Welcome to the concepts made by Wintershadowcataco![]
Hello! Welcome to the concepts made by Wintershadowcataco, today she is only gonna talk about the main character named Atalanta Solarmoon. Have some fun and Stuff. Please be sure to comment what you think about this story concept below! Have fun! Au revoir who ever user you are. (laugh out loud)
See Atalanta Solarmoon.
Some art concepts[]
She is the wizard of wisdom, so she has to look wise. Below, Is a old concept I drew, although she doesn’t look very old and wise, she indeed is wise.

Atalanta Solarmoon (old concept)
Her arms are out stretched because it kind of looks like she appeared out of space. Her sleeves are long because I once saw a movie, and all the wise people had long sleeves, so I was thinking, maybe I should let Atalanta Solarmoon have long sleeves. I tried making the wand more like the staff of the duelist, but it ended up like this. Oh well. She has no shoes? She does, except you cannot see it. The horns on her head represent her tiny fierce personality, the reason her horns are small is because she has a tiny fierce personality, like what I said earlier. She does not have a relic ring because she is already powerful. But I might add one in the future! Well, it is more gonna be a astral relic. Please wait for more updates to the story!