Guess I'll be updating this whenever I get a new idea
Crystal Warden[]
- Lucas is a void crystal statue now, Aurora tries her hardest to bring him back, at the cost of her emotional stability
- Voidwalker Aurora
- Keystones would still be broken at this point
- Alge - Aurora interaction
Prodigy's Capers (Placeholder Name)[]
- New universe, new cast
- Shortened adventures
- Wacky topics, or just your good 'ol lighthearted good vs evil with random setbacks
- Cartoonish physics, not excessive Looney Tunes stuff, though
- The antics would be random stuff like trying to prove the moon is flat, but then realizing the moon has been abducted and now they have to find and get it back (not because it's important to tides or anything, but to prove the moon actually is flat), committing breaking and entering for whatever reason, trying to deal with an issue while one of the cast with the skillset that would make the mission end much faster is currently moody for a certain puberty-related reason and therefore out of commission
- Likely would end up as being a short break from RoTW or a substitute for when we have no ideas
Quote Ideas[]
"Are you kidding? The world isn't flat! The moon is! And I would prove it to you, if it were still there!"
"Let's make some magic!"
"How far did you kick that rock?"
"Far enough for it to become relevant again probably three adventures later."
"Oh hey, look, it's the rock! How convenient!"
Magic Gauntlet[]
- Universe in which magic is not naturally harnessed by humans and creatures
- Magic is naturally found in replenishable orbs powering their respective areas
- Magic orbs are used in pet collars and wands to harness the elements
- Astral and Shadow orbs do not exist naturally
- A pair of gauntlets allows the user(s) to choose their element of choice as long as the gauntlet has come in contact with the element previously (absorbs elemental orb)
- Seems to randomly select an element when fist bumped together
- The gauntlets can be put on two different people and activated for each person, but only with half power
- The ability to select a different element on each gauntlet and use a fusion could be later unlocked
- The ability to select multiple elements at once could be unlocked
- Would facilitate unlocking three-element fusions, four-element fusions, Astral magic, Shadow magic, and other five-element fusions
- Requires a recharge after each use
- Please don't ingest the orbs. They will have to be surgically removed or upchucked before they painfully block up your excretory system and then kill you within a week. Assuming they don't release their magic inside of you and kill you instantly, that is.
Birth of Prodigy[]
- RotW (maybe one last crossover) rp
- Timeline/Multiverse shenanigans
- Antagonist destroys universes to recreate them and rid them of all negativity and injustice
- Leads to the RotW cast causing the birth of a new universe in the end
- Universe may utilize the new elemental synergy system (assuming we don't carry out the elemental reset plan)
- Might never be touched by us because we don't want to deal with the synergy
- Might use one of the new universe concepts above
- Universe is one of the above non-RoTW concepts but doesn't use the new element synergy
- Universe may utilize the new elemental synergy system (assuming we don't carry out the elemental reset plan)
Restoration of the Wardens[]
- The original RotW cast are 14 or 15 at this time
- A derivation of the Shadow element or the Element of Shadow itself has taken over the island
- All inhabitants of the island have their magic repressed by a barrier surrounding the island
- Chase and Lane have already met each other and grown up together, with Lane still being annoyed by Chase's puns, but still friends
- Samantha, Lucas, and Ian haven't met any of the original cast yet
- Storm is likely dead, Raid and Cloud are unknown
- Scratch that, Storm is a puppet now
- The trainees have already met each other, but have been forcibly split up
- The warden kids start having dreams about each other, yet don't recognize each other's faces
- Reveals that the timeline had been altered in some way by someone, leading to this future
- Leads to a mission to meet each other, the original trainees, and fix the timeline
- After timeline is fixed, the wardens and trainees living at the time of whatever the most recent canon RP is wake up in the middle of the night following the aforementioned RP and believe it is a dream at first until they realize they all had it and was not.
