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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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The Nesting Grounds is a fanon area for Prodigy that contains a visible collection of a players' pets and buddies; it serves as a method of reproducing pets and buddies, raising hatchling versions of pets and buddies, and playing with their adult versions for their enrichment.


Since the Nesting Grounds is not a location of any quests, less than the usual amount of Achievements are available and there is no master wizard or main to guide the player other than Noot. However, a Q&A Machine can be interacted with (pressed or clicked on) and question options can be picked from to receive an FAQ on the location's properties. The questions and answers are voiced by an edited, vocoded text-to-speech generator (TTSG) to assist blind players.

This area is limited to players levels 30 and greater.

In-Game Description[]

"A wonderful-looking floating island with plenty of natural beauty. It is currently out of your reach; if only the island was more welcoming of players under Adventure Level 30." (for players of an adventure level less than 30)

"Enjoy use of this new island with plenty of habitats for a variety of buddies and pets--raise, reproduce, and exchange them here. Rumor has it that mythical trees grow here as well." (for players that have unlocked it)


Nonmember nicknames include:

  • Return to original name
  • Farmhand (first name)
  • Caretaker (first name)

Members-only nicknames include:

  • (first name) the Beastmaster
  • Brilliant (wizard name)
  • Vendor (wizard name)



  • The player, after traveling to the Nesting Grounds using the Island Map, always spawns in a zone called Outdoor Patio. The zone is platformed, similarly to how Crystal Caverns and Harmony Island are given platformed zones with minimal places of escaping the zone without use of an Island Map. Follow the left path of the patio to the Sunlit Zone, the right path to the Deciduous Drop, or the upper path to the Creature Wellness Center. A single Scroll Stand is present and in view upon spawning in this zone and can be used to change nicknames.
  • The Sunlit Zone contains a small water garden with carp that move in a loop, zen statues, and small pot fountains running on an unseen motor. There is a single, large Lumin tree] that provides shade for a smaller well, which brings up one Bottle of Sunlight every time a player interacts with it and answers ten questions correctly in a row without interruption. The Lumin tree itself provides Lumin Lemons, a fruit that can be processed into more potent foods. It only leads back to the Outdoor Patio.
  • The Deciduous Drop is a bare cliff that overlooks the roofs of Lamplight Town Buildings below. The Academy floats above, but is faded in the distance. It sometimes contains 0-3 piles of browned Lumin tree leaves (50% chance the first appears, a separate 33% chance the second appears, and a separate 20% chance the third appears) which have a 10% chance of hiding 100 Academy Pages each. It only leads back to the Outdoor Patio.
  • The Creature Wellness Center is a large platformed location; it is well-lit, leaving the player and all of the surroundings in an environment with cold color temperature. The floor is a black-and-white checkered set of linoleum-coated tiles each measuring half of the player's head thickness on all four edges. It appears unwelcoming, but the dark purple and maroon chevron shag rugs and clay-potted plants are a good attempt at adding a homey feel. The walls are a solid burnt sienna with standard, clear glass panes that have maroon framing. Traveling out of the bottom doors leads back to the Outdoor Patio; entering through the maroon French doors to the left leads to the Creature Wellness Shop. The matching doors on the far left side lead to the Room of Cages. An open pair of the same doors is present on the middle left of the hallway and leads to The Fields, while a closed pair in the middle right leads to the Enclosure of Habitats.
  • The Creature Wellness Shop is a dead-end zone that lacks 2D platforming due to its small size. The floor, walls, and lighting effects are the same, however this room is windowless. It looks like the interior of a convenience store, however food and items are stocked on wall shelves instead of aisles. The shelves cannot be interacted with and are just props. The shop contains both a Q&A Machine an Infuser, and a Retreat Vending Machine, which are the only interactive features of the shop other than the doorway back to the Creature Wellness Center.
  • The Room of Cages is a platformed room which contains interactive animal carriers that are filled with the player's mature pets and buddies that do not have special habitats. Cages for pets share the same large size and have the same physical features except for the solid color of their rarity (e.g. Embersheds have gray cages, Sparkle Snups have purple cages, and Terrosaurs have yellow cages). The battle side profile for each pet and display profile for each buddy are visible from within each room; if they are protected by Protection or Invincibility Spheres, their idle cycles will stop and they will appear unmoving to help players identify which are under protection and which are not. The room only returns back to the Creature Wellness Center.
  • The Fields is a non-platformed, dead-end location that returns back to the Creature Wellness Center upon traveling indoors (right). It is exterior to the building and is lined with Lumin trees in their various life stages, all healthy-looking. The fields are full of tall grass, containing pets of various levels that players in various worlds have released. Because they are safe from the Order of Influence, they are unwilling to battle the player and instead can be adopted. This requires effort by playing with them and teaching them mathematics. Once the player finally takes one in, they know that they have shown enough respect to it to be willing to stay with them indefinitely.
  • The Enclosure of Habitats is a room with the same interior elements as the rest of the building, but is platformed and shows a long line of all of the habitats and habitat slots that have been purchased. The Basic Habitats and all of their slots do not exist here, but their pets and buddies are still existent within the Room of Cages. Each habitat has a design that is appropriate for their unique theme and the amount of entities within them. If a player interacts with a habitat, they can switch pets and buddies between slots and apply or remove pet items to them. They can also click side arrows to switch between habitats with ease. Upon exiting this interface, they would be teleported close to the door back to the Creature Wellness Center so that they can leave quickly.


