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Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki


Once upon a time, (I know, real cliche.)

There was a young wizard named; Rachel Junebug Fancycrafter. She lived in Fantasy Forest with her parents and pets, who were a charfoal named Charlotte, and a monkey named Cheryl. Rachel was a pretty sweet child, and a very creative, imaginative, and artistic one too. She would spend her time drawing, painting, writing, and playing with her toys.

One day, for unknown reasons, her and her family boarded a boat to Prodigia. Rachel packed up her clothes, toys, art supplies, books, and other belongings before boarding the boat with her family .

One day, for unknown reasons, her and her family boarded a boat to Prodigia. Rachel packed up her clothes, toys, art supplies, books, and other belongings before boarding the boat with her family .

She moved into a new house and made new friends, Jade, Ansat, and Ben.

But those weren't the only new things she got.

Learning the Magic[]

Rachel was experiencing her very first Pumpkinfest, a fall holiday on Prodigy Island. She went with Ansat, Ben, and Jade.

Four friends are walking about Lamplight Town, chatting and laughing.

Ansat, Ben, Jade, and Rachel are just beginning to talk about the upcoming festivals when a loud, squeaky voice interrupts them.

”Master says I must destroy you all!” Pippet screams, stretching to hie impressive height of three feet.

“Oh, look. Pippet.” Jade says, bored and annoyed, as Pippet had interrupted them. “Oh no.”

"Oh no, It's that guy who I beat to a pulp every other month." said Ansat sarcastically.

Jade yawns and begins pulling out her wand. “Hey, I’m a big deal!” Pippet yells, shaking his tiny fists.

Rachel is backing away, afraid and shocked at Ansat and Jade’s boredom.

"Yeah, right!!" said Ben. "We always beat you with a singular falling star smash!"

”Yeah. I’m a Prodigy, he’s the fastest wizard ever, and Rachel… actually, why don’t you battle him, Rachel? Let’s see what you’re good at.” Jade says, twirling her wand.

"Sure!” said Ansat. "You can fight him this time! I'm taking a nap!" Ansat sits on the ground and pretends to sleep.

Pippet grits his wooden teeth. “Get up, you half-brain hedgehog!” He sends a weak Shadow Shock at Ansat.

Ansat blocks it and blasts him back, still sitting on the ground with his eyes closed.

Pippet is knocked over. “I’ll get you one of-“

A giant ball of vines smothers him. “Oh shut up. We’re just talking.” Jade snaps. “Rachel, join us in beating him up!”

”I can’t fight him! He’s a big deal!” Rachel protests.

“Her literally dies in like five minutes!” says Ansat.

“The guy’s pathetic. Besides, I want to see you duel.” Jade says, putting her arms behind her head and lying on a rock.

Ben throws a spell at Pippet. He dodges and hits Rachel with a Shadow Shock. Jade blocks it and hits him back with a Falling Star Smash. Finally, Ansat and Ben cast two Supernovas and knock him over.

Pippet begins casting Shadow Shock like crazy, and singles out Rachel.

She yelps and is struck immobile with fear.

“Get him, Rachel!” Jade cheers.

Suddenly, she fires an insanely powerful blast of Astral magic from her hand, which makes Pippet finally run away.

”Wow!” Jade exclaims. “R-Rachel, how did you do that?”

”I don’t know!” She responds, staring at her hands in confusion.

”It looked like some cannon!” Jade responds.

“But I don’t know how I did that! I didn’t even do anything!”

“Well, that’s was crazy. We should go ask Gale about that.” Jade suggests.

“Good idea!” Rachel says.

The group pull out their Academy Amulets and travel to the Academy.

As they enter, they see Gale perched on the rafters per usual. He nods and jumps down, flying to their feet.

Jade looks a bit miffed, as she has never been able to fly.

“How may I help you?” Gale asks monotonously. He twirls his signature Vorplad blade in his fingers, his amber eyes piercing them.

Rachel backs away a bit, but Jade sighs and twirls her own blade handle. “Rachel did some crazy blast thing effortlessly when Pippet attacked us.“

Gale’s eyes widen, just slightly.

“We, uh… thought you’d know something about that.” Jade continues, having second thoughts.

He narrows his eyes before turning to Rachel, still twirling his knife. “Did you do anything related to the spell?”

Rachel bites her lip. “I, uh… I imagined it?”

It’s undeniable now, Gale’s eyes are wider than ever and his brow is furrowed. “Imagined. I see…”

Ansat and Ben walk over to the three. “Yo!”

”Hi.” Jade mutters vaguely, busy mulling over Rachel’s words. Gale is pondering along with her.

