Prodigy Laughs cover.
Fuschia's problem.
JEN: Hey, Fuschia, how's it going?
FUSCHIA: I have a big problem. This is not good.....
JEN:Don't worry, I'll help! What's the problem?
FUSCHIA: My crayons.... Crios took all my crayons and split them in half!
JEN: (flips backwards after Fuschia screams)Well, don't worry, we will buy more!
FUSCHIA:(sighs) Clearly you don't understand. Crios took all my PINK crayons. Nowhere sells pink crayons.
CRIOS: Hey Nova, ready to go out now?
NOVA: Don't. You. Dare. (pulls out power orb from backpack.)
CRIOS: Relax. I'm immune to fire.
FUSCHIA: (sets Crios on fire)
CRIOS: Well, not chemical fire.....
CRIOS: AHHHHHH(knocks over a bunch of crates) HHHHHHHH(knocks over Djinna) HHHHHHHHH
DJINNA: (casts water spell)
CRIOS: You Idiot! That just made it worse! AHHHHHH!
FUSCHIA: Alright! Nice to see him suffer. Now he knows never to damage anything pink again.
NOVA: (takes one of Fuschia's pink wands because it is dirty, she wants to clean it)
NOVA: I was just trying to clean it, I, I
FUSCHIA: Excuses, excuses, excuses. PREPARE TO BE STRUCK!
JEN: I'm getting Gale. I'm not going to tell her myself.....
Grace and Lillian:
LILLIAN: Ah, perfect day for my date with Korathius. Now all I have to do is find a taxi. TAXI!
GRACE: (slashes sword at Crios while leaving the coliseum, hops into her car disguised as a taxi.)
LILLIAN: ( Not noticeing what Grace did, jumps into car before it drives away) Thanks for the ride. Take me to Skywatch, 18 Cloud street please.
GRACE: Wait, how did you get in here? What do you know.
LILLIAN: Well, it's a taxi, and like I said, I need a ride, and I know lots of things! Espically about pets. I know that Flikfits love strawberry yougert, Wots will strike lightning at you if get them very angry, Luminites will howl at night, Charfoals lov
GRACE: (intterupts Lillian)Stop. You know too much. I'll take you for a ride.
LILLIAN: Thanks for the ride, oh and also, you can't know too much.
GRACE: Zip your lip shut.
LILLIAN: Sure, I'll shut up, i'm not talking forever, i'll
GRACE: (interupts Lillian.) Shut up!
LILLIAN: (gets a phone call from Nova)
NOVA: Hey, have you seen Grace Thundersong? She tied Crios to chains! If I see her, I'll take one of Fuschia's pink things and give it to her. FUSCHIA will torture her after that...
LILLIAN: Shh! (whispers) She's driving my taxi!
NOVA: Okay. I'll hang up. Meet you at 18 Cloud street.
GRACE:( not hearing the small conversation) Okay Lil. Go out there and see if there are any cars coming.
LILLIAN: (looks left, then right) Okay! All clear!
GRACE: (drives through, crashes into Maria's car.)
MARIA: Hey, watch it!
LILLIAN: (runs to gas station)
GRACE: Arghhhhhh!!!
LILLIAN: Cashier, get me some bubblegum, stat.
CASHIER: Here. That is 99 cents.
LILLIAN: (takes money and leaves.)
MARIA: (leaves)
GRACE: There you are, one more mess up like that and I'll, I'll, I'll....
LILLIAN:(blows big bubblegum bubble, Grace and the cars are now stuck in it.)
2 hours later......
GRACE: Okay we finally got to my house. Now, Ivara of the Greenwood, give it to her.
IVARA: Okay. and please, do call me Ivara.
IVARA:(Smiles, points Montoya's blade at Lillian)
LILLIAN: Well, give it to me.
LILLIAN: Well, you heard what Grace said, give it to me!
IVARA: Okay, you're right.(hands sword to Lillian)
LILLIAN:(cuts hole in door, throws Ivara out of it, seals door with strawberry yougert)
IVARA: (falls on Grace)
GRACE: Get off!
IVARA: (gets up)
GRACE: (Pushes Ivara away) Guess I'll have to get rid of Lillian myself.
LILLIAN: (before Grace opens door, makes sound of Nova's car when it stops) Okay Mila, take the guys, gals, and cover the cottage!
GRACE: (backs away from door after hearing the sound.)
LILLIAN: (pushes door open) Oh no, Nova!
GRACE: Hide me, Quick!
LILLIAN: (hides Grace in pool in the basement)
IVARA: Well, hide me too! It ain't fair!
LILLIAN: (thinks to herself) I must be sleeping, these two are really awkward.(hides Ivara in pool, puts scuba diving outfits in for them to put on so they can breathe, also puts on pool cover)
LILLIAN:(runs to front door, bangs on it) Open up! This is Mila! Alright Lillian, where is Grace, where is she hiding. (runs to basement door)She is not in this basement. Oh, she's not hiding in the basement. Look, just let me in there. (runs to toilet) Well, would I pour toilet water right where they were if they were in there?(pours toilet water right where they are) Hmmm, you could Lillian, you could. Well, would I set a chemical fire if they were in there? (sets chemical fire) Okay Lillian, you've convinced me. I'll go look for them in lamplight town.(opens and closes front door) Okay, you can come out now!
(Ivara and Grace come out burned,and smell like a toilet)
NOVA: (actually comes this time) Okay Mila, take the guys, gals, and cover the house!
(Ivara and Grace hide in the same place.)
MILA: Open up! This is Mila! (smashes door open)Alright Lillian, where is Grace, where is she hiding.
LILLIAN: Oh, she's not hiding in the basement.
MILA: Look, just let me in there.
LILLIAN:(runs to toilet, gets toilet water and pours it where Grace and Ivara are swimming.) Well, would I pour toilet water right where they were if they were in there?
MILA: Hmmm, you could Lillian, you could.
LILLIAN: Well, would I set a
(Ivary and Grace run out.)
IVARY: Not again!
GRACE: I did it, I confess we did it..
IVARY: We did it please..
(talking overlaps.)
2 hours later.....
(telephone rings in Korathius's house)
Hello? Detective Lillian, case solved, guarantee!