They use the metric system. The towne is built above a quartz cave, giving it the name. You need a map to navigate [fast travel], and a pass to enter.
The same as RQT: Quartz
Worth: 3 Old Copper Coins > 2 Elementals > 1 Gold = 1 Quartz
there are 5 types of passes; Sky Pass, Ocean Pass, Flame Pass, Plant Pass, Snow Pass. Each going to a different island. Sky > Sky Lands, Ocean > Ocean Tidal, Flame > Flame Path, Plant > Plant Pass, Snow Snow > rock. They are 100 quartzes each, and can only be bought once. Like every other item, you need an ID to buy one. They can come in any color.
In-Game Description[]
"welcome to [Island name]!"
- Wha?
- N/a
- They use the metric system
- RQT is town square
- To access the other areas, you need a pass for that area.
Improving Gameplay[]
Allowing More areas, rather than just RQT.
Math Factor[]
to level up, you must win battles. each win gives 14 quartzes, which can be spent everywhere in RQT.