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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
This article matches about a PG rating.
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Plot: Its the summer of 1985, and 6 kids named John, James, Jessica, Eric, David, and Holly, go to the arcade and John gets a floppy disc from a enchanted machine. And at 12:00 am when they play the game, it opened a portal to the prodigy world and they get sucked in the game. When they get into the game, it has been a century since the puppet master had taken over the academy and prodigy island, and John and his friends are the only wizards left. So now its up to them to restore the academy and prodigy island, but it won't be easy.


Characters: yes there will be the prodigy characters in the movie like Noot, Flora, Bok, captain Eve, Mira shade, etc. And the npc characters of prodigy will get personality. But i want to talk about the main characters of the movie.

John: For John, He of course is the leader of the group, he has both courage and confidence, but he also does have emotion, biggest example being that his father died from cancer in 1982, leading for him and his mother to have unstable relationship with each other, He is confident of his friends since they have been friends since the late 1970s, making his friends the only stable relationship he had since the passing of his father, leading for him to care about them a lot, he was also given some confidence and courage from the last words from his father before he died, with the last words being, "Never lose your faith in humanity". He also sometimes isn't trusted, which that main character flaw becomes overcomed at the end of the book (Along with his secret depression, which we will get to that later).

James: James is the friend of John and is the rebel of the 6, he is both independent and prideful at first, and he does refuse to accept others help at first, but then he gets better at magic by accepting other peoples help later on in the book. His home life also sucks at home since his parents make him study excessively, leading him to become the rebel of the 6.

Jessica: For Jessica, she can be irritable, but a very passionate character that would probably have lots of strange and unique hobbies. She seems like the type to go to protests and stand up to people who try to push her around. She'd probably smack anyone that tried to mess with her or her friends, and she later connects to John in the story.

Eric: For Eric, He does has destructive tendencies, and can take his anger out on other people, which earns his reputation of a bully. He does later work out his emotions, and he does slowly heals emotionally during the book. His parents also abuse and neglect him, which could be another reason why he has the reputation of a bully.

David: For David, He can be a bit of a know-it-all and a showoff when it comes to his knowledge, which could make him a bit annoying to be around sometimes. He is possibly a victim of Eric's bullying (But not in a violent type of way), which could make them both enemies, they do later overcome their hatred for each other later on in the book. David also secretly is insecure about his knowledge+position as the "Smart Kid" and spent most of his life practicing magic so that the others wouldn't be better than him.

Holly: For Holly, She might squeal a lot when someone in the group mentions something shes loves, obsess over authors and/or music artists, and might be afraid to practice magic in case she makes a mistake that could hurt someone or humiliate her. A huge part of her character arc might be her overcoming her self-consciousness and getting the courage to stand up for herself and feel comfortable for who she is.


Soundtrack: I do want orchestrated music for the movie, but I do want songs in there too, the songs in the movie are from John's mixtape that is played, that was filled with songs from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Songs that aren't included in the tape will be listed here

Heaven's Mixtape/soundtrack:

“Magic” By The Cars

“Breathe (In The Air)” By Pink Floyd

“The Spirit Of Radio” By Rush

“Video Fever” By The Beepers

“Dream Police” By Cheap Trick

“Come A Little Bit Closer” By Jay & The Americans

“Midnight At The Oasis” By Maria Muldaur

“Go All The Way” By Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah

“Fixing A Hole” By The Beatles

“Hocus Pocus” By Focus

“Silly Love Songs” By Wings

“Mission (A World Record)” By Electric Light Orchestra

“Father And Son” By Yusuf/ Cat Stevens

“Everything I Own” By Bread

“Sloop John B” By The Beach Boys

“Never Can Say Goodbye” By The Jackson 5

“The Chain” By Fleetwood Mac

”Do You Believe In Magic?” By The Lovin’ Spoonful


Beginning, In Prodigy Universe, 1 century ago)

Florian: (Teaching Wizards about Shrubbery Strike)

*Ground Rumbles*

Florian Asks Gale, who is nearby: What was that?

Gale: I think it might be the Dark Master (A small reference to Harry Potter)

Florian: Class Dismissed Early. You can go spend some time at Lamplight Town

Wizards: (Teleport Away)

Florian and Gale hurry to the Warden Pedestals. They bump into Noot along the way

Noot: He’s back! I will make sure all the wizards are safe!

Florian and gale continue to hurry to the Warden Pedestals, and see the Puppet Master raising his staff, and it was too late to stop it. A burst of dark purple light comes out and covers the screen.


(Purple Light fades away to show the main characters)

It cuts to John, coming out of his house door, to grab his bike to ride it to get his friends to hang out as they always do. As John rides to the house of his friend James

James was sitting on the porch with his other friend,

"Hey John." Said James.

"James! I've been wanting to tell you. The arcade released a new game! It's called "Prodigy"! I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY IT!!!

James: Really, I haven't seen a good game being released in a while, but sure! Let's meet up with our friends!

