Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Prodigy Smash is an idea for a fangame related to Prodigy. A literal smash-hit, it was intended to be similar to Nintendo's Smash Bros. series, except with major differences. The elemental system of Prodigy Math is used here, and some fanon elements are also implemented. The majority of fighters, or playable characters, in Prodigy Smash are canon to Prodigy Math and Prodigy English. The game is not educational, but it teaches young students muscle memory necessary for typing and motor skills and also teaches moral lessons in singleplayer.


The game has three modes: Multiplayer, where local multiplayer is used within one area, or where players fight online; Quest Mode, where players compete against a computer fighter to progress and unlock new fighters); and Training Mode, where players learn the basic movements and combos for their select fighters. Players are generally advised to try Training Mode first before playing either of the earlier two modes.

The point of engaging in brawls with other players or with computers in Quest Mode is to reduce their hearts to 0%. All fighters and computers begin a battle at 100%, but depending upon their total hearts, they take different amounts of damage if attacked by the same fighter with the same hit.



In this mode, players first enter a match within their Local Area Network (LAN) or connect to the internet and customize which type of match they want. Players that play within their LAN always engage in friendly matches, while internet/online matches are either friendly or ranked. Players that sign up for competitions may only earn points for one competition per competitive battle.

In multiplayer, players must first choose a setting, or a background, for where they are to fight. Since up to six (6) fighters may engage in battle at one time, at least four (4) of a full house need to vote on the same setting before choosing their fighter. When selecting their fighter, no two players may choose the same fighter, so each player should be familiar with fighting using at least six different characters. Players can also customize their fighters based on their available skins and alternate personas, where alternate personas change a character's weapon of choice while skins do not.

Once everyone confirms that they are ready, they are spawned evenly spaced out throughout the setting, and they begin fighting. The last player to have their hearts reduced to 0% is in second place, and the final player remaining is in first place. If all players agree to continue, they may move on to additional rounds, and if they wish to switch fighters and backrounds, they can ask to do that as well.

Quest Mode[]

Players can select different paths and quests unique for each fighter, and they will have to fight computers for several rounds to reach achievements, earn skins and personas, and maximize their practice with that character. Fighters that have fanon origins may not have quests specific to them. Players may exit a quest at any time, but exiting mid-battle will cause a setback in progression.

Training Mode[]

Basically a tutorial, there are automated training sessions for each fighter. For each session, players choose a fighter they want to get used to, and they spawn in the diminutive Dojo and fight against a wizard-shaped substitute doll. For each fighter, there are two training paths: Basic Training (learning the controls), and Combo Training (learning how to chain different attacks). Players automatically progress after the game recognizes that they have succeeded in demonstrating the keys they were told to use, and they can press the "5" key on their keyboard to access a video demonstration of what they have to complete. Players may quit training at any time they want.


ID Name Element Skins Alt. Personas Obtainment Method Canonity Status
01 Wizard Protagonist AstralIcon Astral Member Wizard, Astral Wizard, Titan Smasher Mirage Wizard, Dark Wizard Default Canon
02 Noot AstralIcon Astral Member Fairy Divine Seelie Default Canon
03 Gale AstralIcon Astral Archivist - Default Canon
04 Pippet ShadowIcon Shadow Day Jester - Default Canon
05 Dwarf Merchant AstralIcon Astral Wheeler, Spinner, Boardy, Arena Caller - Default Canon
06 Floatling AstralIcon Astral Dandelion Floatling Earthling, Iceling, Stormling, Fireling, Waterling Default Canon
07 Cassie & Wott AstralIcon Astral & StormIcon Storm Island Survivor - Unlock (Complete training for the six default fighters) Canon
08 Pyromane & Cuddlefin FireIcon Fire & WaterIcon Water - - Unlock (Complete Basic Training for Cassie & Wott) Canon
09 Pompalm & Hail-Tail PlantIcon Earth & IceIcon Ice - - Unlock (Complete Combo Training for Cassie & Wott) Canon
10 Mystile PlantIcon Earth Mystile Buck - Unlock (Complete the ten first battles in the Earth quest track) Canon
11 Mysticle IceIcon Ice Mysticle Stallion - Unlock (Complete the ten first battles in the Ice quest track) Canon
12 Mystyyk StormIcon Storm Mystyyk Alicorn - Unlock (Complete the ten first battles in the Storm quest track) Canon
13 Mystember FireIcon Fire Mystember Burro - Unlock (Complete the ten first battles in the Fire quest track) Canon
14 Mysty WaterIcon Water Mysty Kelpie - Unlock (Complete the ten first battles in the Water quest track) Canon
15 Spectral PlantIcon Earth Autumn Shade - Unlock (Complete the twenty first battles in the Earth quest track) Canon
16 Frostfang IceIcon Ice Thawing Frostfang - Unlock (Complete the twenty first battles in the Ice quest track) Canon
17 Luminex StormIcon Storm Lumibolt - Unlock (Complete the twenty first battles in the Storm quest track) Canon
18 Embershed FireIcon Fire - Ampereshed Unlock (Complete the twenty first battles in the Fire quest track) Canon
19 Mimic WaterIcon Water Member Chest Mimic - Unlock (Complete the twenty first battles in the Water quest track) Canon
20 Flora PlantIcon Earth Flutist - Unlock (Complete the fifth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
21 Bok IceIcon Ice Shiverchill Chieftain - Unlock (Complete the tenth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
22 Eugene StormIcon Storm Prospector - Unlock (Complete the fifteenth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
23 Slurpy FireIcon Fire Chef - Unlock (Complete the twwntieth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
24 Eve WaterIcon Water Dire Pirate - Unlock (Complete the twenty-fifth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
25 Florian PlantIcon Earth Wood Knight - Unlock (Complete the thirtieth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
26 Ada IceIcon Ice Polar Knight - Unlock (Complete the thirty-fifth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
27 [STORM WARDEN] StormIcon Storm Wing Guard - Unlock (Complete the fourtieth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
28 [FIRE WARDEN] FireIcon Fire Candle Knight - Unlock (Complete the fourty-fifth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
29 [WATER WARDEN] WaterIcon Water Shell Gladiator - Unlock (Complete the fiftieth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
30 [ASTRAL WARDEN] AstralIcon Astral Astral Mage - Unlock (Complete the fifty-fifth battle in the Keystone quest track) Canon
31 Swoopy AstralIcon Astral - - Unlock (Complete the tenth battle in the Lost quest track) Canon
32 Aspen Frost IceIcon Ice - - Unlock (Complete the tenth battle in the Crystal quest track) Canon
33 Harmony Golem PlantIcon Earth, IceIcon Ice, StormIcon Storm, FireIcon Fire, WaterIcon Water (depends) - - Unlock (Complete the tenth battle in the Harmony quest track) Canon
34 Sir Vey [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical - - Unlock (Complete the tenth battle in the Meta quest track) Canon
35 Mozza Ella [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical - - Unlock (Complete the twentieth battle in the Meta quest track) Canon
36 Macha AstralIcon Astral - - Unlock (Complete the thirtieth battle in the Meta quest track) Canon
37 TEK-Y4 StormIcon Storm - - Unlock (Complete the fourtieth battle in the Meta quest track) Canon
38 Wishie AstralIcon Astral - - Unlock (Complete the fiftieth battle in the Meta quest track) Canon
00 Rueful (+Pluto) [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical Caltrop (+Pluto) The Instigator (+Pluto) Default Fanon


