Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

NootCorp is a fanon group in Prodigy Math Game.

Notable Projects[]

Spellbook: A social media that everyone in the Prodigy Universe uses.

NootPhone: A smartphone used by most Prodigy universe characters. Some use NootBook.

NootBook: A laptop that some Prodigy universe characters use. Most use NootPhone.

Tech Fails[]

Robo-Noot: A robot Noot. It destroyed the Underground Test Lab, so it was turned to junk metal.

Egg-Trap 3000: A machine made to foil Eggman from the Sonic series when he tried attacking the island. It trapped Gale instead, so it was destroyed.

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Character Groups
Species: Caddisfolk  •  Faen  •  Humans (+Infernal Wizards)  •  Community Version  •  AlyssSolo Version  •  FourSevensRueful Version  •  Jellybean Jade Version
Species Group Pages: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Imps
Faen Groups
Fairy Tribes: Astral Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Crystal Tribe  •  Drake Tribe  •  Echoes of the Ice  •  Forest Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Storm Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Whispers of the Dark
Faerie Tribes:
Other Groups
Families: Presidential Nebluffs  •  Stormchaser Family  •  Starheart Family
Secular Organizations: Bounty Hunters (Disbanded)  •  Firestorm Laboratories  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  NootCorp  •  Shale Distributors  •  The Order  •  The Order of Influence (FSRV)  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters (Disbanded)  •  Voidwalker Sect
Religious Organizations: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Cenorism (Dead)  •  Harmonism  •  Luma Healers  •  Nalism (Dead)  •  Barāquian
Colonies: Bonfire Colony  •  Mech Colony  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga
Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Resurrection Tribe  •  Spirit Tribe (Disbanded)  •  Werewolf Tribe
Other: Astrallum Apostates  •  Bodyguards  •  Caverners  •  Founding Wardens  •  Magical Mercenaries