[v · t · e · ?]
Comedic Fanfictions
Finished Comedic Fanfictions: Prodigy Comedies: Quadruple Trouble  •  The Ancient Breaks the Fourth Wall  •  Theodore and Friends 2: Flora is Frustrated
Unfinished Comedic Fanfictions: Amber's Wrath  •  Annoying Jack in the Ice Tower  •  Prodigy Comedies  •  Prodigy Comedies: Fairy Flu Pt. 2  •  Prodigy Comedies: Master Says  •  Prodigy Impossible! (The Prodigy based game show!)  •  Prodigy Laughs  •  Puppet Master Finds The Last Gem  •  Soft-Serve Chaos
Drama Fanfictions
Finished Drama Fanfictions: Dark Scars  •  Fates Intertwined  •  Fates Intertwined: Extras  •  The Astral Amulet  •  The Lost, The Forgotten  •  The Lost, The Forgotten: Extras
Unfinished Drama Fanfictions: Amber Falling Star  •  Balance and Imbalance  •  Clashing Swords  •  Faith Waterfall's Tale  •  Moments of Eternity  •  The Sad Ghost
Mystery Fanfictions
Finished Mystery Fanfictions: Academy Assignment
Unfinished Mystery Fanfictions: Jane the Detective  •  The Mysterious Scepter
Romance Fanfictions
Finished Romance Fanfictions: Fluttery Love
Unfinished Romance Fanfictions: I Won't Let Go
Thriller Fanfictions
Finished Thriller Fanfictions: Dargon's Bane  •  Dark and Light  •  Eques Astra  •  Evan (Eve's Evil Brother)  •  Fairies Don't Cry~  •  Fight for Honor  •  Forged by Obsidian
Unfinished Thriller Fanfictions: Airwalkers: The True Story of the Smartest Kid in the Academy  •  Brooke Riverrunner 1: The Elemental Clash  •  Celesteate and the Existence Eraser  •  Cynicism  •  Prodigy Ending  •  Prodigy Island (Book Adaptation)
Tragic Fanfictions
Finished Tragic Fanfictions: War of Shadows
Unfinished Tragic Fanfictions: A Shattered Heart of Glass  •  Adventures of Charlie  •  Corruption
Battles Fanfictions
Finished Battles Fanfictions: Jackson vs The Shadowdragon  •  Jackson vs The Shadowdragon (Rematch)  •  Prodigy Final Boss Fight Idea  •  The Test
Unfinished Battles Fanfictions: None yet.
Adventure Fanfictions
Finished Adventure Fanfictions: Kevin Dragonhunter's Adventures  •  Prodigy 2 Return of Magic  •  Scar Tissue  •  The Adventures of Kylie Snapdragon & Ansat Lightningheart  •  The Legend of the All-Out Attack  •  The Life and Legend of an Embershed  •  The Warden Horses: A Myth of Time  •  The Warden Horses: A Myth of Time - Extras
Unfinished Adventure Fanfictions: A Day in the Coliseum  •  A Prodigy Flame  •  A Shadow's New Life  •  Academy's Past  •  Adventures of Ansat and Ben  •  Astral vs Shadow  •  Celeste Cloudglider: the Tale of a Wizard  •  Curse of Gelufirn  •  Marley's (Totally Cool) Diary  •  Passport to Prodigia  •  Prodigy: the Chosen Ones  •  Prodigy's Last Wizard  •  The Puppet Master's Origin Story
Fanfictions of Unknown Genre
Finished Ungenred Fanfictions: Down Memory Lane  •  Dragonborn  •  Elemental Balance  •  First Day  •  Last Day  •  Prodigia's Past
Unfinished Ungenred Fanfictions: A History of Prodigia  •  A Prodigy’s Journey  •  A Prodigy’s Journey/Part 1  •  A Study in Philosophy  •  Always Me: Book 1  •  Amethyst Skies  •  Ansat and Ben: Beginnings  •  Darkness of Terror  •  Deceit  •  Emma and the Last Mermaid  •  Fallen Prodigies  •  Fizzy  •  Fly Away Falcon  •  Frozen Realm  •  Gems of Power  •  Hero I  •  Isabella Icecraver: The Tale of a New Wizard  •  Jax Legendshard: Future Spy  •  Journey to 100  •  Kado Makes a Cake  •  Kendra Lightningfire and the Stone of Silver  •  Kevin's Adventures Part 2: Infinite's Wrath  •  Kevin's Adventures Part 3: Shadowy Terror  •  Knight's Honor  •  Memno-Thaza  •  My Prodigy FANON Story  •  Mystylian Skies  •  New Day  •  Onyx Stone  •  People of the Clouds  •  Prodigy Movie Adaptation  •  Prodigy: Elements Rising  •  Rival Rumble  •  Scally Grove  •  Selena Starjewel  •  Smart-Alecky  •  Starter Pets Ultimate Battle  •  Stuck in Ice  •  The Book of Genesis  •  The Chosen One  •  The Last Dragon Mage  •  The Legendary Secrets of the Light  •  The Legends of Prodigy: Book 1  •  The Misadventures of Burnewt  •  The Order's Revenge  •  The Past of Redtide, Frost, Scorblaze  •  The Puppet Master's Arrival  •  The Return of Mary-Sue  •  The Story of Prodraxis  •  The Story of the Mythical Epics  •  The Taken  •  The Wonderful Diary of Aidan Goldenmask  •  Torn Between Planes  •  Wizard Breaks Last Puppet Master Seal  •  Zorra ~ The Tale of a Wizard
Fanfictions Subject to be Deleted
Fanfictions With No Major Author Edits in 1-2 Years: Forgotten  •  Island Lost  •  Springwood  •  Story of the Mysts  •  The Devil's Dare  •  The Devil’s Dare concept  •  The Many Misadventures of Culix and Worly the Wonderful  •  The Story of the Wardens  •  The War for Prodigy
Fanfictions With No Major Author Edits in 2+ Years: None.