Tournament RP[]
- A tournament is being hosted on the island to determine who the strongest wizard team is
- Starts off normal
- One team is clearly comparatively weaker than the rest, constantly losing or barely eking out an occasional win
- Demoralized, they are approached by a group of experimentalists and make a deal with them, getting corrupted by a derivation of Shadow magic
- Said corrupted team begins to dominate the competition, going as far to injure wizards
- Other teams are forced to try to defeat and decorrupt them
Elemental Divide[]
- Set years in the future, the island of Prodigy has been split into different elemental zones, with wizards, fairies, and creatures that are native to the island are no longer able to master more than one type of magic, leading to the disappearance of Astral and Shadow magic
- The result of dystopian-like government actions
- Element restrictions
- Element based on birthplace
- A few wizards were born on borders between at least two zones and are capable of using the elements from those zones
- Seals are given to restrict magic
- Temporary seal that restricts all magic until the child chooses for themselves
- Parents can alternatively choose their child's element for them at birth
- Without seals, primary element could be based off of parents, but they still have access to other magic
- Element based on birthplace
- Government no likey because they believe Shadow magic could return
- All multi-element wizards are consequently hunted down and forced to make an attempt to escape the island
Darkness' Fallacy (or smth idk)[]
- An alliance of Shadow wizards rise up to halt all chaos and destruction on the island by attempting to unite everyone under one faction
- "No matter what you do, chaos, destruction, and death follow. You all claim to be helping the island, but look around. Look at your past. Look at yourselves. You've always failed to deal with the true issue. Your idea of 'balance' isn't working. It never has. Give it up."
- A RotW roleplay
- Not in the perspective of the RotW gang, but rather the Shadow Alliance.
- One of the second-gen RotW members gets a hold of the clock (most likely Grace or Hope) and decides to use it to try to fix all of the negative things in the past
- Leads to a screwed AU that has to be fixed
- Aeron (and maybe Raiden) avoid becoming subject to the timeline change by rifting into the range of the Timekeeper
- The CONSOLE gets locked, preventing the entities from doing anything with the CONSOLE and preventing them from entering the universe as their avatar or leaving it
- Universal chaos while the entities spend their week trying to reset the password
- New universe in which the team consists of a few kids that find themselves jumping through random points in time
- Each RP would be about them dealing with an event in the island's past or future because history lore development
Zero Hour[]
- RotW RP
- Temporal stuff ==$1#2^2#2&4$3&4 #2*3#2^2*1==
Character Concepts[]
Pocket Dimension Character[]
- Has a pocket dimension in their pocket
- Randomly pulls a weapon out of their pocket dimension
- Is obsessed with attaching telescopic sights to weapons
- e.g. Bo staff with a scope
- Most weapons in the pocket dimension already have a scope on them
- There is a secret scope with a scope in the pocket dimension, but nobody but them knows about it
"Timetraveler" Character[]
- Has a scar-tattoo on their arm that allows them to rewind time
Teleporting Character[]
- Infuses personalized magic in crystals
- Their magic links them to the crystal and its location, acting as a sort of checkpoint
- Teleports to magic-infused crystals
- Crystals can be used for long range or short range teleportation
- Teleportation drains mana depending on how far of a distance traveled and how frequently it is used
- Other characters can be teleported with them if they are in close proximity
Lazy Character[]
- A character too lazy to do anything significant or even obey universal mechanics
- Too lazy to lower their HP bar when they take damage
- Too lazy to die
- Too lazy to be affected by timeline shenanigans
- ...but not too lazy to be roped into a mission if promised several bags of chips?
- Two or more beings both having the status of a warden
- Not like Trainees and Wardens - both can use the keystone at once
- When both are using it, each can only control part of the keystone's power
Magicless Hope[]
- A result of an old void crystal (will likely call Phorite) still embedded in her arm and absorbing her magic as time goes on
- Would involve magic weakening, then getting abnormally and painfully powerful in very short bursts at random times
- Eventually loses her magic and/or loses her arm as well
- Hair would shift into a brown or black color (forgot what I decided her natural hair color was lol) as magic wanes - she could dye it back red
- Could regain magic later on
Battle Interactions[]
Genesis Battle System[]
- Utilizes the 2015 battle system
- Like the canon version, the heart count appears above a character's head in battle and the user can level up in battle
Legacy Battle System[]
- Utilizes the 2018 battle system
- Heart count will also appear above a character's head
- May appear if damage is taken or if the character has entered a battle ground
- When in a battle ground, the wizard's heart count is protected so that the heart count will not go below 0 and the subject will not perish while in battle
- Heart counts can be physically interacted with, but only stays tangible for extremely short periods of time.
