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The Skywatch overhaul is a fanon "update" that occurs after Storm Dreamchaser becomes a guardian of Skywatch. It revamps the area, adds new items, and also adding details that makes Skywatch a better place for its inhabitants.

Updated Area[]


There are notably more trees and flora, all which have been transplanted and flourish in the high altitude. There are more buildings, and the area generally seems less desolate. Temporarily, during the events of Warfare and Ceasefire, there are also multiple scattered tents.

In-Game Description[]

New Zones[]

Three new zones are also added:

  • Factory Tunnel
  • Guardian's Flat
  • Abandoned Cottage

The Factory Tunnel is an area accessed by a locked door in the Skywatch Factory, and the a place where Sorals and Wotts can be found in "the wild". It leads to Guardian's Flat, an area that leads to the Skywatch Titan Grounds and the Abandoned Tunnel. The Guardian's Flat has a couple of gardens, as well as a metal perch for some sort of aviant creature. Once one enters the cottage, there is a large work bench with a glass on top of it. A bookshelf and bed are nearby, as well as interactive cabinets filled with finished and unfinished devices alike, as well as materials.



Upon arriving in Skywatch

Noot: Wow, we haven't been here in a while. Wonder who grew all these plants... maybe Broccolina?

Noot: How about we go and ask her? I'm curious as of what this is.

A sparkle animation plays briefly around a Rainwood Tree as he says this, promptly being replaced by the "quest hand", leading you to the Greenhouse. Instead of Broccolina being there, your wizard bumps into a gray-haired figure with a Zipzap.

???: Huh? Who are you-

Noot: This is *wizard name*, the Prodigy, remember?

???: ...which Prodigy-

Noot: *sighs*

Storm: OH. That Prodigy. Sorry, my name's Storm, if you're wondering.

Noot: So, where's Broccolina?

Storm: Being yelled at by Benni over forgetting to trim the vines.

Noot: Should we...

Storm: Yes.

Noot: Seems like we're doing this again.

You follow the quest hand back to the Skywatch spawn point, where Benni and Broccolina are arguing again. A Zipzap is flying in the background, seemingly irrelevant.

Another Key[]


Broccolina: B-but... it's haunted.

Benni: It's not haunted.

Broccolina: But the Wotts, and the noises, a-and the lights...

Benni: WOULD YOU SHUT UP ABOUT- Oh hi there.

Noot: What were you two talking about?

Benni: The aban-

Broccolina: Don't say it-

Benni: *glares* Abandoned Cottage.

Broccolina: ...she said it.

Noot: What Abandoned Cottage?

Benni: It's this place on a flat behind the factory, and Broc here needs to trim the vines there - we can't have the machinery jamming up again.

Noot: How about we do it? We still have those vine trimmers you gave us.

Benni: That'll be great! Broc, the key?

Broccolina: I... I lost it...

Benni: YOU WHAT?

Broccolina: There was this Soral and-

Benni: ...this is why Gramps didn't let us replace him after retirement. Wizard, do you mind looking around for it?

Follow the quest hand until you locate the Soral who took the key at the Screwball Shack. A Zipzap is visible on the roof of the shack. After battling and obtaining the item, Chaser's Key, the quest hand will lead you back to Benni and Broccolina.

Berry Picking[]

Noot: Got it!

Benni: Great, now you can-

Broccolina: B-but...

Benni: WHAT?

Broccolina: ...the Wotts.

Benni: How many times do I have to tell you they're just restless when they're hungry- OH! You should probably collect Rain Berries to distract the Wotts.

Noot: Rain Berries?

Benni: They're bluish berries that grow on Rainwood Tree - those tall trees with the odd leaves.

Noot: So that's what they are... you learn something new everyday!

Benni: Try to collect 10 clusters of berries.

Follow the quest hand to each Rainwood Tree until you have 10 or more clusters in your inventory. Each tree produces 3-4 clusters, resetting every hour and can be collected before the quest. A Zipzap will be seen hiding in the first tree. As soon as you have the minimum amount, Noot will tell you to go back.

Exploring the Abandoned Cottage[]

Benni: That seems like enough. Head to the Secret Room door in the Factory, but don't go in - turn left.

After entering a zone dubbed "Factory Tunnel', Wotts will swarm, a Zipzap in the midst of the chaos.

Noot: Quick! Feed them the berries.

After the Wotts are fed, you can continue to an area dubbed, "Guardian's Flat", where a Zipzap is sitting atop a metal perch. There are two neatly cared for gardens, and a sign that reads "Beware The Titan" is staked next to a path to the right. There are vines growing over the entrance to a cottage.

Noot: Huh, for something that's haunted this looks well cared for.

Noot: Let's just trim the vines for Broccolina, then we can check it out and find out if there are ghosts.

After the vines are trimmed, you enter the Abandoned Cottage. The cottage is dimly lit, and a light flickers above the desk.

Noot: W-what was THAT?

Noot approaches the desk, where the light flickers again, displaying a holographic screen. A lock displays on the screen. Your wizard approaches it, the Glass Tablet item description displaying when interacting with it.

Noot: So this is what Broccolina saw. At least now we know it's not haun-

A sound fills the cottage, sounding like an eerie melody.

Noot: I-I... m-maymaaaay-

A Zipzap flies in, knocking down a curtain and revealing the sleeping form of a Storm Titan.

Noot: Oh, it's a titan.

Noot: I wasn't scared, were you?

Noot: Wait- A TITAN?

Noot: ...w-well it's asleep... it can't possibly hurt us... right?

Noot: Hey... what's that?

Noot approaches a different desk, this time seeming to be a workbench. You receive the items, INCD (1), Mithril Wire (3), Titanic Metal (2), and Toolbox (1) upon interaction.

Noot: Huh, seems like parts and tools for making something...

Noot: That device looks interesting, maybe we should ask Benni about it?

After returning to Benni, you encounter Storm along with Benni and Broccolina, the Zipzap back on his shoulder.

What's an I-N-C-D?[]

Noot: Storm?

Storm: Benni tells me you went to my cottage?

Broccolina: Your cottage?

Noot: ...

Storm: Yes, my cottage. Why do you think Wattage always hangs around there? Speaking of which, Wattage tells me you two have something of mine, Noot?

Noot: Eheh...

Storm: It's fine, it might come in handy later anyways.

Noot: What exactly is it?

Storm: An INCD.

Noot: A what now?

Added Items[]

[v · t · e · ?]
Skywatch Overhaul Navigation
Bows: Modified Crossbow  •  Modified Bow  •  Automatic Crossbow
Catalysts: None
Claymores: None
Polearms: None
Staffs: None
Swords: Modified Tech Wizard Laser
Wands: Bricker  •  Stormrose Wand
Trees: Chokecherry Tree  •  Rainwood Tree  •  Plum Tree  •  Crabapple Tree  •  Frost Pine  •  Pear Tree
Herbs: tba
Other: Stormrose
Harvestable: Rain Berries  •  Plums  •  Crabapples  •  Pears  •  Carrots  •  Turnips  •  Beets  •  Radishes  •  Peas  •  Broccoli  •  Cauliflower  •  Parsnips
Cookable: Pitted Chokecherries  •  Candied Pears  •  Carrot Cake
NPCs: Storm Dreamchaser  •  Wattage
Devices: Timekeeper  •  INCD  •  Glass Tablet
Furniture: Glass Tablet
Other: Toolbox  •  Mithril Wire  •  Titanic Metal  •  Chokecherries  •  Cor Tempest

