Adamma wiped the sweat from her head, taking another swing at the tree with her axe before leaving the work unfinished to pick at some rocks nearby. She stopped a few moments to fidget with her hairbands before running off to pick some yellow roses in the distance by multiple pine trees, departing from the only partially done job at the rocks. She picked up the flowers, enjoying the lemony scent until she realized the sun was up high in the sky- high noon had arrived. Adamma realized she had been working the whole morning and still wasn't tired.
Well, then again, most of her tasks hadn't been done properly.
She glanced behind her, many half cut trees and broken rocks in her wake scattered across the plot of land. Dang. Why does this always end up with this outcome? With a sigh, she sprinted back to the market stall, deciding she was going to have to bargain with Nathan at the market stand based on her inventory. "Hey, are you done yet?," Nathan asked. "I need these materials. Now."
"Well, you see, I kinda haven't finished. Ye-"
That earned Adamma a small scrape on her left leg, a stone dripping blood being held in Nathan's hand. "You're kidding me. Now, before you start pouting and complaining this was too much of a punishment, let me tell you something. You've done much worse...retar-"
"Don't you even say it.," Adamma hissed, punching Nathan. Red was now sliding down Nathan's cheek.
"See? I told you. You do bad things too. Much worse than me. I've only done that" He pointed to Adamma's leg. "Once. I've only done that once. This was important, you know. I needed those materials." With that, Nathan ran off, leaving nothing in his trace. Adamma was brewing with anger. She smashed her shovel in the ground, digging a hole for no purpose to nowhere, deciding it would be better to exert her rage on the ground, smashing all blooms and blossoms in the area, her glasses covered with dirt before she could pick them up as a result of her dropping them. Fricking stupid Nathan. She threw her shovel at some large mossy rocks, the rocks being so big there was no way you could miss them, especially when you were this close. The tool was split in two. She kneeled down to dig for her glasses with her hands. After 15 minutes, she picked them up and put them on her head, not caring about the messy dirt all over them. She just cared about being able to see. She took a five second glance at the dried blood on her kneecap, and decided it would be better to go home than to head to the docks to fix her shovel. Besides, she most likely didn't have enough things to sell to raise enough money to fix it after the sloppy work she did.
"Addi!", A voice called just as she was about to leave.
Great. What now. Adamma thought to herself.
"You okay?", The voice asked. It was Adamma's pal, Ginny. Ginny was nice. Too nice, sometimes. And at the wrong times. "What happened to you? I can call a doctor if you want me to. You alright?"
"I'm fine, Ginny. Just leave me alone.," Adamma responded. The ground began to shake. "Ginny, this isn't a stupid prank of some sort, is it?," Adamma asked.
"No, it isn't me." The ground shook harder.
Better not be a fricking earthquake. Adamma thought. The ground shook harder until the large rocks Adamma had thrown her shovel at before collasped, ground once again still like it never happened, following a wooden sign growing right out of the grass like it was a flower, but one that grows multiple times faster. It pointed to a forest oak, and pine trees covering it like a blanket, along with rocks, flowers, and other resources. "What the literal hell.," Adamma said.
"Wow, how did that happen?," Ginny asked. "Amazing. I have to take notes of this."
"Shut up, bookworm, and lets just go there already.," Addama said.
"Addi! It might not be safe!," Ginny called as Addama was heading in.
"Who cares? I'm going in, safe, or not safe. Besides, how not safe can a regular forest be?"