After a few minutes, he mutters, “… honestly? I have no idea. Maybe it’s some imagination based way of doing magic. I’ll get to the archives researching for you. Then he mutters under this breath, “Because all these students are so ungrateful.”

”Would you like me to help?” Rachel asks kindly.

The fairy turns crimson. “Oh… sure.”

"Someone say imagination based magic?" Ben interrupts.

”Yeah.” Gale sighs, heading into the Archives.

Gale and Jade begin leafing through the books and scrolls. Occasionally, one will mutter something to the other in Norlia and tuck their findings away. Rachel is trying hard to focus, and Ansat and Ben are not trying to study at all.

Suddenly, a loud whoosh interrupts their working and a spiraling purple and black portal appears. Pippet jumps out, his wooden material slightly charred and one of his hands with a huge crack.

Rachel is the first to see Pippet, and she immediately turns into a tiny Chihuahua.

”What the f*ck, Fancycrafter?” Ansat yells.

Rachel points her paw at Pippet, who is picking himself up after tripping over the portal.

”Oh hey, it’s Mr. Pathetic Weakling!” Ben laughs.

Rachel yaps loudly, probably saying something profane.

Ansat and Ben proceed to rush to the mess of wooden limbs that is Pippet and beat him to a pulp.

Rachel’s dog face screws up into a look of concentration, and she turns back into a human.

Jade and Gale have noticed, and are talking in Norlia, louder now. Gale looks agitated and Jade looks stubborn. The two seem to be arguing.

“How did you do that?” Jade asks, turning to Rachel and holding up a hand to quiet Gale.

Rachel blushes. “Uh, when I get scared, I imagine myself as a…” her voice vanishes. “S-small dog…”

“How did that happen? I’ve never seen anything like it before?” Ben asks.

”That’s why we’re here.” Jade says, rolling her eyes.

Rachel nods.

Gale, who had turned back to the books, holds up a thick scroll. “I found something.”

Jade snatches it from his hands and shows it to the others.

On a very rare occasion, a wizard with a large imagination and a creative mind are given the power of imagination magic. The wizard will only activate the power when they are feeling intense emotion. It is a rare ability and, should it fall into the wrong hands, is dangerous indeed.

“En de Faen Nor, strong emotion?” Jade mutters. “Like with Pippet!”

Rachel gasps. “So that’s how I do portal paintings! I pour all my emotion into those paintings, and I guess… I imagine them as little portals.”

She begins pondering her imagination magic, attempting to cast a spell ever now and again.

Meanwhile, Ansat is beating Pippet up. Jade sits on the floor, picks up a book, and begins reading. Gale follows suit, though he is perched up on a bookshelf.

“Hey-hey, Ansat! This book says that imagination power is rare and cannot be found here in Prodigia anymore.” Jade exclaims, eyes bouncing across the pages. “That must be why Rachel can do it!”

Rachel lifts her head up, eyes intent on Jade.

"Hmm. Okay." said Ansat, who threw Pippet at a hoard of wild dogs.

“Where did those dogs come from?”

"I dunno, but I threw Pippet at them!"

Jade blows her bangs out of her eyes before going back to the book. “Supposedly, imagination magic performers are…” her eyes widen. “Oh no.”

Rachel rushes over. “What?”

“Imagination magic practitioners are extremely rare and valuable, and all of them were killed by the Order of Influence!”

"Oh wow, the Order was the reason something went wrong. How surprising..." said Ben, sarcastically.

“Are they still on the lookout for more imagination magic users?” Rachel asks, eyes wide with fear and worry.

“The… the chapter ends there.” Jade responds.

"But they won't kill anyone with imagination magic again, right?" asked Rachel.

"Hopefully not, as long as no one realizes you are an imagination wizard!" said Ben.

Rachel gasped. "Oh no."

"What's wrong..?" asked Ansat.

"I also read that it can become stronger as a wizard uses the imagination part of their brain."

Jade bites her lip. "So maybe... you can't use imagination anymore."

“Rachel, can you imagine me an ice cream real quick?” Jade asks, laughing.

Gale shoots her a look. “You need to learn to control your powers, Rachel.”

”Or it’s bye-bye for you!” Jade adds, imitating an explosion. “Or you’ll be part of one of the Order's twisted ‘experiments’…” she shudders, tracing a finger over a scar.

Rachel tries as hard as she can to imagine an ice cream. "I don't think it's strong enough yet. But, why does the order want to kill people with imagination magic?"

“It’s too powerful.” Gale responds. “From what I’ve heard, masters of it can imagine anything they want, as long as the emotions are strong enough. With exceptions."

Jade raises an eyebrow. “How do you know so much?”

"Probably because he's a nerd..." said Ansat, hoping Gale didn't hear him.

