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Rai Starheart is the Earth Trainee in Xenophobe and Warfare, later becoming Earth Warden in Ceasefire.
Smol astral fairy with disasterous ginger hair, tiny yellow wings, blue eyes, and a short-furred gold & orange cat-like tail.
He has yellow wings and a cat-like golden tail that ends in orange. He has a fair skin tone, blue eyes, green-streaked ginger hair, gray pants, and wears a red shirt similar to Aly's. His belt is orange and a crystal embedded in silver hangs from it on his left side.
The crystal is shades of orange and brown, and has an odd square-like symbol glowing within it. He also wears a foreign-looking white cape bordered with yellow, which has another orange crystal embroidered at the end.
He normally tucks his wings under the cape, making it easier for him to go by unnoticed in public. He also has a crystal earring he wears on his right ear, but scarcely wears it around his parents as Aly disapproved of how he pierced his ear.
He can turn into a small, orange, floofy, blue-eyed kitten. As he grows older, however, he eventually takes the form of a dwarfistic pumager (puma/tiger hybrid) with a golden, geo stripe pattern, white paws, and generally being much more fluffy than average.
Quiet. Both physically and verbally. It's nearly impossible to hear him sneak up on you, and even more so to get an answer out of him afterwards.
He loves watching Greenheart garden and is quite clingy towards Gale - to his despise. Often spotted snuggling with something warm.
He hates breaking promises and always feels like he needs to prove himself to his father, even when Aly tells him he doesn't. He feels like he isn't good enough and is always feels under pressure due to the fact both his parents are high in position - even his role models - like Greenheart, Chase and Storm - are in important positions. He's quite stubborn about this and is determined to be as good as his father, even if it's impossible, so that he can help people the same way the others do.
Talkative, playful, and reflective. He's still a bit quiet, but enjoys conversing with others.
He very protective of those he cares about, and is one of those people who feel like a "chill older brother" even if he's not related to you. He loves to learn, rock climb, and garden.
He still retained bits of his stubbornness, and even after becoming a trainee he still doesn't feel good enough... It's incredibly hard to sway his opinion once he has one, and he takes his time in choosing one so what he makes the best decision instead of taking sides rashly.
With the death and changes of the people he cared for, he goes down the road of self-hatred, pushing himself harder to the best, thinking it's the only way to deserve the love and pride of his remaining loved ones. He believes that the highest level of standards, and generally being "good enough", is when one is as powerful as his father. Knowing Mira achieved this to the minimum extent, he believes it is possible, but with his failures, that he'll never achieve it. His parents tell him not to worry about about these things, his friends and other parental figures telling him that he is enough - yet this always seems empty to him. He's stubborn about this, going as far as attempting to manipulate the other elements, but failing due to his self-hatred. He has little control over the other elements, often resulting in the spell changing to an ice variant due his heredity and feelings. His reason for this chain of thought is to protect his friends and family, finding moments where he failed to do so by reflecting over the negative events occuring in the second Faen War.
Geo Vision (Genshin Impact): A glowing orange/brown spherical crystal resting in fairy silver. A square-like symbol grows brightly from within, and it seems to greatly expand the range of what his Earth Magic is capable of.
Virgo Staff: "A celestial staff made for a Earth Fairy who yearned to see the stars. They never did before they perished, but this staff remains to remind one of their tale..."
Crimson Robes: Slightly altered to fit him.
Dire Pirate Boots: "Said to be suitable for dueling on rocky terrain." Hm? Why would need to go on rocky terrain? Altered to fit him.
Crystal Earring: Feels normal. Looks normal. Perfectly normal earri- wait... is it... glowing?
Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.
Prehensile: His tail is prehensile. And soft. Really soft.
Strength: Like all other fairies, he's two times stronger than a human/wizard.
Flying: Obviously, he can fly.
Cold Resistance: The cold doesn't bother him as much as most.
Astral Magic
Ice Magic: Whever attempt to use Water Magic, he often has the problem that his Ice Magic starts to overtake the spell, often contribuiting to his self-hatred.
Earth Magic: Learned it as he adores "Uncle Greenheart".
Water Magic: He forced himself to learn it as result of "not being good enough."
Telepathy: He doesn't really do it often, but Jade taken to abusing the knowledge that he can hear any thoughts directed at him, often begging him to kill her.
Geo Manipulation (Genshin Impact): In short, he can literally move mountains (however, literally moving a mountain would probably knock him out). When battling, it's not unusual for him to summon pillars of stone to get his allies to safety, as well as creating barriers of pure rock. He can and will stone you if you hurt his friends or family.
Strengths & Weaknesses[]
Water Magic
Fire Magic
Shadow Magic
Climbing: He's quite good at it, and enjoys climbing over flying.
Self Defense: Are those... claws- OW, STOP IT, THAT HURTS!
Fire Magic: Despite being able to counter it, he's still rather weak towards the element.
Lemons: Unlike his mother, he has little tolerance towards the acidity and dislikes it. However, he isn't utterly revolted like his father, and is fine if you drink lemonade around him.
Iron: Like all fairies, iron burns him and limits his magic. However, his vision (Genshin Impact) still works regardless of it.
Loneliness: He hates being alone, especially because of how empty it makes him feel...
Killing: Like Aly, he has a bit of a... homicidal nature. However, when he does go on a killing rampage, he winds up deeply regretting it later, to the point he often goes through depression and self-isolates - a bit of a bad habit he picked up from Gale. It also causes him to go through a lot of self-hatred.
Magic: He's actually magically disabled, struggling to cast starter spells. Being a trainee/warden helped make up for this, but as of Ground Zero, when the wardens lost their ability to use the keystone, he became resumed being incapacitated in terms of magic, relying heavily on his Vision.
- Chase and Storm taught him "the Way of the Pun". They notably have no regrets... regardless of Gale's reaction.
- He often joins Storm on his dimensional travel shenanigans. Storm still hasn't found Dimension C, as he calls it, but he has found a lot of other places with Rai.
- He has a Geo vision due to accidentally being left behind by Storm in the world of Teyvat (Genshin Impact).
- He's currently the first (and only) crossover character on the wiki.
- He got his earing from Aether (Genshin Impact) but didn't pierce his ear until Storm explained to him how and why people did it.
- His hobby is rock collecting, but he's more interested in magically created crystals - concentrations of magical residue. In Genshin Impact, similar items exist, being called Cor Lapis and is what the smaller crystals decorating his vision and cape is made of.