Kobe vs. Nathan vs. Robin[]
Three boys faced off, side-eyeing each other Robin fired an arrow at Nathan and shot a Forest’s Hurricane at Kobe.
Nathan batted the arrow away, backed away, and tossed fireballs up into the air, batting them at Robin.
Kobe dove out of the way and grabbed his spear.
The archer effortlessly dodged, once, twice, thrice, clicking his tongue and firing an arrow at Kobe. As the trainer sidestepped, another arrow intercepted his path.
Nathan unleashed a Charclone on Kobe and set a wall of fire in front of Robin, hoping to disrupt his echolocation with the smoke.
As soon as Kobe stopped burning, he decided to stay put in the hopes that the other two would be too focused on fighting each other.
Keeping Kobe in his peripheral vision, Nathan unleashed a wave of Falling Star Smashes and Fireballs through the smoke wall.
The Falling Star Smashes were deflected, albeit slowly, while the archer scrambled backwards and circled away to shoot an Overgrowth at Nathan and Kobe.
Kobe sidestepped yet again, but got pricked in the arm.
"Welp, this won't work." he said.
Kobe put his spear away, and pulled out the Astral Blaster.
Nathan sliced apart the thorny vine that was directed at him, countering with Volcannons cast upon Robin.
Nathan, having forgotten to focus on Kobe, was sent sprawling backwards, allowing a blue forcefield to appear around him as his heart count appeared above it, dropping from 12480 to 10347. "Shi...vertusk," the boy muttered under his breath as he got to his feet. He swapped his Powerful Fire Relic out for a Powerful Water Relic and unleashed Torrents upon the pet trainer.
Kobe fired the Astral Blaster at Nathan.
Kobe fired the Astral Blaster at the Torrents, causing a beam struggle.
Nathan stepped to the side, relinquishing control of the Torrents as the Astral beams barely missed him. Within this period, A Falling Star Smash had materialized above Kobe and began hurtling to the ground.
Kobe suddenly got an idea, and rolled out of the way of the star.
Robin, meanwhile, had deflected most of the Volcannon’s damage and was now hiding under the earth, humming in low tones to get a good view of the fight and time his attack.
Just as Kobe and Nathan collided a few feet away from him, the wizard tumbled out and fired a Supernova, arrows peppering their location.
Three level six Damage Reduction Runes hovered above Nathan, absorbing the majority of the damage from the spell and dissolving a few arrows. However, he failed to dodge the remaining arrows, a blue forcefield appearing around him as his heart count appeared above it, dropping from 10347 to 1427. "...What are those arrows made out of?"
Kobe caught the brunt of the attack, but still a fair amount of health left.
Nathan cast a Wildfire, followed by two Falling Star Smashes on both wizards.
Kobe managed to dodge the Wildfire, but got hit by the Star Smashes.
He took out his spear, and started taunting Nathan.
"That barely tickled! Is that your best?!" he said.
"No." Nathan started spamming Torrents on Kobe's face.
Kobe fell down, got back up, and fired the Astral Blaster at Nathan's face.
Nathan batted the blast away, tossed a fireball up in the air and hit it towards Kobe.
Kobe deflected the fireball with his spear.
"Sorry, we don't accept returns here." Nathan hit the fireball back at Kobe.
Kobe deflected the fireball again.
"Right back at ya." he said.
"No, you." The fireball went back.
The fireball went back.
"Alright, let's spice things up." Another fireball was added to the tennis battle.
Kobe swatted one fireball back at Nathan, but accidentally sent the other one towards Robin.
Nathan sent his fireball back. "You made a mistake there, bud."
Robin simply sat back and watched, waiting for Kobe to be distracted with the fireball when he casted two Supernovas and shot roughly a septillion arrows.
Nathan dashed out of the range of the "septillion arrows", whacking fireballs at Kobe and Robin once he was in a safe range.
Kobe also ran out of range, sending the fireballs right back.
Falling Star Smashes were spammed at the others from Robin, and when they all took minimal damage, the archer sunk the others in the earth.
Currently at 321 hearts, Nathan sent the fireball back, half submerged in earth.
The archer facepalmed. “How is this fireball not gone?”
The fireball went back and forth five more times before either wizard had the idea of getting out of the ground.
So they did.
And hit the fireball back and forth more times.
"I'm so gonna win." said Kobe.
"No you're not," Nathan shot back.
"Yes I am."
"No you're not."
As the boys went back and forth (“Uh-huh,” “nuh-uh,” “Uh-huh,” “Nuh-uh,” “UH-HUH,” “NUH-UH”) failed Falling Star Smashes sparked over and over, until…
“Neither of you are winning,” Robin said, hoisting a huge yellow orb in the air before slamming it down.
"What the heck is THAT?" Nathan yelled.
The orb exploded and both wizards were on the ground, semi-conscious with their heart counts flickering above their damaged forcefields.
"Damn." muttered Kobe. "Did we ever find out who won?"
The fireball came hurtling out of the sky and hit Robin on the head. "I think it was interference," Nathan responded.
"Man, that sucks."
The fourteen other fireballs also landed on Robin's head, dragging his health to 0.