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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Rock-Ash Lake is the Fire Rickroll spell.


When the player casts it, a volcano comes out of the ground and Rick Astley replicas come out towards the player to attack enemies.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

The FireIcon Fire element is weak against:

This element is powerful against:

This element is neutral against:


The spell name was intended to be a pun on the words “Rick Astley,” but with volcanic terms to match the FireIcon Fire element.

[v · t · e · ?]
Canon-Element Spells
Damage-Only (Combat): Astleylanche  •  Burning Spectrum  •  Click the Bait  •  Dark Fire  •  Daylight  •  Divide by Zero  •  Galvanized Glass  •  Glowing Glister  •  Radiant Rays  •  Rainforest’s Rickroll  •  Rock-Ash Lake  •  Shut-Eye  •  Strikeroll!
Damageless (Technical): Bright Aegis
Damage-Effect Spells: Freezer Burn  •  Lapping Flames  •  Leech Hearts  •  Macrocosmos  •  Powerwash  •  Pulsar  •  Sniper Fire  •  Surge
Fanon-Element Spells
Damage-Only (Combat): Blinding Blitz  •  Celestia's Cry  •  Celestial Wrath  •  Gravity  •  Hypernova  •  Lash Out  •  Star Strike  •  Sun Spots
Damageless (Technical): Battle Terminate  •  Fright Breeze  •  Geomancy  •  Reflection  •  Spell Download  •  Tectonic Shift  •  Wind Wall
Damage-Effect Spells: Can Grenade  •  Chill Crystal  •  Confounding Speech  •  Crater's Cradle  •  Crystal Shock  •  Lost Wind  •  Mini-Discus  •  Solar Wind  •  Toxic Environment
Combo Element Spells
Damage-Only (Combat): Must Have Heard The Wind
Damageless (Technical):
Damage-Effect Spells: