The Nesting Grounds Update is the fifth major update in Prodigy Math FSRV and the third update to the game that has little relevance to the major storyline. It mainly releases the Nesting Grounds, a giant levitating island near Tower Town, to players. In this location, various new activities are available to satiate the boredom of players.
According to the changelog, this update:
*Released the location and all of its contents *Allowed all nonmember players can have a maximum of 10 pets and up to 100 bred or foreign pets in their inventory; member players basically have the same limits now *Added Breeding, Trading, Eggs, and all!
This feature mainly permits players to adopt, breed, store, and trade pets and buddies (buddies cannot be adopted, however). Additionally, it allows equipment items to be traded in up to four per exchange.
- The Nesting Grounds was inspired by Poké Pelago from Pokémon USUM, where players can befriend and take care of wild and owned Pokémon.
- The breeding and trading features were inspired by earlier-generation Pokémon games where held items could be exchanged alongside Pokémon.
Improving Gameplay[]
Adding the Nesting Grounds and all of its features would improve Prodigy Math greatly. Players have long expressed their desire for breeding pets and buddies, passive ways of getting pets, and trading pets, buddies, and items with other players. Since all of this will be resolved in one large update, players may be pleased and willing to wait a great deal longer for new releases to the main storyline.