Species of characters in fanon Prodigy are important and necessary for their existence. It provides background on the culture and lifestyle of specific characters based on how well they follow the societal norms of societies constructed by their ancestors.
Index of FourSevensRueful's Species and Subspecies, Rights to Use Them[]
This section will only include Rueful's list of its own species and subspecies used for Prodigy Math Game FourSevensRueful Version, as well as its openness in allowing users to have them used. If any of the species are used by Prodigy at a later date, they will be overridden and made as free to use by any user. Prodigy's possession of species, therefore, supersedes FourSevensRueful's.
Species Type | Species or Species-Suspecies Name | Scientific Name | Status |
Anthropomorphic | Bovines > Southern Cattle | Bos homini bosa | Free to Use |
Bovines > Wildebeests | Bos homini chonnochaetes | ||
Bovines > Buffalo | Bos homini bubalus | ||
Bovines > Bison | Bos homini bison | ||
Bovines > Goat | Bos homini capricus | ||
Bovines > Bovine Hybrids | Bos homini ??? | ||
Caddisfolk | Trichopterus homini | Use With Rueful's Permission Only | |
Canines > Human Dogs | Canis homini domesticus | Free to Use | |
Canines > Coyotes | Canis homini latrans | ||
Canines > Wild Dogs | Canis homini lycaon | ||
Canines > Dingoes | Canis homini oceanica | ||
Canines > Direwolves (EXTINCT) | Canis homini dirus | ||
Prodigian Kenku | Corvus homini prodigii | ||
Mice > Field Mice | Mus homini musculus | ||
Mice > Field Mice-Labmice Hybrids | Mus homini musculus-peromyscus | ||
Mice > Lab-Bats | Mus homini ??? | ||
Wishies > Standard Wishies | Felis luckii luckii | ||
Wishies > Comet Wishies | Felis luckii panthera | ||
Non-Anthropomorphic | Human > Infernal Wizard | Homo sapiens tranferens | Use With Rueful's Permission Only |
Human > Human-Infernal Wizard Hybrid | Thauma sapiens sapiens-transferens | ||
Starchild | ??? | ||
Faeries (also available in AlyssSolo's Version) | Faerus obscura | Free to Use |
Other Indices[]
Species | Scientific Name | Status | Historic Population | Living Population | Anthropomorphic? |
Other Fauna | Dependent Upon Species | Dependent Upon Species | ~1.5 x 10^16 | ~1.38 x 10^6 | No (They are just animals or other entities.) |
All Monsters | Dependent Upon Species | Dependent Upon Species | ~30 Billion | 5 Billion+ | No (They are just monsters.) |
Wizards and Humans | Thauma sapiens, Homo sapiens | Extant | ~25 Million | 18 Million+ | No |
Floatlings | Levitus simplex | Extant | ~5 Million | 5,000+ | No |
Dwarves | Homo dwarvenus | Extant | ~3 Million | 20+ | No |
Fairies | Faereus pixii | Extant | ~300,000 | 4 | No |
Slimes | Goops major | Extant | ~200,000 | 6 | No |
Hominins | Homo microcorpus | Extant | ~200,000 | 5 | No |
Merlings | Ningyo kuliltu | Extant | ~200,000 | 4 | No |
Yetis | Homo cryapiens | Extant | ~200,000 | 4 | No |
Spirits | Depends Upon Species of Ancestry | Extant | ~150,000 | 2 | No |
Mice | Mus homini | Extant | ~140,000 | 1 | Yes |
Lagomorphs | Silvilagus homini | Extant | >130,000 | 2 | Yes |
Vulpines | Vulpes homini | Extant | ~120,000 | 2 | Yes |
Canines | Canis homini | Extant | ~50,000 | 1 | Yes |
Ursids | Ursa homini | Extant | <4,000 | 1 | Yes |
Harmony Golems | None known. | Extant | 2+ | 1 | No |
Intelligent Jelly | Chrysaora megacephalus | Extant | 1+ | 1 | No |
Wishie | Felis luckii | Extant | 1+ | 1 | Yes |
Poffins/Dreamweavers | Faereus cielo | Extinct | ~50,000 | 0 | No |
Bovines | Bos homini | Extinct | <10,000 | 0 | Yes |
Frogfish | Opsanus culixii | Extinct | <5,000 | 0 | Yes |
Starchild | ??? | Endangered | 1 | ??? | No |
Anthropomorphic Species[]
Anthropomorphic species of characters in Prodigy are all of those that are both non-human animal-inspired and can communicate by speech or my other advanced methods with the player.
