Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki


They use the metric system. The towne is built above a quartz cave, giving it the name. They use colored Kea as currency, as the rest of Keria

Worth: 1 Gold = 1 Kea


An ID is a form of identification. IDs show the color of your element. All citizens must have one to enter OR purchase things. Children don't need one, but their parent/guardian must. The ID database holds all information about the person, but certain info can be accessed by certain people [Bankers, Guards, etc.]. an ID has a picture of the person, name, wizard name, last name, job, print date, date of birth, and element. The picture is a bust. name is bold, wizard name is underneath. both dates are in the D/M/Y format. the element is the color. job is under the photo, and under that is the DOB, in the far right corner is the print date. To retrieve and ID you must go through "Citizen Formation". You only need to go through this once. You will fill out a form, and wait, after some period of time, they will either give you a decline or an accept. With the acceptation letter, you can take your ID photo, and your ID will print.

In-Game Description[]


  • All elements, including shadow, are welcome.
  • "Towne" and "Shope" are how their referred.
  • Everyone must go through a C.F. before being aloud into the towne.
  • IDs are required to enter or purchase anything.
  • Most items are handmade or hand grown.

Improving Gameplay[]

Allows all abilities in one place, the battle factor is being challenged, however pet taming is not aloud, unless the pet is ok with it. All [obtainable] items are located here, all items can be purchased with any currency. However only epic merch can be bough with Old copper coins, epic items can't be bought any other way either.

Math Factor[]

to level up, you must win battles. each win gives 14 Kea, which can be spent everywhere in RQT.


[v · t · e · ?]
Headcanon Locations
Of the Academy: Academy Sub-Basement  •  Astral Tower (XxRosexDawnxX/BFBFANBOYNOWx1000/FourSevensRueful  •  Fire Tower  •  Storm Tower  •  Water Tower
Not of the Academy: None.
Other Locations on Prodigy Island
Nicknames for Canon Locations: Prodigy Land
Locations Inside the Academy:
Locations Outside the Academy: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Marketplace  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Lakeside Beach  •  Silvian Forest  •  The Underworld  •  Underground Laboratory
Other Locations not on Prodigy Island
Extradimensional and Extraterrestrial Places: The Void
New Islands: Dragon Island  •  Mystery Island  •  Nesting Grounds  •  Relentless Archipelago  •  Serpent Island  •  Treacherous Taiga  •  Village of Heist  •  Voidmantle Woods
Places of Unknown Location: Ancient Nexus  •  Hourglass Oasis  •  Mixup Woods  •  Peaceful Prairie  •  Prodigy-002  •  Rainbow Quartz Towne (RQT)  •  Star Galaxy  •  Volcanic Den