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Robin is a character who appears in roleplays.
He has pale skin, scruffy brown hair, and cloudy white eyes with a hint of blue noticeable. He’s rather short and very self-conscious about it. He wears the Firefly Robes and has a quiver strapped around his back.
Cool Sunglasses: “Hey, I’m blind, why not make it look cool!”
Firefly Robes: Nothing really special about it. Nice and earthy.
Emerald Elf Booties: The more sensory, the better!
Efflorescence: Used as a cane and a staff. Can elongate and shorten at will.
Bow and Arrows: Plain wooden bow and arrows. Robin is very good, despite his disability. He uses his exceptional hearing and sense of touch to aim well.
Direct, stubborn, and determined in every way. Once he has a target, he aims and shoots, rarely considering collateral damage or his next goal.
He’s a rather anxious person, seeking out the security of other people yet doubting that he’ll ever receive it. This is mostly caused by his sister’s turbulent and manipulative tendencies. Seeking attention, love, and comfort, he has learned to adapt to her many moods.
He has synesthesia, specifically lexical-gustatory, auditory-tactile, and mispophonia. They’re nothing more than minor annoyances most of the time, however they do make echolocation… interesting.
His uncle’s death and the traumatic effects leading up to it forced on PTSD and he’s extremely conflicted about his mother, needing a parental figure in his life but finding only his sister, who simply cannot suffice for a mother, uncle, and father.
As times goes on, he becomes more and more direct, taking a black-and-white approach to the world to cope. After Juniper’s death, he develops a one-track mind, ignoring his own mental health and other’s feelings.
Senses: Robin has incredible hearing and a good sense of touch. In fact, he can even use mild echolocation.
Smarts: Robin is very left-brained, and is very good at math, memorization, etc.
Braille: Robin can use braille and block letters, and also knows Morse Code.
Earth Magic: From his staff.
Astral Magic: He naturally possesses it.
Strengths and Weaknesses[]
Water Magic
Shadow Magic
Fire Magic
Blindness: No matter how good he is at other skills, he’s still, unfortunately, blind.
Anxiety: He’s blind and pretty weak, unlike all of his other friends, making him self-conscious and forcing him to push himself in archery and echolocation.
- He was born blind.
- His archery ability was taught to him by his father and his uncle.
- He and Hunter had a very close relationship, as he was Robin’s father figure. When he died, Robin died inside as well.
- Robin is a Gryffindor.
- He is an ESTP.
- He is a 6w7.