Most anthropomorphic species, or "anthropomorphics," were designed with inspiration from real animals. Like furries and gijinkas, anthropomorphics are bipedal, or can stand and operate on two legs. The real Prodigy development may or may not have canon names for anthropomorphic species. Those that already have canon species names are based on the common grouping of the real animal that inspired each species.
Species | Canonical Status | Present In | Native To | Subspecies | Canon Members by Subspecies | Fanon Members by Subspecies |
Bovines | Canon | None (extinct) | Bonfire Spire (formerly), Barnacle Cove (formerly), Dyno Dig Oasis (formerly) | Northern Cattle, Maroon Cows (mutant), Southern Cattle, Wildebeests, Buffalo, Bison, Goat, Bovine Hybrids | Northern Cattle: Captain Bully; Maroon Cows (mutant): Moog, Slow-Cooker. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Caddisfolk | Fanon | Treacherous Taiga | Treacherous Taiga | No subspecies. | None. | Patches |
Canines | Canon | Dyno Dig Oasis | Prodigy Island | Human Dogs, Coyotes, Jackals, Wild Dogs, Dingoes (non-native), Direwolves (extinct ancestors), Canine Hybrids | Jackals: Professor Scoog. | Jackals: India Croft; Canine Hybrids: "Canine Adherent." |
Frogfish | Canon | None (extinct) | Shipwreck Shore (formerly) | No subspecies. | Shipwreck Shore Merchant. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Lagomorphs | Canon | Lamplight Town | Prodigy Island | No subspecies. | Harriet Hood, Bargo. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Mice | Canon | Lamplight Town, House, the Academy (fanon), the Academy Sub-Basement (fanon) | Prodigy Island | Field Mice, Field Mouse-Labmouse Hybrids, Labmice, Lab-Bats (mutants) | Labmice: Mozza Ella. | Field Mouse-Labmouse Hybrids: The Smuggler. |
Prodigian Kenku | Fanon | Firefly Forest (fanon), Shiverchill Mountains (fanon), Skywatch (fanon), Lamplight Town (fanon) | Prodigy Island | No subspecies. | None. | Rasp Corax |
Ursids | Canon | Village of Heist (fanon) | Shiverchill Mountains (formerly) | No subspecies. | Muffins | Vernon Blackfang |
Vulpines | Canon | Lamplight Town | Prodigy Island | No subspecies. | Don Zorro, Verna. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Wishies | Canon | Village Center | Village | Standard Wishies, Comet Wishies | Standard Wishie: Unnamed Wishie | Standard Wishie: Starry Night; Comet Wishie: Shadstream |
Properties of Species[]
Some anthropomorphics have unique, innate magical and nonmagical capabilities as well as different natural affinities and abilities assigned at birth, similarly to gender. The genetics and heredity aspect of inheriting these factors is currently unknown and not studied in canon Prodigy as of yet, but these factors are not often affected by more than twelve alleles at a time and are rarely, if ever, affected by genetic expression chemicals. Use of specific magic and/or genetics-altering nonmagical devices may change how these factors are expressed, changed, and passed on, just like in the real world. In short, anthropomorphics tend to have similar structural and other nonmagical characteristics within their species.
- Morphological variation occurs more often, however, by use of things that induce artificial variation amongst members of a species. Illusion magic, cloaking/invisibility, morph marbles, prosthetics and peg-legs, hair and skin dyes, color-changing and iris-changing eye contacts, piercings, tattoos, and plenty of other objects can cause visible morphological differences in anthropomorphics in the same ways they affect non-anthropomorphic species.
- Almost all anthropomorphics are known to have been nomadic and separate in nature before they collectively learned advancements in agriculture, fabric-making, mining, tool-smithing, construction, linguistics, politics, and anti-speciesism (toxic, unfair discrimination between species). Although their evolution and ability to work between species as a mature ecosystem has been challenged from time to time, ecosystems of anthropomorphics and their non-anthropomorphic contemporaries are largely progressive.
