Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki
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Hi, Delta here. You CANNOT use Starheart Family without our permission in any way whatsoever.
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Starheart Family is a fanon group for Prodigy. The group appears in the Return of The Wardens (RoTW) series, the Faen Wind, and related content.


List of Starhearts
Name Current Status Species Celestial's Blessing Political Status Method of Entering the Family
Luce's Father Deceased Astral Fey Unknown King (Former); Slave Birth
Luce's Step-Mother Deceased Astral Fey None Queen (Former); Slave Marriage (to Luce's Father)
Luce's Mother Deceased Human None Royal Consort Marriage (to Luce's Father)
Luce Starheart Alive Astral Fey (Dark; Ralshti) Bioluminescence Prince (Former); Slave (Former); Puppet Master (Former); Shadow Warden Birth
Luce's Brother Deceased Astral Fey Unknown Crowned Prince (Former); Slave; Academy Keeper Birth
Thomas Starheart Deceased Astral Fey Biological Enhancement Slave (Former); Peasant Birth
Thomas' Sister Deceased Astral Fey Unknown Academy Keeper Birth
Dale Starheart Deceased Astral Fey Light Crystal Manipulation Academy Keeper Birth
Stratus Starheart Deceased Astral Fey Weather Manipulation Academy Keeper Birth
Austen's Mother Deceased Astral Fey None Layman Marriage (to Stratus Starheart)
Austen Starheart Alive Astral Fey Healing Academy Keeper (Former); Layman Birth
Gale's Mother Deceased Ice Fey None Layman Marriage (to Austen Starheart)
Gale Starheart Alive Astral/Ice Fey Hybrid (Ivory) Spirit Seer Academy Keeper (Former); Layman Birth
Breeze Starheart Deceased Astral/Ice Fey Hybrid (Ivory) Unknown None Birth
Alyss Flameheart Alive Ice Fey/Catamount Hybrid None Ice Warden Marriage (to Gale Starheart)
Glace Starheart Alive Hybrid (Demigod) Karma Manipulation Ice Warden Trainee Birth
Element of Void Paradoxial Psuedo-Elemental None Void Elemental Birth (of physical body)
Rai Starheart Alive Hybrid Telepathy Earth Warden Birth
Peregrine Starheart Unborn Hybrid Animal Bonding None Birth
Ashley Starheart Unborn Hybrid Pathfinding None Birth
Axel Starheart Unborn Earth Fey/Dragon Hybrid None None Adoption (by Glace Starheart)
Raiden Dreamchaser Alive Homo electro None Layman (Former); Storm Trainee Marriage (to Rai Starheart; Future Occurence)
Rain Starheart Unborn Hybrid Storm Seer None Birth


A noble family hailing from the civilizations that used to made up of the ancestors of Moon, Sun, and Astral Fairies. They eventually took the evolution path of Astral Fey, commonly having longer-than-average ginger hair and a back-lit amber gaze. Their wings are larger than most fey and they are also taller. They are most easily identifiable due to each having a unique magical ability, which may not necessarily be tied to an element.
Making A Fairy OC, Regarding the Starhearts

Before humans arrived on the Island of Prodigy, the Starhearts were a royal family that ruled the Celestial Faen alongside the Sunwillows (a name tributing to the Celestial Pine) and Moonlights. After the humans arrived and conquered the island, the manor they resided in became the Academy, and they were enslaved as the building's Keeper. Over the years, they have maintained, expanded, and modified the Academy to the wizards' needs, serving loyally and traditionally as of until Gale Starheart's near-death and later imprisonment.


Varies depending on individual.

Academy Keeper[]

Academy Amulet

Astral Amulet



Unless otherwise stated, all Starhearts have these abilities.

Fae/Fey Stepping: An ability that fairies and faeries have, triggered by instinct. It causes them to teleport a short distance away, bringing them to safety, or in some cases, behind the opponent for an advantage.

Prehensile: Their tails are prehensile, but due to being Astral Fey, many of them have a very loose grips.

Strength: Like all other fairies, their two times stronger then a human/wizard



Astral Magic

As Academy Keeper[]

Keeper's Crest: Gained when becoming apprenticed to the current keeper. It greatly increases one's Mana, allowing them to cast spells that'll normally cause them to faint. However, the ability is lost upon retiring or quitting.


Celestial's Blessing: Each (biological) Starheart has a unique magical ability that may or may not be affected by iron (to an extent) and is not necessarily elemental.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]

Unless otherwise stated, all Starhearts use Astral Magic.

The AstralIcon Astral element is weak against:

  • Nothing

This element is powerful against:

This element is neutral against:

Additionally, unless otherwise stated, they have the same Strengths and Weaknesses as Astral Fey.


  • tba

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Character Groups
Species: Caddisfolk  •  Faen  •  Humans (+Infernal Wizards)  •  Community Version  •  AlyssSolo Version  •  FourSevensRueful Version  •  Jellybean Jade Version
Species Group Pages: Faerie Tribes  •  Fairy Tribes  •  Imps
Faen Groups
Fairy Tribes: Astral Tribe  •  Creek Tribe  •  Crystal Tribe  •  Drake Tribe  •  Echoes of the Ice  •  Forest Tribe  •  Glacier Tribe  •  Moon Tribe  •  Storm Tribe  •  Sun Tribe  •  Whispers of the Dark
Faerie Tribes:
Other Groups
Families: Presidential Nebluffs  •  Stormchaser Family  •  Starheart Family
Secular Organizations: Bounty Hunters (Disbanded)  •  Firestorm Laboratories  •  Monster-Wizard Joint Space Program  •  NootCorp  •  Shale Distributors  •  The Order  •  The Order of Influence (FSRV)  •  Transport Workers  •  Trialmasters (Disbanded)  •  Voidwalker Sect
Religious Organizations: Adherents of the Church of Astrallum  •  Cenorism (Dead)  •  Harmonism  •  Luma Healers  •  Nalism (Dead)  •  Barāquian
Colonies: Bonfire Colony  •  Mech Colony  •  Monsters of Treacherous Taiga
Tribes: Crystal Tribe  •  Lotus Tribe  •  Resurrection Tribe  •  Spirit Tribe (Disbanded)  •  Werewolf Tribe
Other: Astrallum Apostates  •  Bodyguards  •  Caverners  •  Founding Wardens  •  Magical Mercenaries