“ | Wish for resilience, not for the hard times to stop. | ” |
— Rasp Corax
Rasp Corax is a character who appears in Untitled Story (name unofficial).
An average-sized teenage kenku with a frail body hidden underneath his obsidian black feathers. Like all other Prodigian kenku, he has a body plan similar to passerine (perching) birds, but he is larger and has a back and pelvic structure that allow him to walk. He was wingless and flightless from birth, but he still has a fan-shaped tail with razor-shaped, glossy, black feathers that help him retain balance. His head matches the appearance of a jackdaw, meaning that his head is identical to that of Pluto (no relation): a long, sharp beak, a mask-shaped crest of shinier black feathers, and two forward-facing eyes. On each of his hands are three fingers and one thumb, and on each of his feet are three forward-facing toes and one toe behind the rest of the foot.
While not common in the homeland from where kenkus originated, Rasp lives in Lamplight Town, which means that he needs to cover up more than with just his body feathers. He wears patchy coffee trousers that end at the knees, a visible charcoal undershirt, a black leather utility belt (the most expensive article of clothing he owns), and a black, ragged, hooded cloak that was a hand-me-down from his father. He bandages his hands and ankles in a strong, white rubbery substance to prevent infection&mbdash;this practice is common in kenku because of superstition surrounding contact-transmissible disease.
When he was a fledgeling and forced to be a common magician, he would wear brightly-colored clothing to catch the attention of wizards and dwarves, but he has since grown out of his performer uniform. He was too young to cast spells without the help of relics, so he had to wear several relic rings at a time to use elemental magic.
He is kind and well-meaning at heart, but he realizes that he needs money to survive. After having suffered discrimination and turned down for all honest jobs, he resorted to selling fake medicine. He understands what social Darwinism is for wizards, dwarves, fairies, yetis, slimes, merlings, etc., and how different they are for each species, and feels that there is no shame in participating in getting even. Others consider him selfish, but he believes that he is a victim of his circumstances and knows that not working for his own gain for a single second might lead to future hardship.
- Beak
- Talons
- Dual Silvered Daggers
- Leather Utility Belt: Carries both true and false medicines, potion bottles, flasks for clean water, and snacks!
- Shaman Dream: A black-and-gray Dream with string and chicken feathers on it meant to capture bad dreams. Of course, it doesn't work.
- Storm Magic: Can perform electrokinesis and semi-strong storm spells. He has not yet perfected casting them without a wand.
- Earth Magic: Can make small and medium plants grow and bend to his will. Rasp knows very little combat spells that are of the Earth element because of his preference for the Storm element.
- Mimicry: He can mimic some songs and noises to near perfection as long as he hasn't forgotten them. Rasp is most proficient at grinding, clanking, and other noises associated with dirtier trades.
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
Elemental Synergy[]
The Astral element is weak against:
- Nothing
This element is powerful against:
Shadow entities/spells
This element is neutral against:
Earth entities/spells
Ice entities/spells
Storm entities/spells
Fire entities/spells
Water entities/spells
Astral entities/spells
- Intelligence
- Dexterity
- Smart With Finances: After having been through great financial strife and finally getting his family back on their feet through his childhood magic shows, his father taught him how to invest properly and which people to trust with his money.
- Can Lie to Himself: When faced with adversity, Rasp does not mind focusing on the positive to get the placebo effect out of everyday life.
- Good Liar: When around people that do not distrust him because of the species he belongs to, he can use some charisma and brain power to deceive his "patients" into thinking that his "medicinal" treatments will help fight back against disease.
- Low Strength: His frail frame and somewhat hollow bones are easy to break in a brawl.
- Poor Mental Health: Rasp is prone to anxiety and depression when isolated for a long time or if in high-pressure social situations.
- Auditory Hallicinations: When in a very bad state, he can hallucinate a voice similar to his own speaking to him, usually in a critical or mocking tone. He never experiences these hallucinations when under low stress or in the presence of other people.
- Impressionable: He is still very young, which means that if multiple people agree on a stance and tell him their opinion, he is likely to agree as well without doing his own research.
- Survivor's Guilt/Intrusive Thoughts/Unhealthy Grieving: He is haunted by the time he gave his baby brother parasitic fleas that made him die of the black plague. Even though Rasp did not know that he was carrying them before Victor fell ill, he soon figured it out and has never been the same since.
- Unlike kenku that live in kenku-only societies where they are restricted to mimicry as a form of language, the Corax family has learned to speak in Wizard and Monster tongues.
- His family name, Corax, means "thief." It is a common name for Prodigian kenku alongside Robbing, Swindler, Muggings, and Brigand.
- If he was to be placed in Prodigy Math, his voice would be portrayed most closely with a Public Reception (PR) British accent.
- Even though he has the Astral element, he does not possess Astral spells due to the same curse that made his ancestors lose their wings.
You may add concept sketches and drawings of Rasp Corax here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.