By: RJ the Artist
It was Gale's twentieth birthday. When fairies turn twenty, they are ready to leave the nest.
Gale's mother gave him a very special gift. Gale's mother created astral magic 10 years ago, and created the Academy. Her gift was The Astral Amulet, which she also created. The charm was a golden astral star on a blue ribbon. Gale was speechless (well not that speechless, his was still able to say thank you as he was a polite fairy). He was to inherit the Academy.
Three months later, Gale found something interesting on the Academy's doorstep. It was like one of the fairy guides, but it was a baby. Gale brought it inside. The little fairy would always say, "Noot!", so Gale decided he would name the fairy Noot. He took the little fairy under his wing, and they were good friends.
As the year went on, Noot started to envy Gale. Noot was mocked because of his strange looks, his name, his lack of magic knowledge, and his weakness. Gale had more power.
One day, when Gale was attacked by a crystal monster, Noot noticed the thing on Gale's neck glowing. With a mighty flash, the crystal monster was defeated. Noot asked Gale about his necklace, and Gale explained to him that it was the astral amulet, and it was the most powerful weapon on the island. Noot asked more questions, Gale trusted Noot, and told him where he kept it and what spells it could cast. Noot knew that if he had the amulet, the other fairy guides and students would respect him.
That night, Noot snuck into Gale's room. He took the key, unlocked the chest, and swiped Gale's amulet.
Noot took off his bandana and put on the astral amulet. With the amulet, Noot could summon and create things at will. Overcome by power and greed, Noot tried to cast the most powerful spell he could.
Gale panicked; his amulet was gone! One of the fairy guides that had been bullying Noot suggested that Noot may have stolen it. But Gale said, "Don't be silly, Noot is a responsible fairy! He would never do that!"
Meaanwhile, as Noot cast the spell said to be more powerful than an All-Out Attack, a big black shroud shot out of the amulet. When the shroud cleared, it revaled a powerful wizard. Her name was Mira Shade; Gale's mother had trapped her in the amulet 5 years ago to stop her from attacking Prodigy Island.
Gale noticed that the Academy was under attack. Confused, he flew into the room that contained the Warden Keystones. He was shocked to find Mira Shade with Noot.
"The good news," Mira Shade said, "is that I found your amulet. The bad news is that I found it on the fairy you took under your wing for a year,and would never steal your amulet!" She pulled Noot forward.
Gale was horrified. After all this time, how could Noot betray him like this?
"It's time to end this," Mira sneered at Gale, "too bad you're gonna be here to witness it!"
To Gale's horror, Mira took the astral amulet and smashed it on the ground.
Mira flew out leaving Gale to deal with Noot, and their conversation followed, starting with Gale:
"Noot, I can't believe you!"
"I didn't mean to release Mira Shade, You should've warned me!"
"I shouldnt've have had to Noot! And that's only one of the main problems!"
"What's the other?"
"The reason I didn't warn you, was because I trusted you to be responsible and didn't think you would try to steal it! The other problem was that you betrayed my trust!"
"How else was I supposed to show everyone how powerful I can be?!"
"Let me get this straight, you put the whole island in danger so you could be more powerful?!"
"I guess."
"Noot, I thought I taught you well, but I obviously I didn't!"
"I'm sorry, Gale! Maybe we can fix it!"
"I don't think we can, Noot! The Astral Amulet is broken and Mira's out all because of you! I can't even look at you anymore!" Gale flew away.
Noot sadly remembered all the good times he had with Gale, all gone when he had swiped the amulet.
Suddenly, Noot remembered an important lesson Gale taught him. It was about the power of sacrifice, and how it could be more powerful than any magic.
Gale was sitting outside the Astral Tower, sad about him and Noot's argument.
Suddenly, Mira came in.
"Looks like I forgot something important!" Mira sneered. And then she shot a shadow blast at Gale!
Just then, Noot jumped in front of Gale, and was hit by the shadow blast instead.
When Gale saw what had happened, he picked up the unmoving fairy.
"Noot, please, I'm sorry," Gale said. A tear rolled off his cheek and onto the bits of amulet on the ground.
All of a sudden, the keystones started glowing and the pieces came up and merged back together.
Gale then picked up the astral amulet and put it on Noot. The magic healed Noot, who was then hugged by Gale.
Mira was horrified. Gale then put the amulet back on and banished Mira Shade into the Dark Tower.
Gale and Noot made amends.