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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
Elemental Castle


They use the metric system. Each elemental has a tower, each have 10 rooms, each room has a trial, pass and you go to the next. On the 10th floor is the elemental, if you beat them, you gain an alpha Elemental Stone. Betas are simple common version, which are not too powerful, but Alphas are almost as powerful as ancient relics.


Same as RQT; Quartz

Worth: 3 Old Copper Coins > 2 Elementals > 1 Gold = 1 Quartz


Every tower has 10 trials, and a different skill set. Fire > Strength, Water > Intelligence, Earth > Friendship, Storm > Speed, Ice > Hearing, Astral > [ideas?], Shadow > [Ideas?].




In-Game Description[]

"Not very many people make it to the top, each tower is a different skill set.!"


  • Wha?


  • The Houses are in the 4th and 5th rings
  • The Elemental Rooms can only be entered by divines, and beings called by divines
  • Shops are in the 2nd and 3rd rings
  • the outside is dangerous, there's a barrier preventing pets from going feral.
  • when in the 1st, always have your ID ready, if no ID, look for the "C.F." queue, the guard are strict, so don't think you can get passed it.


  • All elements, including shadow, are welcome.
  • The element "Divine" is mixed with another element, and can only be given to elementals
  • Only one person of each element can get the Divine element.
  • Divine boosts an element, along with allowing pet communication.
  • The numbers go up as you go closer to the center.
  • "Towne" and "Shope" are how their referred.
  • Each element has a mark
  • Everyone must go through a C.F. before being aloud into the towne.
  • IDs are required to enter or purchase anything.
  • Most items are handmade or hand grown.

Improving Gameplay[]

Allows all abilities in one place, the battle factor is being challenged, however pet taming is not aloud, unless the pet is ok with it. All [obtainable] items are located here, all items can be purchased with any currency. However only epic merch can be bough with Old copper coins, epic items can't be bought any other way either.

Math Factor[]

to level up, you must win battles. each win gives 14 quartzes, which can be spent everywhere in RQT.

[v · t · e · ?]
Headcanon Locations
Of the Academy: Academy Sub-Basement  •  Astral Tower (XxRosexDawnxX/BFBFANBOYNOWx1000/FourSevensRueful  •  Fire Tower  •  Storm Tower  •  Water Tower
Not of the Academy: None.
Other Locations on Prodigy Island
Nicknames for Canon Locations: Prodigy Land
Locations Inside the Academy:
Locations Outside the Academy: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Marketplace  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Lakeside Beach  •  Silvian Forest  •  The Underworld  •  Underground Laboratory
Other Locations not on Prodigy Island
Extradimensional and Extraterrestrial Places: The Void
New Islands: Dragon Island  •  Mystery Island  •  Nesting Grounds  •  Relentless Archipelago  •  Serpent Island  •  Treacherous Taiga  •  Village of Heist  •  Voidmantle Woods
Places of Unknown Location: Ancient Nexus  •  Hourglass Oasis  •  Mixup Woods  •  Peaceful Prairie  •  Prodigy-002  •  Rainbow Quartz Towne (RQT)  •  Star Galaxy  •  Volcanic Den