Shadow Resist is a fanon potion for Prodigy. There are four variants: Shadow Resist, Rare Shadow Resist, Heroic Shadow Resist, and Team Shadow Resist.
A 6-inch long test tube of clear glass containing dark violet liquid of tar-like viscosity.
In-Game Description[]
"The first of potionkind to be used to resist the effects of Shadow magic. It is experimental and may be risky to take."
Obtainment Methods[]
Steal from a chemical storage room in the Underworld when nobody else is looking; players cannot brew any themselves.
The consumer is able to, for the rest of the battle for which the potion is used (unless the user consumes a different potion), resist Shadow-element magic with 33% damage reduction if it is the normal Shadow Resist, 67% damage reduction if it is a Rare or Team Shadow Resist, or complete immunity to Shadow element spells if it is a Heroic Shadow Resist. It, however, causes the consumer(s) to immediately suffer a 30% loss to their maximum hearts regardless of which Shadow Resist potion that they consumed.
Improving Gameplay[]
Players can use a new and different effect than other potions. It's not like other potions.
Math Factor[]
Each of the potions unique to the FourSevensRueful Version require one correct answered question to use.
- They cannot be used in the Arena, Harmony Island, or Crystal Caverns.
- They are not able to be bought due to the chemists' unwillingness to let their secrets over Shadow element resistance to be distributed.