Rohan "Jicholas" Scrapstrike is a character currently within Soulbound.
Generally smart, chill, confident, and sometimes a bit cocky. Gets pretty aggressive to foes when the odds are against him- in fact, he fights better when this happens. A chill tech expert when things are normal, and a punisher when the odds are against him.
Whenever he meets a villain, he tries to introduce himself to the adversary with some geeky, quippy humor. Unless the villain did something bad, like killing his friend.
Red eyes, maple hair, and a black vest.
- Night Blade
- Wyvern Dagger
- Enchanted Cudgel (20% chance of stunning the enemy.)
- First-Aid Kit- Pretty ironic, since he uses it to bash his enemies' heads in during dire circumstances.
- Silky, his prized hammer.
- A Door. Don't question it.
- Jicholas is allergic to cocoa butter.
- His eyes show how much health he has in combat.