Name Size Element Accessibility in Singleplayer
Dojo Small No Element Training Mode
Lost Island Forest Small PlantIcon Earth, FireIcon Fire, AstralIcon Astral Lost quest track
Lost Island Marsh Medium IceIcon Ice, WaterIcon Water, StormIcon Storm Lost quest track
Lost Island Lodge Large ShadowIcon Shadow, [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical Lost quest track
Crystal Caverns Entrance Small StormIcon Storm, PlantIcon Earth Crystal quest track
Crystal Caverns Mouth Medium WaterIcon Water, FireIcon Fire Crystal quest track
Crystal Caverns Chasm Large IceIcon Ice, ShadowIcon Shadow Crystal quest track
Harmony Island Beach Small WaterIcon Water Harmony quest track
Harmony Island Jungle Small PlantIcon Earth Harmony quest track
Harmony Island Snowpeaks Medium IceIcon Ice Harmony quest track
Harmony Island Camp Medium FireIcon Fire Harmony quest track
Harmony Island Clearing Large StormIcon Storm Harmony quest track
Harmony's Bluff Large AstralIcon Astral, ShadowIcon Shadow, [[File:NonmagicalIcon.png|20px|link=Nonmagical Element Nonmagical Harmony quest track
The Big Tree Small PlantIcon Earth Earth quest track, Keystone quest track
Firefly Forest Medium PlantIcon Earth Earth quest track
Earth Tower Large PlantIcon Earth Keystone quest track
Earth Titan Grounds Large PlantIcon Earth Earth quest track
Florian's Office Medium PlantIcon Earth Keystone quest track
Bok's Cave Small IceIcon Ice Ice quest track, Keystone quest track
Shiverchill Mountains Medium IceIcon Ice Ice quest track
Ice Tower Large IceIcon Ice Keystone quest track
Ice Titan Grounds Large IceIcon Ice Ice quest track
Ada's Office Medium IceIcon Ice Keystone quest track
Upper Bean-o-Vator Small StormIcon Storm Storm quest track, Keystone quest track
Skywatch Medium StormIcon Storm Storm quest track
Storm Tower Large StormIcon Storm Keystone quest track
Storm Titan Grounds Large StormIcon Storm Storm quest track
[STORM WARDEN]'s Office Medium StormIcon Storm Keystone quest track
Volcano Village Small FireIcon Fire Fire quest track, Keystone quest track
Bonfire Spire Medium FireIcon Fire Fire quest track
Fire Tower Large FireIcon Fire Keystone quest track
Fire Titan Grounds Large FireIcon Fire Fire quest track
[FIRE WARDEN]'s Office Medium FireIcon Fire Keystone quest track
Shoreline Small WaterIcon Water Water quest track, Keystone quest track
Shipwreck Shore Medium WaterIcon Water Water quest track
Water Tower Large WaterIcon Water Keystone quest track
Water Titan Grounds Large WaterIcon Water Water quest track
[WATER WARDEN]'s Office Medium WaterIcon Water Keystone quest track
Dark Tower Floor Small AstralIcon Astral Keystone quest track
Dark Tower Roof Large AstralIcon Astral Keystone quest track
Birch Forest Small No Element Meta quest track
Ski Mountains Small No Element Meta quest track
Cloud Island Small No Element Meta quest track
Canadian Volcano Small No Element Meta quest track
Ocean View Small No Element Meta quest track
Developer Studio Small ShadowIcon Shadow Meta quest track
CEO Office Large ShadowIcon Shadow Mets quest track


Quests fall into different quest tracks.

  • Earth
  • Ice
  • Storm
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Lost
  • Crystal
  • Harmony
  • Keystone
  • Meta
  • Creepypasta


