Noel is a character that has yet to appear.
Noel wears a pink Karate gi with black pants and black MMA gloves. On her back is a sword. On her head is a black headband. When she's not wearing that (such as whenever she's not doing her job as a gym instructor), she'll just be wearing a green undershirt as well as her gi pants.
Noel is a kind and loving mother to Mike, and is also passionate about martial arts. She seems to dislike it whenever somebody brings up her past as an assassin, seeing as how they are associated with killing.
Weapons and Gear[]
Sword: What kind of sword is unclear, but Noel normally uses this to slice fruit and vegetables.
Smoke Bombs: Handy for when you want to get away without being seen.
- Martial Arts: Noel is very skilled at martial arts to the point that she could very well be considered a 9th degree black belt if her style actually used those. Her style has a name but it's been changed so much whenever the skills were passed down that she tells tells Mikey that it's Karate.
- Striking Strength: Noel is strong enough to break bricks.
Combat Ability: Noel is skilled enough to go up against virtually anyone. I mean, it’s not like she’ll ever have to go up against someone with magical powers, right?
Throwing Arm: Noel has quite the throwing arm.
Dullness: Because Noel prefers not to use her assassination techniques in fights, when she’s in a life or death situation, she’ll oftentimes not perform the technique correctly.
Her Ex-Husband: The sight of her ex husband often brings painful memories. So, say, if her ex-husband were to try and come back to kill her, she’d freeze up.
- Noel is partially based off of Carol from O.K. K.O., and partially based off of Grandpa Gohan from Dragon Ball.
- Noel keeps a box of ninja weapons under her bed.
- Noel once lived in the woods with Mike before they moved to the village.