"Astral warden's possessed. These are the rest of 'em, remember? Plus a bunch of random kids that weren't here before." Raid muttered something under his breath before continuing.
EAV> he muttered "aren't two of them supposed to be 2000 years in the past?"
That's when the Glacias and Crystal Monsters were blasted by a cascade of light, snowballs falling on Storm and Jade's heads synchronously.
Meanwhile at the Academy.
Gale: *strangling Lucas with one hand* Curio, remind me to murder Storm and Jade later.
Curio: *nervous chirp*
ALY> I had to.
One less warden, one more opportunity to break the balance.
ALY> Gale: You do realize Aly's not dead right?
EoS: You're lucky I disapprove of vulgar language...
JJ> 77
*Gale and Aly’s wedding preperations*
Gale: *deep breaths*
Aly: *silently screaming*
Chase: *puns*
Storm: *more puns*
Ignis: *visible anger*
Samantha: *trying to calm Gale and Aly down but failing miserably*
Greenie: *only one doing anything, arranging seats*
Hilda: *rereading speech*
Lane: *boredom, yelling at Gale and Aly to get on with it*
Every single pet: *watches in amusement*
ALY> Gale: So yeah, if you don't want to fight Shadow again we're going to need a Shadow Warden. Any volunteers?
Lane: *shoves Dylan forward* You have experience!
Dylan: So do you!
Storm: Guys, calm down, Gale already has someone in mind.
Greenheart: *alarmed* HE DOES?
Luce: *walks in to chaos* Er... Hi?
*blank staring intensifies*
ALY> Lane: Wait a minute, did you just say you used to be the Puppet Master?
Luce: Yeah, so what?
Everyone: *steps back*
Luce: -.-
JJ> Jade: what the hell, YOU’RE THE PUPPET MASTER?
Everyone: *holds back crazed Jade*
EAV> EX: ian and aly have a psychic talk due to keystone shenanigans
"So that's it?"
"I had 5 minutes to write that before we were off to the rift, Aly."
"Why so hasty? And why not sooner?"
"I never considered that possibility anyway beforehand. Besides, I just copy-pasted a template from a card sto-"
"Shut up, Ian. You know that made it worse for... him."
"Why do you say it like HE'S dead? Heh."
"Really, dude?"
"...Look. I'm sure, somewhere out there, I did this better. I was better at being more than just that guy with the funny ice powers. I had some higher... social amiability. But here... i'm nothing, you know."
"Yadda yadda, so what are you saying?"
"I wasn't enough for him. That note solidified it. He deserved better."
"He... what?"
"Not that I wasn't happy with it, or... disappointed in any way. It's just- i'm not really good for him. Or I wasn't, anyway. He should have looked for more."
"That isn't like him."
"I know it's not, but i'm sure he could have done better with someone else. I'm not sure who, or where, but in the end, I wasn't a good match for him."
"That's lies."
"No, it's not."
"Shut up, it's lies."
"How is it lies?"
"Because he stayed."
"That doesn't prove anything. He didn't really know most people as friends outside of the warden group, and he's not THAT kind of perso-"
"Okay don't go that far."
"Fine. But I hold the fact still: I wasn't enough."
Deleted Scenes[]
*when they crash in at the end of Shadow's Rising*
"Storm, why did you want me to come with-"
A orange-haired fairy had walked out of the rift along with a slightly-older looking Storm.
The group, along with present-Storm, onlooked blankly at the time travelers.
Future-Storm chuckled nervously, "Er, Rai? I think miscalculated."
"What do you mean miscalculated?"