Naiada O. Atheici believes that it is not only important for wizards to be magically strong, but they also need to be physically strong if they are going to take down the puppet master. So, what is she going to do? Well, she is hosting a olympics, right here in Prodigy!
"Free sign ups here!", Naiada says as she waits for the first wizards to sign up.
Kylie and Ellie get intrested. "Can we join?" Ellie called out.
"Sure! Now, I just need to ask a few questions, starting with are you starting a team or will you wait to join other teams?", Naiada says, excitedly.
"I'll start a team." Ellie said. "And, I'll join your team, Ellie." Kylie says.
"Okay got it. To make it less confusing, I didn't pick all of the sports. So, the sport options are swimming, track and field, gymnastics, archery, biking, canoeing, fencing, diving, tennis, soccer, volleyball, baseball, high jump, and the long jump. What do you pick?", Naiada says.
Ansat and Ben ran in on the scene.
"I ran over when I heard the word, track!" said Ansat, hyped up.
"I'm good at high and long jump!" said Ben.
Ellie replied, "Gymnastics then."
" Uh, Naiada? Ansat has super speed, so you might have a lack of participants for track and field... ", Hotshot Amber says.
"Snitch!" Said Ansat.
"Actually my team will do gymnastics and tennis." Ellie said. "Is that okay?"
"Sure! So, you are doing gymnastics, and Kylie is doing tennis, correct?", Naiada says.
"I'll do the sprinting events", Jackson of the Sea says.
"Wow, was not expecting that.", Ju Tu Jiang says. "Guess I might as well join fencing.", Ju says.
"So, Ansat, Ben, Jackson, and Ju, are you making teams or joining other teams?",Naiada says.
"I got my team, me, myself and I", Says Jackson.
"Uh, you need to have at least 2 members Jackson.", Naiada says.
"Do pets count as teammates?", Jackson asks.
“…I hate publicity” Jade grumbles
"Well, in order for the competition to be fair for everyone, pets are not allowed as teammates.", Naiada says.
"I'll make a team.", Ju says.
"*makes 2 clones* Do these count?", Jackson asks.
"Uh, I guess?", Naiada says.
Jade proceeds to awkwardly walk in circles.
"Sure! If she makes a team, you can ask her.", Naiada says.
Jade blinks. “How many people per team? I only have, like 2 friends.”
Jacksons talk "let's call our selves the 3 jacksons. Hoe about the 3 flames. nah hpw about the 3 Demonkeepers." All the jackson's agree.
“Um, we will be the Earthies.” Flora says on the spot.
”That was a stupid name.” Jess mutters.
“Not as stupid as you.” Flora says out of the corner of her mouth.
"Can I join or create a team? I'm Angelica Softheart and these are my friends and family, Angel Heartsister, Angelo Forgemetal, June Nightstar, and Rilea Shadowtalon.", Angelica Softheart says.
“Oh, and can we do gymnastics?” Jade adds.
Willy Stormchaser: Can i join? I have 6 other friends that want to join to.
Flame Dancer Al: Can me and Bolt-Head Bonzo join to? The others did not get here yet.
"I could invite Kayley..." said Ansat.
Kayley was just on her phone.
Jade sighs. “When do we start? People are staring.” She entwines vines around her wrist, watching them blossom and shrivel very few second.
"Duh", Felix said, Olivia walking behind him
“Why do we have to be the Earthies?” Jess grumbles under the shade of a tree.
“Because we all are Earth experts!” Flora retorts.
”It’s a stupid name, though. We should be the Earthers. It sounds better. And Ansat is gonna win, so what’s the point?” Jess says.
"Don't give up too fast.", Fatima said.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Flora adds.