Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

Tadpup is a WaterIcon2 Water type fanon pet


Tadpup resembles a short gecko with two legs that have two fingers. It has two big eyes like a gecko that extends out from its head…

In-game description[]

“Tadpups live near swamps, and likes to lick at anything including other Tadpups. Their saliva is very watery, so one lick can leave you soaked!”

Locations to find[]

They will normally spawn in Shipwreck shores, and Firefly forest, but sometimes in Skywatch


Icon Spell Level Power Aim Recharge Initial wait
Nip-spell-icon Nip 1 5 100% 0 0
Multisplash-spell-icon Multisplash 5 3 70% 0 0
Thump-icon Bop 15 5 100% 0 0
Soak-spelll-icon Soak 30 4 70% 1 0


  • It’s a variant of burnewt


You may add concept sketches and drawings of Tadpup here, but make sure to request permission from the original artist and credit them, and follow any rules they have for use of the image.