[v · t · e · ?]
Prodigy Smash Content
Fighter Characters: Canon:
Fighter Characters: Fanon: FSR.vpk (default)
Assist Characters: Canon:
Assist Characters: Fanon: Pluto
Quests: Quest Tracks
[v · t · e · ?]
Unfinished Features
Items: Rickroll Member Box  •  Storage Note
Game Versions: FourSevensRueful Version (Math)  •  FourSevensRueful Version (English)  •  Prodigy: Open World  •  Prodigy Smash
Game Updates: Crystal Caverns Update (English)  •  Dock & Island Update (English)  •  Elemental Concoction Update (Math)  •  Collision Update (Math & English)  •  Ornithfest Update (Math)  •  Fables Update (Math)  •  Species Update (Math)  •  Shattered Elements Update (Math)  •  Skywatch Overhaul (Math)  •  The Mountain Update (English)  •  Treacherous Taiga Update (Math)  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption Community Version  •  Breeding FSRV  •  Collaboration Mode  •  Item Creation FSRV  •  Multiplayer Arcade  •  Taming (Befriending)
Battle Mechanics: Abilities FSRV  •  Elemental Effects Community Version
Customization: Battle Accelerator
Miscellaneous: Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Forked Evolution Community Version  •  House Defense Strategies  •  Membership
Finished Features
Shops: Academy Special Shop  •  Gloria  •  India Croft  •  Patches
Items: Bee Box  •  Consumables  •  Developer Console  •  Eggs Community Version  •  Eggs FRSV  •  Healing Weapons Franciscothepro Version  •  Interactive Furniture
Game Versions:
Game Updates: Design Consistency Update (Math)  •  Five Towers Update (Math)  •  Game Mechanics Update (Math)  •  Inventory Update (Math or English)  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update (English)  •  Nesting Grounds Update (Math)  •  Rueful's Epics Update (Math)  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption FSRV  •  Breeding  •  Breeding/Mxnty Vibez Version  •  Fire Wheel  •  Item Creation  •  Item Wands  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Storm Wheel  •  Trading Community Version  •  Trading FSRV  •  Water Wheel
Battle Mechanics: Abilities  •  Attributes and Affinities  •  Bodyguards  •  Elemental Effects/AlyssSolo Version  •  Festival Tiered Arenas  •  Loyalty  •  New Bounty Types  •  Skills Community Version  •  Skills FSRV
Infections: Basilisk Disease
NPCs: Eco-Man  •  Merry  •  Nike  •  Polo  •  Species Community Version  •  Species/AlyssSolo Version  •  Species FSRV
Customization: Artstyle Filters  •  Body Types
Miscellaneous: Achievements Community Version  •  Achievements FSRV  •  Alternative Evolution Methods FSRV  •  Forked Evolution FSRV  •  Player Mail  •  Steeds  •  Visible Boots Cosmetics
[v · t · e · ?]
Content by FourSevensRueful & FSR.vpk
Crown Jewels
Finished Fanfictions: Dargon's Bane  •  Eques Astra  •  Fight for Honor  •  Fluttery Love  •  Forged by Obsidian  •  The Ancient Breaks the Fourth Wall
Unfinished Fanfictions: Curse of Gelufirn
Game Versions: Prodigy Math FSRV  •  Prodigy English FSRV  •  Prodigy Smash
Updates: Crystal Caverns (Prodigy English) Update  •  Design Consistency Update  •  Five Towers Update  •  Game Mechanics Update  •  Inventory Update  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update  •  Nesting Grounds Update  •  Ornithfest Update  •  Rueful's Epics Update  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update  •  Shattered Elements Update  •  Treacherous Taiga Update  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update
Features: Achievements  •  Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Basilisk Disease  •  Battle Accelerator  •  Body Types  •  Developer Console  •  Fire Wheel  •  Forked Evolution  •  Infuser  •  Loyalty  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Player Mail  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Steeds  •  Storm Wheel  •  Water Wheel
FourSevensRueful Version Subpages: Abilities  •  Adoption  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Breeding  •  Combo Elements  •  Eggs  •  Forked Evolution  •  Item Creation  •  Materials  •  Skills  •  Species  •  Trading
Theories: Blueflame Theory  •  Citizens of Prodigy English Theories  •  Future Mythical Epics  •  Identity of the Astral Warden  •  Motivations of the Puppet Master  •  Warden Inheritance Theory  •  Purple Theory
