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Nalism is a religious group in fanon material. It's considered a dead religion to historians.
There are currently no known members, however, some members of the Order of Influence were considered to be Nalists.
In the past, it was a religion entered around the elemental, Shadow, as she was viewed as Celestial's equal. Many Cenorists would respect her because of this. There are no known sects, and very little is known about it as it was one of the first religions to stop being practiced.
Varies depending on member.
Varies depending on member.
- The ultimate abandonment of Nalism was caused by the fact Shadow did not create a well defined species, meaning very little people aligned to her. As her actions became more and more rash (following Celestial's death), people began to disrespect her, eventually resulting in her being rejected and even hated by the population.