Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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Red Eclipse is a fanon Variant Epic of Eclipse, and is a storm element pet for Prodigy.


While not exactly a red recolor of Eclipse, the Red Eclipse has the same body type as its dark purple counterpart. It has deep scarlet scales and pale cream teeth, talons, and wing claws. Its pleated underbelly scales are pointed chevrons instead of smooth scales, and are somewhat red-gray in color. Its horns are sharp and pointed backward, and are solid and ivory-colored. Its wings are sharper than a normal Eclipse, with the underside a thin, semi-translucent sandstone color; its eyes are the same color against gray sclerae. It lacks shoulder markings, and behind its shoulders are cream-colored spines. Each of its feet have three front toes and one back toe or thumb. Its tail is ombre, with solid scarlet darkening until the tip, which is also cream-colored.

In-Game Description[]

"Migrating only during eclipses, the Red Eclipse will often stay low to the ground or climb craggy mountains to seek refuge against the Order of Influence."


This pet does not evolve into or from any other species.

Obtainment Methods[]

Find clues for Ulla on the wherabouts and presence of Red Eclipse, return them to her, and track down and battle the monster to tame it. Once tame, it enters the Mythical Epics slot of the player's Pet Book and can be recruited for further journeys. While not a Mythical Epic, it behaves as one. This is one of the few fanon Mythical Epics that do not require any form of membership to acquire. They are obtained at level 65.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

The StormIcon Storm element is weak against:

This element is powerful against:

This element is neutral against:


Element Type Spell Level Slot Range
Storm Combat Spark Sphere 1 (not seen) A 1
Storm Combat Shockwave 20 (not seen) A 1
Storm Combat Ion Cannon 31 (default) A 1
Storm Combat Static Shock 4 (not seen) B 3
Storm Combat Storm's Coming 20 (not seen) B 3
Storm Combat Unlimited Power 36 (default) B 3
Fire Combat Fireball 6 (not seen) C 1
Fire Combat Combustion 17 (not seen) C 1
Fire Combat Volcannon 70 C 1
Ice Combat Winter's Breath 8 (not seen) D 3
Ice Combat Snowflake Strike 22 (not seen) D 3
Ice Combat Spearicle Crush 75 D 3
Storm Combat Umbra Blast 1 Epic Attack 3


  • It resembles the Stone Dragon in the Northwest Court of Lamplight Town.
  • Red Eclipses are solitary and almost never have friends throughout their lives. They mainly form families, and only breed outside of the confines of the Nesting Grounds.
  • This is the second fanon Epic created by Rueful to not require membership to obtain.


You may add concept sketches and drawings of Red Eclipse here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.

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Content by FourSevensRueful & FSR.vpk
Crown Jewels
Finished Fanfictions: Dargon's Bane  •  Eques Astra  •  Fight for Honor  •  Fluttery Love  •  Forged by Obsidian  •  The Ancient Breaks the Fourth Wall
Unfinished Fanfictions: Curse of Gelufirn
Game Versions: Prodigy Math FSRV  •  Prodigy English FSRV  •  Prodigy Smash
Updates: Crystal Caverns (Prodigy English) Update  •  Design Consistency Update  •  Five Towers Update  •  Game Mechanics Update  •  Inventory Update  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update  •  Nesting Grounds Update  •  Ornithfest Update  •  Rueful's Epics Update  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update  •  Shattered Elements Update  •  Treacherous Taiga Update  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update
Features: Achievements  •  Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Basilisk Disease  •  Battle Accelerator  •  Body Types  •  Developer Console  •  Fire Wheel  •  Forked Evolution  •  Infuser  •  Loyalty  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Player Mail  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Steeds  •  Storm Wheel  •  Water Wheel
FourSevensRueful Version Subpages: Abilities  •  Adoption  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Breeding  •  Combo Elements  •  Eggs  •  Forked Evolution  •  Item Creation  •  Materials  •  Skills  •  Species  •  Trading
Theories: Blueflame Theory  •  Citizens of Prodigy English Theories  •  Future Mythical Epics  •  Identity of the Astral Warden  •  Motivations of the Puppet Master  •  Warden Inheritance Theory  •  Purple Theory
Guides: Challenger PvP Etiquette  •  Finding Your Battle Style  •  Making a Pet  •  Making a Pet, Monster, or Buddy Character  •  Making a Roleplay  •  Rare Loot  •  Surviving Harmony Island
Exclusives: Non-Items
Elements: Land Element  •  Nonmagical Element  •  Obscurity (Substrand)  •  Wind Element
Areas: Academy Sub-Basement (Math)  •  Astral Tower (Math)  •  Crystal Caverns (English)  •  Fire Tower (Math)  •  Nesting Grounds (Math)  •  Prodigy-002 (Math)  •  Storm Tower (Math)  •  The Underworld (Math)  •  Treacherous Taiga (Math)  •  Village of Heist (English)  •  Water Tower (Math)
Pets: Abyssmole  •  Ampereshed  •  Candelynx  •  Caniwarp  •  Chasmid  •  Chillchilla  •  Dourbed  •  Dusk Caller  •  Dusk Creator  •  Dusk Neek  •  Eaglefree  •  Eftorch  •  Fossoul  •  Heavenly Cogmite  •  Iceopod  •  Ignitiguana  •  Loburr  •  Marsupeel  •  Mosslimax  •  Mosspuca  •  Mosstropod  •  Ofrozzum  •  Ophanim Gearsite  •  Platyplus  •  Red Eclipse  •  Stygemander  •  Surjolt  •  Watewrasse
Characters: 3-Course Concoctions  •  Aria Stormchaser  •  Avane  •  Caltrop (RP)  •  Carter Stormchaser  •  Cloudmath  •  Cobnut  •  Dark Cloud  •  Delila Quakeman (RP)  •  Emile  •  Evening  •  FSR.vpk (persona)  •  Gaia Fiery  •  Gloria  •  Gryphon  •  Hoot  •  Icetwig  •  India Croft  •  Jeremy Bernard  •  Jeremy's Tyscout  •  Karin  •  Leonid  •  Ludwig  •  Merry  •  Meteorite  •  Monsoon  •  Newton  •  Nike  •  Patches  •  Paul  •  Polo  •  Princess Stormchaser  •  Pterry  •  Raina  •  Redwood  •  Rhett Stormchaser  •  Samantha Currentine  •  Scamp  •  Scrooge  •  Seraph  •  Shadow Old One  •  Shadstream  •  Shiba  •  Shrapnel (RP)  •  Skyler Lightningdrifter (RP)  •  Spacewalker  •  Sky Stormchaser  •  Starry Night (RP)  •  Theta  •  The Baby  •  The Instigator  •  The Smuggler  •  Tigris  •  Timmy  •  Vernon Blackfang  •  Visco  •  Zion Deadstaff
Groups: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Astrallum Apostates  •  Bounty Hunters  •  Caddisfolk  •  Founding Wardens  •  Humans  •  Infernal Wizards  •  Magical Mercenaries  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga  •  Presidential Nebluffs  •  Shale Distributors  •  Stormchaser Family  •  The Order/The Order of Influence  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters
Buddies: Bedbug  •  Canary  •  Common Bristletail  •  Itty Bitty Bat  •  Lava Cake  •  Munchkin Bristletail  •  Pistol Shrimp  •  Puff Peck  •  Sparkle Silverfish  •  Weasel
Spells and Moves: Battle Terminate  •  Blinding Blitz  •  Bright Aegis  •  Burning Spectrum  •  Can Grenade  •  Confounding Speech  •  Divide by Zero  •  Freezer Burn  •  Fright Breeze  •  Galvanized Glass  •  Geomancy  •  Lapping Flames  •  Lash Out  •  Leech Hearts  •  Macrocosmos  •  Mini-Discus  •  Powerwash  •  Pulsar  •  Shut-Eye  •  Spell Download  •  Surge  •  Tectonic Shift  •  Toxic Environment  •  Wind Wall
Obstacles: Ice Crystal Tree  •  Hard Crystal Tree  •  Frost Iron Rock  •  Quartz Rock  •  Snow Pile
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy Math)
Equipment: Bricker  •  Bubble Set  •  Bunny Suit Set  •  Electrician Set  •  Flame Set  •  Glass Pyramid  •  Resonant Aether
Key Items: Bellows  •  Developer Console
Pet Items: Habitat Slots  •  Habitats  •  Incubators  •  Invincibility Sphere  •  Pet Enrichment Toy  •  Pet Feed  •  Protection Sphere
Battle Items: Bag of Hematite  •  Octaazacubane Canister
Food: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb  •  Kale Chips  •  Lumin Lemon  •  Lumin Lemonade  •  Lumin Leaf Tea  •  Mandrake Fruit  •  Mandrake Juice
Potions: Bottle of Arsenic  •  Potion of Multitargeting  •  Potion of Special Targeting  •  Shadow Resist Potions
Furniture: Bee Box  •  Billyfoot Squirrel  •  Normal Vending Machine  •  Seasonal Trophy  •  Tulips
Currency: Bottle of Sunlight  •  Quills
Throwables: Bag of Wind  •  Blank  •  Phoenix-Works  •  Sandbag
Tools: Steel Tools
Exclusives: Unique Items (Prodigy English)
Harvestables: Bee Bread  •  Honeycomb
Crafted Items: Bee Box  •  Glowing Buoy

