Back in her pathetic excuse for a home, Mary-Sue sat alone on her bed, stomach growling. There was no dinner today, of course, and there wouldn’t be for the next week if she was lucky.
Tears blurred her vision as her mother’s words rang through her mind.
”Are you stupid or something?”
”Your brother was always better than you.”
”You were a mistake.”
A burning need for revenge, for approval, sat in the pit of her gut, consuming her entirely. Of course it was horrible sending that boy off to die, but then again, what could she do? Her mother would surely disown her, or worse, send her off to her father’s home…
She shook the thoughts out of her head and flew away.
Meanwhile, at a treehouse in Pallet Pass, two boys were passed out in front of a TV, which showed a video game on pause.
There were paper bags scattered all over the place, and there was a PC on a desk in the corner of the room.
On top of one boy's stomach, lied an Aracute, who was also asleep.
As treehouses normally are, the door was nonexistent, making it incredibly easy for someone to come in and kidnap one of the boys.
And someone did.
Mary-Sue tumbled into the treehouse, and dragged Ben out by the leg.
The next day, next to Ansat, there was a note.
When Ansat woke up, he saw the note.
The note read,
Dear Ansat.
If you want to see your friend again, you will have to find me on Death Island.
XOXO, Mary-Sue
This made Ansat very angry.
So angry his eyes glowed red.
He hopped out of his treehouse, and started running.
For better immersion, listen to this.
Ansat ran across the entire island. He hopped across rock structures, ran along walls, and jumped through lakes.
He was using the environment to his advantage.
Eventually, Ansat got to Shipwreck Shore. He saw that a pirate was sailing a ship, so he boarded said ship, and jumped off the front end.
Now, Ansat can swim just fine, but he was in too much of a hurry to think about swimming.
Ansat ran through the water, going noticeably slower.
He was annoyed by this lack of speed, so he hopped a ride on one of the creatures.
Unfortunately, that creature was a shark.
The shark was angry, so Ansat had to swim up to the surface.
That’s when he saw it. It was an island covered in trees.
Death Island.
Ansat swam to the island, and started running.
In the heart of the island was Ben, who was in a cage.
Mary-Sue was laughing maniacally. Every laugh made Ben scared. He backed into the back of his cage.
“Uhm, maybe tone it down a little?” Asked the scared 12 year old.
Mary-Sue glared at him. She walked towards his cage.
Every step she took made Ben’s heart jump.
Mary-Sue opened his cage, pulled Ben out by the collar, and prepared to fire an Astral attack at him.
”This, is for always being friends with that Half Brained Hedgehog!” She yelled.
She was about to fire when…
She was hit in the back by a certain speedster, who was curled up in a ball.
Mary-Sue dropped Ben, and fell over.
Ansat looked at Ben, who was shaking in fear.
”You okay, kid?” He asked.
Ben was about to answer when Mary-Sue got back up.
She glared at Ansat.
”You!” She snarled.
Ansat returned the glare, but didn’t respond.
”You’re the reason why everyone thinks I’m useless! You’re the reason why my own family members look down on me! You’re the reason why I’m worthless!” Screamed Mary-Sue.
Ansat still didn’t respond.
”I’ve been left in the dust! Nobody can even remember my name, but you get to be so cool, with your spiky hair, and your sidekick and your matching jackets, but what do I have?”
At this point, Mary-Sue’s eyes were filling up with tears.
”All I have are horrible family members, and these powers I never wanted in the first place!”
Then, Mary-Sue’s expression turned from tears to a smirk.
”But now, I get to kill you, and all my problems will finally be solved.”
Mary-Sue grabbed Ansat by the face, and slammed him against a tree.
She kept slamming Ansat’s head until Ben grabbed her by the legs, and made her fall over.
Ansat got up.
Mary-Sue also got back up.
They had an intense stare down.
His inconsistent dark eyes meeting her dark pink eyes.
Then, they both charged towards each other.
Blast meets blast, fist meets fist.
Every punch Ansat got in, Mary-Sue would return the favor with 5 more.
Eventually, Ben got up, and held Mary-Sue in place with a Full-Nelson.
Ansat punched Mary-Sue in the face until it started bleeding.
Mary-Sue shook Ben off of her, and flew at Ansat.
She hit him with a punch that sent him flying all the way back to his home island.
Ansat crashed into to the Lamplight General Store. He got up, and as soon as he saw Mary-Sue flying at him again, he dodged, letting her hurt her fists on the stone.
Ansat whacked Mary-Sue upside the head with his Magite Staff while her guard was down.
Mary-Sue screamed in pain, and blasted Ansat with a blast of cold wind.
Ansat was momentarily frozen in a block of ice, so Mary-Sue punched the ice until it shattered around him. She then kicked him in the head.
Ansat fell to the ground, dropping some of his coins.
Mary-Sue picked him up by the head, and started running.
The two were up in space, of all places. They were racing on a track, in the middle of space.
Mary-Sue kept trying to ram Ansat off of the track, but he stayed on.
Ansat blasted forwards with an E.S., and zoomed around the track.
Mary-Sue screamed in frustration, and warped them both back to Pallet Pass.
Seeing as how Ansat had the home court advantage, he launched himself at Mary-Sue, and kicked her in the face, the ball of his foot hitting her nose. She clutched her broken nose.
She flew at him, and tackled the speedster. She then started punching his face, each punch being infused with Astral magic.
Ansat kicked her off of him, before dashing backward. Mary-Sue flew backwards too.
In a matter of seconds, both ran into each other at full force, causing an explosion.
Mary-Sue laid on the ground, very bloody.
”I’ll crush you yet, you Half-Brained Hedgehog…” she said, weakly.
Ansat collapsed onto the ground. He woke up in his treehouse a few minutes later, staring up at Ben, who gave him a hug.
”What happened? Did I win?” Asked Ansat.
Ben turned on the TV.
There was a news report on Channel 6.
”Breaking News.” Said the anchor. “Local teenager arrested for kidnapping, blackmailing, assault and battery, attempted manslaughter, and vandalism.”
The TV showed a picture of Mary-Sue in a cage, as two horses attempted to drag the cage off.
Ansat and Ben started cheering and whooping.
Mary-Sue was gone, hopefully forever.
Meanwhile, at a national security prison…
”You still failed to beat that regular wizard?!” Yelled a woman through a phone.
”Sorry, Mom, but he’s just too fast!” Replied Mary-Sue.
”You’re a disgrace to this family! All these powers, and you still couldn’t beat one regular wizard?!”
”But mom-“
”My great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother wasn’t born with every element to ever exist just for you to lose to a wizard who can go 50 mph!”
“Mom, I’m sorry, just give me another chance, I know I can-“
”That’s it. You’re no longer my daughter.”
”When you get out of prison, don’t bother coming back to the house. Go see if your father will take you.”
At this point, tears rolled down Mary-Sue’s cheeks.
”Mom, I’m sorry!”
”Save it. I should have aborted you when I had the chance. I’ll go take care of your brother, at least he isn’t a PATHETIC FAILURE!”
Her mom hung up the phone, leaving Mary-Sue a blubbering mess.