Omega is the old Astral Warden who appears in the universe of The Warden's Fate.
Omega has pale tan hair with turquoise tips. He wears the Trialmaster's Circlet, a navy blue tunic with long sleeves and a gold border, the Academy Cloak, except navy blue instead of red. His boots go up to his knees and have small star-like clasps at the top. He wears the Astral Amulet around his neck on a gold chain.
- The Astral Amulet
- Academy Cloak (Navy Blue variant)
- Trailmaster's Circlet
He is a bit mean at times, but not in a harsh way, once turning Gale into a human because he was being "twitchy."
- Wields Astral magic at its Ultimate and purest power
- Master of all Astral spells
- Was one of the first wizards to master the spell, Zero.
- Was blinded in one eye by the Puppet Master while the Puppet master was a student at the Academy.
- Was the founder of the Academy.
- He was given the nickname, "Master of Trials" because he endured many trials and hardships during his time as Astral Warden.