  • The Nesting Grounds is the only location outside of Tower Town with Lumin trees.
  • The first nicknames that use only wizard names from a wizard's original name come from this area.
  • A Billyfoot Squirrel has a 0.01% chance (1/10000) of appearing inside of a habitat. If clicked on, Noot will play a worried voice line of "Oh, what's that thing? It looks like a doll./It wasn't here before; it might be cursed. I can sense something off about it." Immediately afterwards, Noot will state that "You got an item!" and will provide the player with a Billyfoot Squirrel furniture piece.

Improving Gameplay[]

This location addresses yet-to-be-released or scrapped features of original Prodigy. There was once an item called a Tide Egg (and maybe other eggs) that could be collected, but were removed sometime within or shortly after 2014. As a method of making eggs and breeding a reality, this location would solve the problem of the absence of younger or unhatched pets and buddies that the modern world of the game no longer contains. Without this location, trading would be impossible under the FourSevensRueful version.

Math Factor[]

Although there are no methods of triggering battle available in the Nesting Grounds, players can cast spells (requiring answering mathematics questions correctly) to construct buddy crates, pet crates, habitats, slots, and display cabins for their pets and buddies.

[v · t · e · ?]
Content by FourSevensRueful & FSR.vpk
Crown Jewels
Finished Fanfictions: Dargon's Bane  •  Eques Astra  •  Fight for Honor  •  Fluttery Love  •  Forged by Obsidian  •  The Ancient Breaks the Fourth Wall
Unfinished Fanfictions: Curse of Gelufirn
Game Versions: Prodigy Math FSRV  •  Prodigy English FSRV  •  Prodigy Smash
Updates: Crystal Caverns (Prodigy English) Update  •  Design Consistency Update  •  Five Towers Update  •  Game Mechanics Update  •  Inventory Update  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update  •  Nesting Grounds Update  •  Ornithfest Update  •  Rueful's Epics Update  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update  •  Shattered Elements Update  •  Treacherous Taiga Update  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update
Features: Achievements  •  Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Basilisk Disease  •  Battle Accelerator  •  Body Types  •  Developer Console  •  Fire Wheel  •  Forked Evolution  •  Infuser  •  Loyalty  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Player Mail  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Steeds  •  Storm Wheel  •  Water Wheel
FourSevensRueful Version Subpages: Abilities  •  Adoption  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Breeding  •  Combo Elements  •  Eggs  •  Forked Evolution  •  Item Creation  •  Materials  •  Skills  •  Species  •  Trading
Theories: Blueflame Theory  •  Citizens of Prodigy English Theories  •  Future Mythical Epics  •  Identity of the Astral Warden  •  Motivations of the Puppet Master  •  Warden Inheritance Theory  •  Purple Theory
Guides: Challenger PvP Etiquette  •  Finding Your Battle Style  •  Making a Pet  •  Making a Pet, Monster, or Buddy Character  •  Making a Roleplay  •  Rare Loot  •  Surviving Harmony Island
Exclusives: Non-Items
Elements: Land Element  •  Nonmagical Element  •  Obscurity (Substrand)  •  Wind Element
Areas: Academy Sub-Basement (Math)  •  Astral Tower (Math)  •  Crystal Caverns (English)  •  Fire Tower (Math)  •  Nesting Grounds (Math)  •  Prodigy-002 (Math)  •  Storm Tower (Math)  •  The Underworld (Math)  •  Treacherous Taiga (Math)  •  Village of Heist (English)  •  Water Tower (Math)
Pets: Abyssmole  •  Ampereshed  •  Candelynx  •  Caniwarp  •  Chasmid  •  Chillchilla  •  Dourbed  •  Dusk Caller  •  Dusk Creator  •  Dusk Neek  •  Eaglefree  •  Eftorch  •  Fossoul  •  Heavenly Cogmite  •  Iceopod  •  Ignitiguana  •  Loburr  •  Marsupeel  •  Mosslimax  •  Mosspuca  •  Mosstropod  •  Ofrozzum  •  Ophanim Gearsite  •  Platyplus  •  Red Eclipse  •  Stygemander  •  Surjolt  •  Watewrasse
Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Avane  •  Caltrop (RP)  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cloudmath  •  Cobnut  •  Dark Cloud  •  Delila Quakeman (RP)  •  Emile  •  Evening  •  FSR.vpk (persona)  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria  •  Gryphon  •  Hoot  •  Icetwig  •  India Croft  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout  •  Karin  •  Leonid  •  Ludwig  •  Merry  •  Meteorite  •  Monsoon  •  Newton  •  Nike  •  Patches  •  Paul  •  Polo  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Pterry  •  Raina  •  Redwood  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Scamp  •  Scrooge  •  Seraph  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shiba  •  Shrapnel (RP)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter (RP)  •  Spacewalker  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Starry Night (RP)  •  Theta  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Smuggler  •  Tigris  •  Timmy  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco  •  Zion Deadstaff
Groups: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Astrallum Apostates  •  Bounty Hunters  •  Caddisfolk  •  Founding Wardens  •  Humans  •  Infernal Wizards  •  Magical Mercenaries  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga  •  Presidential Nebluffs  •  Shale Distributors  •  Stormchaser Family  •  The Order/The Order of Influence  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters
Buddies: Bedbug  •  Canary  •  Common Bristletail  •  Itty Bitty Bat  •  Lava Cake  •  Munchkin Bristletail  •  Pistol Shrimp  •  Puff Peck  •  Sparkle Silverfish  •  Weasel
Spells and Moves: Battle Terminate  •  Blinding Blitz  •  Bright Aegis  •  Burning Spectrum  •  Can Grenade  •  Confounding Speech  •  Divide by Zero  •  Freezer Burn  •  Fright Breeze  •  Galvanized Glass  •  Geomancy  •  Lapping Flames  •  Lash Out  •  Leech Hearts  •  Macrocosmos  •  Mini-Discus  •  Powerwash  •  Pulsar  •  Shut-Eye  •  Spell Download  •  Surge  •  Tectonic Shift  •  Toxic Environment  •  Wind Wall
Obstacles: Ice Crystal Tree  •  Hard Crystal Tree  •  Frost Iron Rock  •  Quartz Rock  •  Snow Pile
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy Math)
Equipment: Bricker  •  Bubble Set  •  Bunny Suit Set  •  Electrician Set  •  Flame Set  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Resonant Aether
Key Items: Bellows  •  Developer Console
Pet Items: Habitat Slots  •  Habitats  •  Incubators  •  Invincibility Sphere  •  Pet Enrichment Toy  •  Pet Feed  •  Protection Sphere
Battle Items: Bag of Hematite  •  Octaazacubane Canister
Food: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb  •  Kale Chips  •  Lumin Lemon  •  Lumin Lemonade  •  Lumin Leaf Tea  •  Mandrake Fruit  •  Mandrake Juice
Potions: Bottle of Arsenic  •  Potion of Multitargeting  •  Potion of Special Targeting  •  Shadow Resist Potions
Furniture: Bee Box  •  Billyfoot Squirrel  •  Normal Vending Machine  •  Seasonal Trophy  •  Tulips
Currency: Bottle of Sunlight  •  Quills
Throwables: Bag of Wind  •  Blank  •  Phoenix-Works  •  Sandbag
Tools: Steel Tools
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy English)
Harvestables: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb
Crafted Items: Bee Box  •  Glowing Buoy
[v · t · e · ?]
Headcanon Locations
Of the Academy: Academy Sub-Basement  •  Astral Tower (XxRosexDawnxX/BFBFANBOYNOWx1000/FourSevensRueful  •  Fire Tower  •  Storm Tower  •  Water Tower
Not of the Academy: None.
Other Locations on Prodigy Island
Nicknames for Canon Locations: Prodigy Land
Locations Inside the Academy:
Locations Outside the Academy: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Marketplace  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Lakeside Beach  •  Silvian Forest  •  The Underworld  •  Underground Laboratory
Other Locations not on Prodigy Island
Extradimensional and Extraterrestrial Places: The Void
New Islands: Dragon Island  •  Mystery Island  •  Nesting Grounds  •  Relentless Archipelago  •  Serpent Island  •  Treacherous Taiga  •  Village of Heist  •  Voidmantle Woods
Places of Unknown Location: Ancient Nexus  •  Hourglass Oasis  •  Mixup Woods  •  Peaceful Prairie  •  Prodigy-002  •  Rainbow Quartz Towne (RQT)  •  Star Galaxy  •  Volcanic Den