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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki

The Legacy Update is one of the biggest Prodigy updates that has ever been released, bringing back legacy content through a special "time machine" feature, filters for the specific game's art style that the player would like the most, as well as old pet designs.

The Time Machine[]

The Quest of the Time Machine is a quest that involves searching throughout all of the islands in the main game.


Lucien is the guardian of the Time Machine. He can be found in front of the Dark Tower.


Lucien is a Floatling with a lightbulb with eyes floating above his head. Lucien dons a blue cloak and a graduation cap.


Lucien is knowledgable and bookish. He loves myths, spells, urban legends, and potions, as well as tinkering around with whatever gadgets he has. Lucien also spends his time observing the abandoned ruins of Dyno Dig Oasis, Captain Bully's ship, as well as the rule of King Tortox and Slow-Cooker. Lucien likes learning a lot about the origin of Prodigy, as well as how it was before.


Upon first meeting Lucien
Lucien: One thing I've been fascinated about is the history of this world.
Lucien: You see, Prodigia was never always like this. Kings and beasts ruled different realms, important figures faded away...
Lucien: Recent studies have shown that in Firefly Forest, there was a golem protector named Kronx, far before he fell into a deep slumber and wasted away.
Lucien: I might need some help with-
Wizard: Hey, I'd be glad to help! It would be a shame if you couldn't achieve your goal.
Lucien: You'd... like to help me? Perfect! Meet me at Stonefish Beach.

Retrieving the Rotten Wood
Lucien: You're here! Perfect! Let's check Firefly Crossroads for the Rotten Wood. I've already found signs that the wood will be there.
(Reaching Firefly Crossroads)
Lucien: What are those?! (giant Vine-Devils are towering above Lucien and the wizard, and the symbol of Kronx is engraved in the center)
Lucien: Let me check-
Lucien: Holy hell! The rotten wood grew into these monstrosities!
Lucien: Speaking of which, isn't somebody supposed to be with you as an assistant?
(Cuts to Noot eating pizza with Florian, Ada, and Gale, while the Wizard calls Noot's name faintly in the background)
Wizard: (takes a deep breath)
Wizard: Looks like we have to fight this out ourselves.

Rejuvenating Life
Lucien: So we have the rotten wood! Great! What we need to do now is to, uh, somehow bring life into this moldy heap of carbon fiber.
Lucien: Bad news, though. That is totally out of my expertise.
Wizard: I think I know someone who can help. The fairies are good at helping things grow and gain life.
Wizard: I think Flora can help us with this!
Lucien: Who's this Flora person?
Wizard: The master wizard of Firefly Forest?
Lucien: Cool! Never really heard of her, though.
Wizard: Let's meet her at the Big Tree.

(At the Big Tree)
Flora: Well hello there! The name's Flora, the master wizard of Firefly Forest!
Lucien: Nice to meet you. Have you heard of someone named Kronx?
Flora: (sighs)
Flora: Kronx was our protector from any enemies before the Sentinels ambushed him one day, and he, well... he's in a better place now.
Lucien: I never knew that. People told me that he just fell asleep and wasted away!
Flora: We were just trying to hide the truth from other people.
Lucien: I'm sorry to hear that.
Lucien: On another note, we think that there's a way to bring him back!
Lucien: It has to do with these pieces of rotten scrap wood. I believe it comes from the remains of Kronx and that there could be a way for him to be brought back to life.
Lucien: Problem is that, well, I can't do these magic life stuff magic thingamabobs.


Battling Vine-Devil Prime[]


Boss Attacks

  • Forest's Hurricane
  • Overgrowth
  • Spore Burst
  • Mudball
  • Whirlwind
  • Leaf Wind
  • Absorb
  • Earthsprite
  • Blitz

Lucien Attacks

  • Quadratus- Lucien rises up into the sky, his lightbulb glows, he wields a wand with the Astral symbol on it and four streams of light damage the enemy.
  • Rebound- Launches a large and thick closed ring that hits the enemy twice: once moving forward and the other moving backward, disappearing when touching Lucien.

Note: The legacy spells have updated art. The original art can only be seen with Art Filters turned on.