Gale bites his lip. “I… no reason.”

Rachel protests. "But we deserve to have the same right to have emotions as everyone else!"

“Too bad! Last time, someone died!” Gale responds.

"Gale, stop being.. Uhh, what's the word..?" said Ansat.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He replies.

"Was the death an accident?" Rachel asks nervously.

Gale won’t meet their eyes. “I don’t know.”

Rachel huffs. "Is the Order the only group of people who will kill me if my magic is discovered?

Gale looks at the ground aggressively. “I don’t know.”

"How do you not know? You seem to know everything!" said Ansat.

“I don’t!” He snaps.

Jade narrows her eyes. “Gale…”

Rachel begins fretting. "Oh this is bad! So many things I don't know, no one seems to know, and I will be killed if I slip up!!

Rachel hyperventilates more before turning to ice.

Jade gasps. “Rachel…?

After a few seconds, Rachel turns back into a human.

“Gale, what do we do?”

"Please!" Rachel adds.

Gale sighs. “I’m not some master, ask Jade to take you to the expert.”

Jade blinks. “What… oh. You’re not serious, Harmony's not going to…”

”No excuses.”

Jade behind speaking rapidly to Gale is slightly accented Norlia. “En de Faen Nor, she’s busy repairing whole islands. How do you know she knows about this magic? Gale, why won’t you help?"

Rachel cocks her head. "What?

”Oh, right. Rachel, Harmony is an extremely powerful entity that Gale thinks I should ask to help you.” She shoots a glare at him.

Rachel speaks up. "She does seem reliable."

Jade scowls. “She’s not! She-“ Jade stops herself from cursing. “Anyhow, we can’t go to her.”

Gale groans. "Why not?"

"Becuase..." Jade sighs. "Becuase I'm scared for Rachel! What if Harmony decides to get rid of her!"

"So now what? I still have some questions about imagination magic, and the sun is starting to rise so you guys will have to leave soon before my parents see all this." Rachel asks.

Cheryl sighs. "I don't think Rachel's problem can be fixed, I read the book and no one with imagination magic ever had it removed.

“Fine.” Gale says huffily. “On your own head be it. And Jade…” he mutters something in Norlia, which makes Jade sneer and roll her eyes.

Rachel groans. "What does he mean?

Jade holds up a finger and begins walking out. “Tell you later.” She mouths.

Rachel waits for a bit.

By the time they have landed below the Academy, Jade tells them: “He told me I was being selfish. Not like he knows anything."

Rachel hesitates. "You know what, I don't care if she decides to get rid of me. It's for the better if she does."

Jade raises an eyebrow. "Huh. Well... if it's what you want. Shipwreck Shore. Tomorrow."

The next day, Jade is waiting in Shipwreck Shore on her Dreamlet.

Rachel runs in with her Charfoal, Charlotte, and Cheryl. "Good morning, Jade!"

“Hi!” Jade says. “I got us a boat, now we can get to Harmony Island. It’ll take a bit, though. Have you been practicing your imagination magic?”

Rachel shakes her head. "Nervous."

The two head on the boat and begin the complicated process of getting the rigging ready.

"I've just been thinking about it most of the night." Rachel adds, studying the boat.

“Well, that’ll have to do. Harmony had high expectations. She’ll push you, so be prepared.” Jade pulls the sails up and they unfurl impressively. “Ooh… I’m seasick.”

Rachel daydreams about being a nice dog to comfort Jade. She becomes a labrador and cuddles close with Jade.

“Aw! Thanks a lot, Rachel!”

After a while, Rachel and Jade arrived at the Island.

A rumble resounded through it, runes and torches cracking and lighting up.

"What's that?" Rachel asked, somewhat scared.

Jade sighs. “Harmony’s dramatic entrance.”

She grabs Rachel’s hand and pulls her through a portal, then up to a cliff where Harmony waits.

”This is Harmony, or the Ancient.”

Rachel looked up. "Whoa."

Jade waves at the humongous figure above them. “Harmony, this is Rachel Fancycrafter. She has the rare gift of imagination magic, and she can… turn into a dog. Rachel?”

Rachel imagined as hard as she could, but could not become a dog because she was no longer feeling empathy.

Jade sighs. “Harmony, she can. Could you scare her, please?”

The huge figure nods, still not saying a word, and blasts Rachel to the ground hard.

Rachel suddenly turns into a chihuahua and yips after hitting the ground.

After a few minutes, Rachel turns back into a human.

Harmony nods. “Powerful. Too powerful.”

"Harmony, I heard that the order would kill me if they discovered my imagination magic, would non-order members kill me if they found out too? W-would you?"

