2000 years ago
A figure swept through the empty halls blanketed in darkness, the only light came from the dying torches flickering in their niches and the moonlight filtering gently through the stained-glass windows, casting an eerie patterned glow.
Litra stopped in front of a pair of massive wooden doors, her tinted golden wings flitted in the dark, brushing the towering marble walls. She furrowed her brow, something seemed... off. But her instincts would not tell her what exactly was in the question. She took a deep breath, inhaling quietly to not bring attention, if something was really there. She felt around for the heavy metal doorknobs, tucking her hands into the giant rings and hooking her delicate fingers around the bottom. She exhaled for as long as she dared and pushed as hard as she could.
An ominous creak filled the halls as they opened into a room full of roaring darkness, as black as bottomless pits. She took out her staff, turned it over, and struck the glass that carefully held a pit of fire. Shards attacked her, shattering into tiny pieces, becoming little stars in the carpets below her. Litra gingerly pulled out the torch, warming her hands from the coolness of the nightly air. She folded in her Fairie wings, raised her chin, and held her staff triumphally before stepping into the dark.
The underground library raised a small purplish light that made her feel a little more reassured. She focused onto her ears, and only echoes of her footsteps came back. Everyone was probably asleep by now, if someone was really here, her sharp hearing should have picked that up.
Litra sped up a little, no longer being as quiet as she was before, walking up the velveted stairs with a speedy pace. Nothing more to worry about. But she should just check the keystones just in case-
Bright, bright light filled the gigantic hall, purple rays bounced off mirrors and blew out all of the remaining flames. The flash blinded her, the only thing she could here was her heart thumping loudly in her chest, her breathing tense, her mind racing.
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