Guides: Challenger PvP Etiquette  •  Finding Your Battle Style  •  Making a Pet  •  Making a Pet, Monster, or Buddy Character  •  Making a Roleplay  •  Rare Loot  •  Surviving Harmony Island
Exclusives: Non-Items
Elements: Land Element  •  Nonmagical Element  •  Obscurity (Substrand)  •  Wind Element
Areas: Academy Sub-Basement (Math)  •  Astral Tower (Math)  •  Crystal Caverns (English)  •  Fire Tower (Math)  •  Nesting Grounds (Math)  •  Prodigy-002 (Math)  •  Storm Tower (Math)  •  The Underworld (Math)  •  Treacherous Taiga (Math)  •  Village of Heist (English)  •  Water Tower (Math)
Pets: Abyssmole  •  Ampereshed  •  Candelynx  •  Caniwarp  •  Chasmid  •  Chillchilla  •  Dourbed  •  Dusk Caller  •  Dusk Creator  •  Dusk Neek  •  Eaglefree  •  Eftorch  •  Fossoul  •  Heavenly Cogmite  •  Iceopod  •  Ignitiguana  •  Loburr  •  Marsupeel  •  Mosslimax  •  Mosspuca  •  Mosstropod  •  Ofrozzum  •  Ophanim Gearsite  •  Platyplus  •  Red Eclipse  •  Stygemander  •  Surjolt  •  Watewrasse
Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Avane  •  Caltrop (RP)  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cloudmath  •  Cobnut  •  Dark Cloud  •  Delila Quakeman (RP)  •  Emile  •  Evening  •  FSR.vpk (persona)  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria  •  Gryphon  •  Hoot  •  Icetwig  •  India Croft  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout  •  Karin  •  Leonid  •  Ludwig  •  Merry  •  Meteorite  •  Monsoon  •  Newton  •  Nike  •  Patches  •  Paul  •  Polo  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Pterry  •  Raina  •  Redwood  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Scamp  •  Scrooge  •  Seraph  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shiba  •  Shrapnel (RP)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter (RP)  •  Spacewalker  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Starry Night (RP)  •  Theta  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Smuggler  •  Tigris  •  Timmy  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco  •  Zion Deadstaff
Groups: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Astrallum Apostates  •  Bounty Hunters  •  Caddisfolk  •  Founding Wardens  •  Humans  •  Infernal Wizards  •  Magical Mercenaries  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga  •  Presidential Nebluffs  •  Shale Distributors  •  Stormchaser Family  •  The Order/The Order of Influence  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters
Buddies: Bedbug  •  Canary  •  Common Bristletail  •  Itty Bitty Bat  •  Lava Cake  •  Munchkin Bristletail  •  Pistol Shrimp  •  Puff Peck  •  Sparkle Silverfish  •  Weasel
Spells and Moves: Battle Terminate  •  Blinding Blitz  •  Bright Aegis  •  Burning Spectrum  •  Can Grenade  •  Confounding Speech  •  Divide by Zero  •  Freezer Burn  •  Fright Breeze  •  Galvanized Glass  •  Geomancy  •  Lapping Flames  •  Lash Out  •  Leech Hearts  •  Macrocosmos  •  Mini-Discus  •  Powerwash  •  Pulsar  •  Shut-Eye  •  Spell Download  •  Surge  •  Tectonic Shift  •  Toxic Environment  •  Wind Wall
Obstacles: Ice Crystal Tree  •  Hard Crystal Tree  •  Frost Iron Rock  •  Quartz Rock  •  Snow Pile
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy Math)
Equipment: Bricker  •  Bubble Set  •  Bunny Suit Set  •  Electrician Set  •  Flame Set  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Resonant Aether
Key Items: Bellows  •  Developer Console
Pet Items: Habitat Slots  •  Habitats  •  Incubators  •  Invincibility Sphere  •  Pet Enrichment Toy  •  Pet Feed  •  Protection Sphere
Battle Items: Bag of Hematite  •  Octaazacubane Canister
Food: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb  •  Kale Chips  •  Lumin Lemon  •  Lumin Lemonade  •  Lumin Leaf Tea  •  Mandrake Fruit  •  Mandrake Juice
Potions: Bottle of Arsenic  •  Potion of Multitargeting  •  Potion of Special Targeting  •  Shadow Resist Potions
Furniture: Bee Box  •  Billyfoot Squirrel  •  Normal Vending Machine  •  Seasonal Trophy  •  Tulips
Currency: Bottle of Sunlight  •  Quills
Throwables: Bag of Wind  •  Blank  •  Phoenix-Works  •  Sandbag
Tools: Steel Tools
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy English)
Harvestables: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb
Crafted Items: Bee Box  •  Glowing Buoy