.
"I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna f*cking KILL YOU!"
But just then, Tetra felt a slash to the back.
It was Sadie.
Tetra fell down, right on top of Kobe.
Sadie then walked over to May, who was trying to calm Tiffany down.
"Tetra's down, let's go." she said.
"It's gonna be okay, Tiffany." said May, as she hoisted her over her shoulder.
And so, the three arrived at castle again, where King Duke ran up to Tiffany, and hugged her.
"Thank you, brave travelers! However can I repay you?" he said.
"You can give us some money?" asked May. "We have a long trip ahead of us."
"Alright, I will!"
"Huzzah!" said everyone in the courtyard.
And so, they left that night, continuing their adventure.
Meanwhile, Kobe was still in that forest, Tetra lying on top of him.
"This sucks." he said.
Just then, Cloud Neek flew up to his trainer, an apple in hand.
"Hey, help me get outta here."
Cloud Neek laughed, and just watched as Kobe struggled to escape.
For the rest of the night...