- If fractured, healing is impossible to do beyond the initial crack
- If shattered, the owner dies
Renewed Battle System[]
- Utilizes the 2023 battle system with the Health, Power, Speed, and Defense stats, along with spell accuracy and fumbles
- Heart count can appear when damage is taken, but cannot be physically affected when intact
- Appears below the wizard (is actually on the ground, but gives the illusion that it appears below them)
- Heart count can also appear when entering a designated battle zone or when a challenge is accepted.
- In this case, the wizard and their heart count is protected in such a way that the heart count will not decrease below zero as a result of any damage taken from the battle
- Status Effects:
- Burning - the heart count is set on fire for a period of time, decreasing the subject's health and defense over time
- Freezing - the heart count is frozen, slowing the subject's speed
- Fractured - as a result of receiving near-fatal damage the heart count cracks and becomes tangible
- Shattered - as a result of receiving damage that was either fatal or to an already fractured heart count, the heart count reaches a negative value, breaks, and the subject dies
- MP Block - MP slots are blocked out by shrouds of shadow magic, rendering the subject unable to cast spells during the period, instead forcing them to dodge attacks until they can access their spells again
- Shrouds can be cleared with Astral Magic
- Buffs
- Defense Boost - Plant (or is it Earth? idk anymore) Magic is cast onto one's heart count, covering it with thick roots and vines, reducing the amount of damage that can be dealt to the subject
- Overcharged MP - Storm Magic is used on one's MP slots, giving the next used spell the ability to be Overcharged, which grants the possibility for the spell to either daze the opponent for one turn or reduce the aim of the next spell cast by the opponent by one bar
- Health Boost - Water Magic is used on one's heart count, extending their health a little bit beyond the health bar (about 100-300 additional health for the average wizard capable of using the ability) and boosting healing
Mind Illusion Battles[]
- A mind illusion is cast on an opponent, only instead of controlling them, they are forced into an illusory battle.
- The affected can still take damage within the illusion that will still apply when they break free.
- Advantages
- The caster can "fight" without risk of being hurt themselves
- Can be used as an escape tactic if necessary
- If in a team, allows the others to rest and recover
- If used mid-battle, the switches can be abrupt and even jarring for the target, leaving them more vulnerable unless they've somehow seen the attack before and know what to do
- Disadvantages
- Drains more mana the longer it is used
- Is meant to be single target, as more targets means more mana drained at a exponential rate
Random Quote Ideas[]
"Screw this, get the whole damn team out here."
"I won't give up. You hear me? I'm never going to give up! Never gonna give up! Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!"
"Did you just defeat him with a rickroll?"
"Aw come on, I'm sure the authorities can deal with it themse-wait...did you say the nearby Waffle Houses are closed? Welp, it's game over. The island is screwed. I'm going home. I propose we play some video games in our last moments."
- The cracking of one's heart count
- The Fractured cannot be healed, due to their damaged heart counts
- Most often caused by uncurable diseases, fatal or near fatal wounds, and depressive states
- Fractures due to emotional causes can be reversed, but only by the fractured themself
- Heart counts become tangible
- Occurs when one's heart count has shattered, most often after Fracturing
- Shatters only occur when the heart count has hit a negative value
- Signifies death
IDK where this goes now that I think about it[]
- Chase and Lane's childhood relationship
- Chase curses himself
- A group spell gone wrong makes Lane psychic
- Lane gets increasingly annoyed with Chase as he starts knowing of all of Chase's stupid ideas that could get him killed.
- It's all Chase's fault, really. ... It's my fault too. I should've seen this coming. I could've seen this coming. I could've stopped him. Now we're stuck in the past and-
- "There was a time that you once got upset when you ate all the pizza. Heck, there was a time you enjoyed pizza! Now you take some of the most minor things unnecessarily seriously-"
- "BECAUSE IT IS SERIOUS! YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I'VE SEEN YOU DIE? HOW MANY TIMES EVERYONE ELSE DIED? Heck, WE DID DIE! Back when we were twelve, I started seeing events that would take place up to 5 hours in the future. I disregarded them, even settled for the belief that they were daydreams. I saw all of us but Ian and Lucas die one time. Nightmare, right? We both know it wasn't. We all died that day, Chase. I once 'dreamed' that we found ourselves in an office in an ice after a clock fell on you. Guess when that turned out. "
Wardens' Speedrun[]
- RotW RPs but if they managed to fix the issues very quickly
- Better in a blooper format