- Anthropomorphics do not yet have a way to hybridize between species by nonmagical means and, most of the time, reproduce and hang out in populations of their own species. Magical hybridization is possible, but expensive. Since most anthropomorphics fall under the category of "low socioeconomic status" relative to non-anthropomorphic species like wizards, they mostly cannot afford procedures for interbreeding. As a matter of fact, most cannot afford modern medicine and perform pseudoscientific forms of medical treatment to little avail.
- Anthropomorphics whose development was inspired by r-selected animals tend to reproduce more and have greater population size than those that were inspired by more k-selected animals.
Non-Anthropomorphic Species[]
There are also species that are not heavily inspired by one specific animal and are, therefore, not considered anthropomorphics. All of these have the ability to interact with the player by speech, meaning that native monsters and animals will be excluded.
Species | Canonical Status | Present In | Native To | Subspecies | Canon Members by Subspecies | Fanon Members by Subspecies |
Wizards | Canon | Prodigy Island | No Known Places | Normal Wizards, Human-Wizard Hybrids (fanon variant). | All Players' Wizards; Arena Wizards, Cloaked Wizards, Winston Von Loot, Prince E. Spell, Mira Shade, Ulla, etc. | Normal Wizards: All pure, fanon Wizards; Human-Wizard Hybrids: All Human-Wizard Hybrids. |
Humans | Fanon | The Real World, Prodigy Island | The Real World | Average Humans, Infernal Wizards. | None. | Average Humans: All Average Humans; Infernal Wizards: Newton, The Instigator. |
Hominins | Canon | Prodigy Island | Skywatch | Engineers, Seedfolk, Armorfolk, Pirates, Starfolk. | Engineers: Eugene, Benni; Seedfolk: Broccolina; Armorfolk: Clankboot; Pirates: Captain Eve; Starfolk: Mama Star, Ulla. | Engineers: Theta; Pirates: Visco |
Fairies | Canon | Prodigy Island | Prodigy Island (Various Places) | Earth Fairies, Fairy Guides, Ivory Fairies (see more information here; some information does not apply to the FourSevensRueful version). | Earth Fairies: Flora, Florian; Fairy Guides: Noot; Ivory Fairies: Gale. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Faerie/Unseelie (Faerus obscura) | Fanon | None (extinct). | Prodigy Island (Various Places) | No subspecies. | None. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Dwarves | Canon | Prodigy Island | Prodigy Island (Various Places) | No subspecies. | Wheeler, Spinner, Boardy, Stylist Snips, Firefly Outfitters, Snowday Sales, Sky-High Sales, Hot-Hot Threads, Summerfest Ocean Outfitters, Plank's Tanks, Rolly, Collector, the Miners, the Peddlers, Arena Caller, Arena Merchant, Shopkeeper Figg, Shopkeeper Gurgle, Gift-Giver Kip, Chef Muggs, Sir Vey. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Floatlings | Canon | Prodigy Island | Tower Town | No subspecies. | Swoopy, Harvey, Academy Merchant, Lost Island Residents, Tower Town Residents. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Yetis | Canon | Prodigy Island | Shiverchill Mountains | No subspecies. | Bok, Howard Cornelius, Aspen Frost, Ada. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Merlings | Canon | Prodigy Island | Shipwreck Shore | No subspecies. | Athena, Koi, Mist, Mizu. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Poffins/Dreamweavers/Skyfolk | Canon | None (extinct). | Skywatch | No subspecies. | Cumulo, Nimbus, Stratus. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Harmony Golems | Canon | Harmony Island | Harmony Island | No subspecies. | The Ancient, Cave Golems. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Slimes | Canon | Lamplight Town, Bonfire Spire | Bonfire Spire | No subspecies. | Slurpy, Cebollini, Turnip Farmers, Worker Slime, Queen Goo-lia, Guard Slime, Scientist Slimerella, Kandy Korn. | Gaia Fiery |
Sentient Robots (No known species) | Canon | Lamplight Town, Clockwork Town (formerly) | Prodigy Island | No subspecies. | Boombox, TEK-Y4. | TEK-YProto, TEK-Y1, TEK-Y2, TEK-Y3. |
Spirits | Canon | Prodigy Island | Prodigy Island | Ghouls, Marionettes. | Ghouls: Julia Ghoulia; Marionettes: Pippet, Stubborn Shadow. | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Intelligent Jelly | Canon | Shipwreck Shore | Shipwreck Shore | No subspecies. | Jelly Jim | None within the FourSevensRueful version. |
Starchild | Fanon | Space/Outer Realms | Space/Outer Realms | No known subspecies. | None. | The Baby |
Properties of Species[]
Non-anthropomorphic species are more diverse in morphology, therefore have more diversity in their physical capabilities.
- Yetis are some of the most well-known, charismatic species in Prodigy Island with a great influence over the government of Shiverchill Mountains and the practice of combative ice magic. Most do not have formal education and do not learn magic, let alone ice magic, that can be used to defend themselves against wild monsters in the mountains because of the decades-gone Ursids.
- Most Yetis have a similar muscular build to humans and wizards, but are often much bulkier and top-heavy. They are more comparable to apes with white fur, but they have a more complex brain structure and many morphological differences that separate them from other mammalian beings in Prodigy.
- Their fur is tubular and transparent, which helps them trap heat and reflect it out in lower quantities. Because they are large and need lots of high-calorie foods already, they have adapted this, as well as similar forms of fat storage that humans have, to help them maintain consistent temperature.
- They are capable of sorcery only with the use of ice-element magic. For other spells, they require crystals, wands, or other magical weapons.
- Yetis have wide, textured hands and feet that help with gripping, throwing, and walking. Some say that they are more graceful runners, rock-climbers, and martial artists than spellcasters for this reason.
- Both males and females can grow horns from their skull; they never shed them, but some do remove them or make prosthetic add-ons to suit their horns' desired appearance.
- Merlings are amphibious non-anthropomorphics of calm temperament and generally kindhearted natures. They often take up jobs as subsistence merchants (selling goods for low prices), hobbyist collectors, freelance painters, fashion designers, and more.
- Merlings have sleek, scaleless skin of many different color and pattern choices. Because of heavy inbreeding at the start of their existence, many skin color and eye color mutations are still present, but this doesn't affect anything major.
- Their mouths are somewhat beak-shaped, but this does not impede their ability to speak effectively with members outside of their species.
- They have great above-water and underwater eyesight, exceptional swimming skills due to their hydrodynamic bodies, and layers of blubber that help them stay warm in cold oceans.
- Dreamweavers as noted in the flavor text of the Dream wand, are responsible for the once prevalent use of sleeping spells, cloud-based levitation, and wand creation. There is no canon connection between Dreamweavers and Poffins, but Rueful decided to make them the same species.
- All canon Poffins/Skyfolk looked like boyish, semi-insectoid fae without more than one finger or toe per limb. They had patterned, bright indigo and celeste blue skin color and often had velvet pink or red irises.
- Their eyelashes were longer than humans and wizards and almost always appeared black (albino and leucistic Poffins had white eyelashes; piebald Poffins had mismatched pink, brown, tan, and/or beige lashes; and those of other pigmentation conditions still possessed black lashes).
- Although they were able to use their single pairs of white bird-like wings, they tended to rest on accumulations of mist and, more preferable to their reckless sleeping habits, large thunderhead clouds. They flew for long distances and took short rests in the air to help with travel.
- Their natural predators were Gloricious, Nebulite, and other predatory flying monsters. Because they experienced great stress, they were eventually unable to keep up their population and were over-hunted into extinction.
- The very first Harmony Golem, the Ancient, is a unique entity with ambiguous origin--they do not know exactly how they were made, but continue to search. They educate the other Harmony Golems, created by the Ancient, on the Ancient's intentions to serve as agents of elemental balance in case the universe's structural integrity becomes compromised.
- Slimes are semi-permeable and more porous than the flesh of humans, wizards, monsters, and other beings. They can accumulate masses of objects and store them within their bodies, but extracting them out can cause physical damage and leave the objects caked with bodily fluids.
- Slime often have single-colored trailing gel that matches or is of less saturation than their bodily gel.
- They are mostly monochromatic and warm-colored; slimes grow and divide parts of their body into separate, connected spheres as they mature.