  • 10 Rotten Wood
  • Gold
  • Copper Coins
  • Festival Currency
  • Outfits
  • Boots
  • Hats
  • Wand

Art Filters[]

Art Filters are a special feature where people can toggle on filters.

List of filters[]

Wizards and Pets[]

Filter Description
Modern The new, vector artstyle that is similar to the Prodigy English style. Keep in mind that the hats have matched the current artstyle as well.
Retro The classic pixel-art style that was seen in most wizards and pets before 2022.
Old The oldest art style for Prodigy Math Game that was seen in 2013. This also changes the appearance of the pets to their appearance before the change in 2019, as well as revives the old starter pets (as well as adding one with an Ice element). Note that changing to Modern or Retro will switch the old starter pets to their current counterparts.

NPCs and Dialogue[]

Filter Description
Old Reverts the dialogue art and NPC sprites to its old counterparts. The change is most notable in NPCs like Flora, Bok, Slurpy, Eve, and Mira Shade.
Oldest Uses the oldest NPC art styles. This can be seen in NPCs like Bok and Eve.
Modern Uses the current NPC art.
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Unfinished Features
Items: Rickroll Member Box  •  Storage Note
Game Versions: FourSevensRueful Version (Math)  •  FourSevensRueful Version (English)  •  Prodigy: Open World  •  Prodigy Smash
Game Updates: Crystal Caverns Update (English)  •  Dock & Island Update (English)  •  Elemental Concoction Update (Math)  •  Collision Update (Math & English)  •  Ornithfest Update (Math)  •  Fables Update (Math)  •  Species Update (Math)  •  Shattered Elements Update (Math)  •  Skywatch Overhaul (Math)  •  The Mountain Update (English)  •  Treacherous Taiga Update (Math)  •  Ulla's Discoveries Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption Community Version  •  Breeding FSRV  •  Collaboration Mode  •  Item Creation FSRV  •  Multiplayer Arcade  •  Taming (Befriending)
Battle Mechanics: Abilities FSRV  •  Elemental Effects Community Version
Customization: Battle Accelerator
Miscellaneous: Additional Anti-Cheat Measures  •  Alternative Evolution Methods  •  Forked Evolution Community Version  •  House Defense Strategies  •  Membership
Finished Features
Shops: Academy Special Shop  •  Gloria  •  India Croft  •  Patches
Items: Bee Box  •  Consumables  •  Developer Console  •  Eggs Community Version  •  Eggs FRSV  •  Healing Weapons Franciscothepro Version  •  Interactive Furniture
Game Versions:
Game Updates: Design Consistency Update (Math)  •  Five Towers Update (Math)  •  Game Mechanics Update (Math)  •  Inventory Update (Math or English)  •  Multiplayer & Messaging Update (English)  •  Nesting Grounds Update (Math)  •  Rueful's Epics Update (Math)  •  Seasonal Tournaments Update (Math)
Activities: Adoption FSRV  •  Breeding  •  Breeding/Mxnty Vibez Version  •  Fire Wheel  •  Item Creation  •  Item Wands  •  Lumin Lemon Tree  •  Lumin Well  •  Prodigy English Messaging  •  Prodigy English Multiplayer  •  Quest Tracks  •  Q&A Machine  •  Retreat Vending Machine  •  Storm Wheel  •  Trading Community Version  •  Trading FSRV  •  Water Wheel
Battle Mechanics: Abilities  •  Attributes and Affinities  •  Bodyguards  •  Elemental Effects/AlyssSolo Version  •  Festival Tiered Arenas  •  Loyalty  •  New Bounty Types  •  Skills Community Version  •  Skills FSRV
Infections: Basilisk Disease
NPCs: Eco-Man  •  Merry  •  Nike  •  Polo  •  Species Community Version  •  Species/AlyssSolo Version  •  Species FSRV
Customization: Artstyle Filters  •  Body Types
Miscellaneous: Achievements Community Version  •  Achievements FSRV  •  Alternative Evolution Methods FSRV  •  Forked Evolution FSRV  •  Player Mail  •  Steeds  •  Visible Boots Cosmetics