Hello! Welcome to this concept and interview with the people who made the story called The Warden horses; a myth of time. Today you will be interviewing with Hope of the forest and Kittycataco! They are going to talk about the art concepts, writing, and about making the story. Notice: There may contain some spoilers! And so, let’s get started interviewing......
Story making concepts[]
Kittycataco: How I thought of the horses was that I thought that if wardens needed to go somewhere, they would probably sit in a sort of car or something, but in Prodigy, nobody in prodigy sits in a car! So I thought they could use some horses to get around.
Hope of the forest: The Warden Horses, in my mind, are just a group of happy friends. But ever since Astrallia left, they’ve all been arguing and against each other. The whole story is based on them trying to get Astrallia back so they can be happy again.
Kittycataco: I tried making the story more hilarious then just a boring old novel where horses go out and save their friends, like the part where Norscope says he wants to put his toilet paper friend named Jeffeon on the Christmas tree when it is not even Christmas.
Hope of the forest: Stories always need to have (in my opinion) a Who, What, Where, When, and Why. The Who is the characters, the What is what happened to Astrallia, the Where is in the Prodigy universe, the When is any time, and the Why is because of the evil horses. This helps readers understand the story more.
Character Design[]
Hope of the Forest: All of the characters have their own unique personalities. Astrallia has the mother personality, Glacia has the overly-intelligent personality, Flora has the calm but easily triggered personality, Flameous has the bad boy personality, and Cora has the optimistic personality.
Kittycataco: Agreed with Hope of the forest, Norscope has a really strange personality, Murdia has a dull and dark personality, while Shadower and Radialte have a wicked personality. I was really excited when making Norscope because he is really funny but in a bad way, laugh out loud.
Art making concepts[]
Hope of the forest: I didn’t do any art.
Kittycataco: Drawing the horses were not Very hard. Some people like my other friends on other wikis who have read my story ask me what my drawing were inspired from, ok I will tell you, from Prodigy it’s self! The Mystembers, Mystyyks, and Mystile where my favorite pets in Prodigy. But for Glacia, I. Are it more like Pokémon’s Glaceon. And for Astrallia, I tried to make her more like Gale, or even a little Noot!