- They do not naturally have hair--slimes often have weaves implanted or wear simple wigs that adhere to their "scalp" because of their cohesive outer bodies. For the same reason, it takes slimes much effort to unstick items from their hands, change clothes, etc.
- Sentient Robots are those that have emotion, self-awareness, and awareness of their surroundings. Most are not educated very well and turn to low-income jobs at young ages with very little capacity to think critically. They cannot reproduce sexually and must rely on factories or engineers to create robot shells capable of being haunted and inhabited by a new entity. There are some newer models that can duplicate their memory and sentience across other shells and make separately-growing versions.
- Ghoul Spirits often produce green light and are semitransparent due to their very frail, if not nonexistent, physical bodies. They require magic to pick up unenchanted objects. Other spirits produce turquoise, teal, cyan, blue, indigo, violet, gray, or black light depending upon their element or emotional state.
- Intelligent Jellies, just like normal sea jellies, can sting when their tentacles come in contact with a permeable surface. Intelligent Jellies place their bodies in coverings, machines, or hide so as not to cause harm to anyone.
- Starchildren are enigmatic creatures. Only one ever existed and it came from a foreign place, and it was very bright. If one ever comes to visit Prodigy Island again, it is said to bring fortune to the family that cares for it.
There are differences between the magical capabilities of non-anthropomorphic species as well.
- Average humans possess no ability to control magic directly. They require the assistance of their friends and magical machines to perform elemental spells. Newton is an exception due to his studies in alchemy.
- Infernal wizards, on the other hand, have exceptional magical abilities and are usually inclined to master at most three elements of magic. They have some of the greatest concentrations of innate magic out of all beings, not including Harmony Golems.
- Floatlings are able to harvest and multiply items to their will, but not in great amounts because that may upset the balance of the elements and prevent them from using magic. They know which substrates are best for burying Titan Shards or corrupt objects to, essentially, remove their curse(s).
The following are species-name misconceptions that apply to species and subspecies in the FourSevensRueful version.
- Infernal Wizards are a subspecies of humans and have no "Wizard" genetic information. They are simply real-world humans that experienced radiation on their journey into/through Prodigy Island and turned from Nonmagical to Astral in nature.
- Human-Wizard Hybrids have at least some "Wizard" genetic information and some "Human" genetic information. Because Wizards cannot be transferred from Prodigy Island to the Real World, Humans and Infernal Wizards must take up a part of their lineage and must either be born in Prodigy or transfer from the Real World to reproduce with true Wizards.
Non-Anthropomorphic Hybrids[]
Non-anthropomorphics of different species can produce hybrid offspring readily without the help of fertility experts. With each hybrid come unique combinations and limitations on their magical and physical abilities based on those of their nonhybrid ancestors.
- Human-wizard hybrids form from the rare bond between an infernal wizard and a true wizard. Because only a small few infernal wizards exist, there are only a few children. A surprising amount of infernal wizards lack(ed) the desire to reproduce, making it even harder to trace records of existing human-wizards. All human-wizard hybrids are capable of Astral combat magic and utility magic.
- Wizard-faen hybrids exist, but only if AlyssSolo allows them to (because hybridization of faen is near-entirely closed to her). They possess great elemental magic, may or may not have wings, and are small-bodied.
- Wizard-yeti hybrids, or "hornedfolk," are large-bodied humanoids with natural white or light-colored hair. They have body fur and horns, but only small ones. Their bone structure is more like that of a yeti than a wizard. They often have decent Astral and Ice combat magic and mild cryokinesis abilities when in Shiverchill Mountains.
- Wizard-hominin hybrids, or "halflings," are very small humanlike people that have fast-growing head hair and slender, short figures. They are adept at Astral and Storm combat magic and can electrokinese when within Skywatch. Some possess seismic magic.
- Wizard-merling hybrids, or "lotlings," have large ear fins and tails that they can use to swim quickly. While the lotling hybrid species is technically a derivation of "monster," most are amicable and do no more harm than tease each other with squirts of water from their hydrokinesis ability.
Slimes, spirits, intelligent jelles, sentient robots, and other unmentioned anthropomorphics cannot hybridize due to having extremely different biologies.