The Ornithfest Update is a fanon update for the event Ornithfest for the FourSevensRueful Version of Prodigy Math that takes up the entirety of the gap between every year's Springfest and Summerfest. The entire theme of the event surrounds birds, a very large group of animals of which people have different feelings.
The changelog upon release contains the following:
*Added the festival Ornithfest, which happens consistently between Springfest and Summerfest each year *Added the merchant NPC Pterra *Daily monsters in Lamplight Town hide in nest scrapes in the ground, and all of them are birdlike *Added the currency Quills *Added new items and pets associated with the event *Added an Arena gambling season associated with Ornithfest
Just like the Seasonal Tournaments Update, there is a tournament specific to this event. People are allowed to gamble Quills in hopes of winning more than they spent.
Improving Gameplay[]
An additional type of event may increase the popularity of Prodigy Math during the last stretch of the Northern Hemisphere academic year while potentially sparking students' interest in birds.