[v · t · e · ?]
Fanon Pets
Earth-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Anibut  •  Banana Scovile  •  Fluffkin  •  Leaflutter  •  Marsupeel  •  Robotic Bitbot  •  Present Mimic  •  Rickroll Chest Mimic  •  Peridot Fissural  •  Mossy Puck
Stage 2 Pets: Banana Sundae Blastrout  •  Bloomivern  •  Robotic Bashbot  •  Gopher Guy  •  Mossy Flaria
Stage 3 Pets: Robotic Batterbot  •  Mossy Ignios
Stage 4 Pets:
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Ampliflower  •  Dourbed  •  Speedseed  •  Vinelafox  •  Foliary
Ice-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Black Ice Rukus  •  Chillchilla  •  Diamond Nebluff  •  Frosteo  •  Iceopod  •  Nebluff - Rickroll  •  Ofrozzum  •  Shaggy  •  Spirit  •  Tundra Pomprickle  •  Crystal Funkeel
Stage 2 Pets: Chasmid  •  Tundra Spindle  •  Crystal Beneel
Stage 3 Pets: Loburr  •  Crystal Fathom
Stage 4 Pets:
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Baltbark  •  Shinedile  •  Vegetundron  •  Wintarian
Storm-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Bolt-Strike Magnome  •  Brumbolt  •  Electro Eel  •  Heavenly Cogmite  •  Mimic - Rickroll  •  Mystic Squawks  •  Platyplus  •  Robotic Cogmite  •  Surjolt  •  Trollface Cogmite  •  Voltfang  •  Lightning Member Mimic  •  Sky Soarer
Stage 2 Pets: Ophanim Gearsite  •  Robotic Gearsite
Stage 3 Pets: Vamplifier (Female)  •  Sprockite
Stage 4 Pets: Ampereshed
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Celesky  •  Coral & Combust  •  Dracorn  •  Eaglefree  •  Lumech  •  Tyfin  •  Red Eclipse
Fire-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Blazetooth  •  Blood Moon Bitbot  •  Candelynx  •  Embersen  •  Ignitiguana  •  Infernofoal  •  Lumiblood  •  Rad Scovile  •  Robotic Aracute  •  Ruby Batterbot  •  Sprike - Rickroll  •  Molten Aquaster  •  Molten Rock Articlaw  •  Sunny
Stage 2 Pets: Laser Cat Flyger  •  Robotic Arachex  •  Molten Rock Frostfang
Stage 3 Pets: Eftorch
Stage 4 Pets: Stygemander
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Auray  •  Blueburn Volcanine  •  Flamerra  •  Magmation  •  Rockruff  •  Volcanine
Water-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Abyssmole  •  Coral  •  Deep Sea Squibble  •  Hotpot - Rickroll  •  Mysteral  •  Robotic Aquariot  •  Robotic Fishbol  •  Terrortide  •  Waterglob  •  Watewrasse  •  Splash
Stage 2 Pets:
Stage 3 Pets:
Stage 4 Pets: Dolphfighter
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Aquanine  •  Blaze & Glaze  •  Hydrack  •  Marinote  •  Marinemayhem
Astral-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Auromi  •  Aurowl  •  Bright Neek  •  Caniwarp  •  Golden Bitbot  •  Mosspuca  •  Mystsprinkle  •  Solarzag  •  Candle Jack o' Sprike  •  Marshmallow Monster
Stage 2 Pets: Golden Bashbot  •  Mosslimax  •  Doubeak
Stage 3 Pets: Golden Batterbot  •  Mosstropod
Stage 4 Pets:
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Shinedile  •  Leo
Shadow-Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Ashelt  •  Dusk Neek  •  Fossoul  •  Mystade  •  Octipi  •  Shadow Hound  •  Shady Squawks  •  Shade Lumibolt  •  Behades  •  Shadask  •  Phantger  •  Creeper
Stage 2 Pets: Dusk Caller
Stage 3 Pets: Dusk Creator
Stage 4 Pets:
Stage 5 Pets:
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Caverna  •  Sharkadow
Other Element Pets
Stage 1 Pets: Cosmic Burnewt  •  Emberfang  •  Evosen  •  Flickerfly  •  Nebshed  •  Quetzallian  •  Shaggy  •  Majestinbow  •  Pringles Long Luminite  •  Battlebot  •  Fatal Fire Bitbot  •  Squawks-Poison Cloud
Stage 2 Pets: Clawcrusher  •  Tribeak-Poison Cloud
Stage 3 Pets:
Stage 4 Pets: Dolphfighter
Stage 5 Pets: Therix
Higher-Stage Pets:
Epics: Acid Star  •  Shinedile  •  Wintarian
Elemental Concoction Update
Stage 1 Pets: Ghost Pepper Scovile  •  Lava Neek  •  Mountainous Neek  •  Pengy  •  Weather Neek
Stage 2 Pets: Ghost Pepper Blastrout  •  Lava Caller  •  Mountainous Caller  •  Pengcap  •  Weather Caller
Stage 3 Pets: Lava Creator  •  Mountainous Creator  •  Weather Creator
Convergent Pets
Pets: Cyclopot  •  Marshal  •  Melee  •  Blazere  •  Blazell  •  Resentracal  •  Resentrigator  •  Shokile  •  Boltrout  •  Magnis  •  Magade  •  Cleavrat  •  Valinmadow  •  Jlickish  •  Jlickella  •  Popkin  •  Kernrow  •  Aquaster-Constellation  •  Lumibite  •  Larvae Puck  •  Cocoon Flaria  •  Magnificent Ignios
Physical-Element Pets
Pets: Cave Burnewt  •  Cavern Stingenewt  •  Mountainous Embershed  •  Rocky Infernewt