“First question... no, I would not kill you. But I’m afraid others would. Many want to get their hands on such a rare wizard. Though they may not kill you, only keep you captive."

Jade stiffens at the word captive. “Y-you don’t want that, Rachel.”

Rachel thought for a moment and then a ghostly imagery of Rachel getting killed appears, a result of Rachel's imagination magic.

Rachel looked back up at Harmony. "What will I do when it gets stronger? I can't control it now."

“I almost always applaud becoming stronger, like I did for the Prodigy here, but if you become stronger, it will be even more of a risk. Perhaps ignore this power altogether and hide it. Gale could train you in keeping your emotions private.”

"Isn't hiding your powers a bad idea?" asked Ben.

Harmony shoots a piercing look at Ben. “It’s up to the girl. And it is essential for survival.”

Rachel turned to Ben, "I should hide it for now, I can't risk getting killed. I will only be able to use it when we are alone."

Harmony nods. “Good. I will ask Gale to help, and… you’ll need either to stay here or have some bodyguards.”

"I'll guard her!" said Ben.

"I guess I will too, since Gale hates my guts and all..." said Ansat.

Jade shrugs. “I’m sure Rachel'll need for help, so I’ll help too.”

Rachel smiled, tearing up slightly. "You guys...are amazing!" Because of Rachel's overwhelmingly happy feelings, she imagines rainbows which soar around them.

Harmony nods. "Then go."

Jade Rachel, Ansat, and Ben are talking about her newfound power.

They arrive back in Lamplight Town... ready to train in imagination.

The Puppet Mistress[]

A few days later, Rachel was in a park lying down in the grass as she read the book about imagination magic she had gotten.

Suddenly, she was interrupted by a weird cloaked figure. Being the gullible wizard she was, Rachel decided to talk to it.

"Hello! I'm Rachel! Who are you?"

"I, am the Puppet Master.

"Nice to meet you! Do you do puppetry? I love puppetry!"

"I do. I am a professional."

"What do you do with Puppets?"

"I do things like..this!"

The Puppet master shot a black and purple blast a Rachel. Her clothes were torn and turned black and purple. Her hair was a mess. She sprouted big, black wings.

"Hello, Puppet Mistress."

"What is my task?" Asked the now possessed Rachel.

"Help me conquer the Island by creating Shadow Puppets."

"Will do."

[v · t · e · ?]
Libra's Scale Series
Roleplays: Libra's Scale  •  Libra's Scale 2  •  Libra's Scale 3  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble
Extras: Libra's Scale: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 2: Extras  •  Libra's Scale 3: Extras  •  Libra's Scale: Eternity's Gamble: Extras
Wizard School/Camp
Roleplays: Wizard School/Camp
Extras: Wizard School/Camp: Extras
The Academy's Secret
Roleplays: The Academy's Secret
Extras: The Academy's Secret: Extras
Rap Battles
Roleplays: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa
Extras: The Ultimate Rap Battle: Chris vs Aizawa: Extras
Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Roleplays: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!
Extras: Magical Girls of Prodigy Island! Mission 1: Save the Boys!: Extras
The Return of the Wardens
Roleplays: The Return of the Wardens  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi  •  The Crystal Queen  •  Shadow's Rising  •  The Wardens Renowned  •  Xenophobe  •  Warfare  •  Ceasefire  •  Void's Reign  •  Light's Fall  •  Greyshift Coronation  •  Filia Umbra  •  Ground Zero  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR)  •  The Crystal Warden  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU)
Extras: The Return of the Wardens: Extras  •  Kyōju No Wakai Hibi: Extras  •  The Crystal Queen: Extras  •  Shadow's Rising: Extras  •  The Wardens Renowned: Extras  •  Xenophobe: Extras  •  Warfare: Extras  •  Ceasefire: Extras  •  Void's Reign: Extras  •  Light's Fall: Extras  •  Greyshift Coronation: Extras  •  Filia Umbra: Extras  •  Ground Zero: Extras  •  Faen War III (ROTW AR): Extras  •  The Crystal Warden: Extras  •  The Restoration of the Wardens (ROTW AU): Extras
A Normal Picnic
Roleplays: A Normal Picnic
Extras: None
Other Roleplays
Roleplays: Ansat to the Max  •  Bittersweet  •  Elemental Divide  •  Final Life  •  Hide-N-Seek  •  Into the Caverns  •  Lost Past  •  Pet Trainer, Portal Chaser  •  Prodigy Funny Laughs  •  Prodigy Summer Olympics  •  Rickroll Member Box - The Origin  •  The Magic of Imagination  •  Sound of a Roar
Extras: Lost Past: Extras  •  RQT Roleplay: Extras  •  Elemental Divide: Extras