Pet Enrichment Toys are fanon pet items and are non-food, non-potion consumables for Prodigy.
They look like thin cattail rods with no protruding branches; they are about 100 pixels long when bent linearly. They are normally mildly weighted by the bushy cattail flower at the end, making its inventory texture look skewed. The pith is beige in comparison to the striped sepia-and-white zebra-like flower.
In-Game Description[]
"A small price to pay for watching a pet or buddy enjoy their time with you. This item disappears after its first use."
Obtainment Methods[]
Use the Retreat Vending Machine in the Nesting Grounds to purchase one for a 3 Copper Coins.
- If used on a hatchling at least once, it will become an adult pet or buddy with 10% Loyalty instead of the usual 0%.
- When playing with a monster in the Fields, the pet will gain 1% Loyalty of of the needed 100% to become your pet.
- The player's own pets that have not been played with since the latest midnight will gain 2% Loyalty while all the other subsequent times the player can use the toy to let the buddy or pet gain 1% Loyalty each time.
- They can be used repeatedly an unlimited amount of times on a single pet per day until the pet or buddy is completely (100%) loyal to the player.
- Completely loyal pets and buddies are "too tired" to play with their player and will remain that way until their Loyalty decreases.